Category Archives: Labor

What’s Worse, Hillary’s Darting Eyes, Or Her Crazy, Communistic Talk?

Hillary Clinton, Individual Rights, Labor, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Socialism

Hillary Clinton says crazy, communistic things. And people are looking at her darting eyes?

She said: “If you’re willing to work hard, you have the right to find a good job that pays well and let’s you do what you love and make your mark on the world.”

Really? If you have the right to all that; someone will be forced to provide you with your dream job. It won’t be Hillary Clinton, although I can see her trying to table laws that’ll allow someone to sue employers or taxpayers based on unrecognized potential.

It has to be said, this article, “I Don’t Need a Brain Test,”
is unfair to the woman.

Where Are The Trump Ads About America’s Dire Economic Indices?

Business, Donald Trump, Economy, Hillary Clinton, Labor

The participation rate in the economy is the lowest since the 1970s. Not since World War II have so many able-bodied American men of working age been out of the work force. Wages have declined commensurate with declining productivity, brought about by a lack of investment. In other words, if business operations are not well-capitalized and equipped with the latest technology; productivity will naturally decline.
New businesses are struggling to get off the ground.

These facts, discussed on The Journal Editorial Report this weekend, should be the stuff of non-stop Donald Trump ads, aired across the country.

Where are these Trump ads, pointing out that Hillary Clinton is clueless about economics. All Clinton grasps is government, the language of force.

My Family Would’ve Been Barred From The US Without Mega Skills

Donald Trump, Ilana Mercer, IMMIGRATION, Labor, South-Africa, Welfare

My Family would’ve not been allowed to immigrate to the US had we met Donald Trump’s new immigration criteria. These are:

* Establish reality on the ground (gritty, man!), illegally until amnestied.
* Obey all the other laws, except immigration and labor laws.
* Get a low-skills job, commensurate with meager abilities.
* Receive more in government reimbursements than you contribute to the economy over a lifetime—someone with few skills might work hard, but overall, his existence is subsidized by taxpayers throughout his lifetime.

No! If the principal in our family had been without that Extraordinary Abilities 0-1 Visa and had been unable to prove—via patents, work record and testimonials vetted à la the First World—that he had skills unique and needed in the US—we would not be here. We left so many good people behind, in South Africa, who’ll never be allowed to so much as farm (for example) in the US, because white, poor, Christian and without desirable college degrees. I know South Africans who’d gladly sell their farms in SA and come and work on farms in the US. They’re far more culturally compatible, but they’re not as politically cuddly as the cohort Trump is told to court. You know why.

Media are referencing a townhall with Sean Hannity to accuse Mr. Trump of pivoting in a new direction on immigration. Media might have a case. Via TIME:

… asked whether Trump would support changing the law to “accommodate those people that contribute to society, have been law-abiding, have kids here,” Trump replied in the affirmative.

“There certainly can be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people,” Trump said. “We want people—we have some great people in this country.”

Trump, who has previously called for a “deportation force,” suggested he would not try to toughen the existing immigration statutes, calling the lawmaking process “brutal.”

“We want to follow the laws, you know, we have very strong laws in this country,” Trump said. “And you know Bush, and even Obama, sends people back. Now we can be more aggressive on that but we want to follow the laws. If you start going around trying to make new laws in this country it’s a process that’s brutal. We want to follow the laws of this country, and if we follow the laws we can do what we have to do.”

Trump’s new position appears to be an embrace of the status quo, in which those in the U.S. illegally with criminal histories are prioritized for deportation, but no action is taken to push forward with comprehensive reform. …

Trump Going Back To His Real Roots

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Media

What an excellent call Donald Trump made in deploying Stephen Bannon of It was essential for Trump to tear himself away from his slick, branding-focused family members, which I called out as a mistake in “Corey Lewandowski’s A Class Act; What About Those Who Got Him Fired?!” Ivanka is a decorative, lovely girl. Extremely bright too. But she’s a liberal. You know it. (She thinks a wage gap exists because of sex-based discrimination, whereas, as I’ve pointed out for years, were women getting less money than men for the same skill set, men would have long since prices themselves out of the market. The fact that they haven’t, indicates other variables are at play such as uninterrupted employment, professions chosen (engineering as opposed education), etc.

Trump in CHARLOTTE, Speaking for the Forgotten; Can Americans Be DREAMERS?:

The Media Complex Reacts:

The Old Right Reacts:

The Voice Of The Voiceless:

America First, Not Other Nations, Not illegal Aliens:

Change Agent:

As Opposed to Same Agent: