Category Archives: Media

When The Moron Media Comes Calling

Donald Trump, Ilana Mercer, Media, Propaganda, Reason

I’ve just received an interview request from an august and large publication, but have not yet replied to the leading questions sent, for precisely the reasons AltRightist Vox Day enunciates, in “Controlled opposition or media indiscipline?”

Instead, I began a dialogue by crafting my meme, my message, entirely unrelated to the leading questions asked of me. If the publication picks up on my narrative and runs with it; I’ll partake. If they run with their own storyline; I won’t.

Still, Day’s comments about Richard Spencer’s mischief-making—excesses, as Paul Gottfried calls them—are illuminating. “Heilgate at National Policy Institute” is Vox’s twitter title for the blog post:

… You don’t play the media, the media plays you. Yes, Trump can play them. Yes, Milo can play them. But I’m not either of those unique talents and neither are you. [Personally, I’m not interested in being a media circus animal; but yes, Milo is very smart with the moron media.] I learned my lesson the hard way … I can’t count the number of times a reporter has said he “just wants to give me the opportunity to tell my side of the story”. It’s a trap. The way to get out your message is to patiently build your own platform, because he whom the media builds up is he whom the media can take down at will. … The media always has a narrative it is attempting to sell. Don’t help them sell it! …

PC Police Kills Humor; But Not For Long

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Media, Political Correctness, Race

“I could just put on some bronzer, get on a dingy boat and show-up in Sicily”: So says broadcaster Lauren Southern (at 6:12 minutes) about the ease of immigration if you’re … brown and illegals.

“No, no, no, no. We’re not saying things like that on my program,” recoils the self-righteous, Sky News anchor at Southern’s humorous reductio ad absurdum.

My guess is that our sanctimonious, Sky libtard will be out of a job sometime in the future. Mass media will be finding out who their audience would rather watch and hear. My money’s on Southern (as it was on President-elect Trump all along.)

UPDATE III (1/9): No Sanctuary (TV) Station Or Safe Space From Megyn Kelly

Celebrity, Media, Neoconservatism, Pop-Culture, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

There’s no TV station or program that provides sanctuary or a safe space from Megyn Kelly. Today the Fox News celebrity anchor shared her Dr. Phil philosophy on Tucker Carlson’s 4-day-old show. I remember the “self-help bromide” Kelly disgorged because she’s mouthed it before. “Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.” (Smiles smugly after she says this trite thing, as though she’s “gifted” the world with something special. Oh yes, she has: herself.)

Garry Kasparov is also a nuisance, a neoconservative activist, the equivalent of Ahmed Chalabi.

UPDATE I (12/19): I’m too sexy for the world.

UPDATE II (1/9):


UPDATED (11/17): Media Gets Madder Since Election

Donald Trump, Elections, Law, Media, Neoconservatism, Race

BBC postmortem:

No. Not Nikki Haley, John Bolton & Mitt Romney:

Yes to Kris Kobach, who’s being smeared by media (so he’s probably a shoo-in). It’s Jeff Sessions’ turn:

Yes to Jim Webb:

Listen to Ron Paul:

Riots are so Third World:

Steve Bannon defenders should say to his detractors,’Screw you’
especially to Harry Reed:

Blacklash is fine, but not ‘Whitelash’:

Media has an about-face about bias… scarp that.

Ted Cruz was recommended in my book, back in June 29:

Will the neocon rats be allowed to jump back on the ship?

Since we no longer have a federal scheme, let’s just WIN (my book’s argument).

Matthews with a moment of lucidity:

Purging the AltRight begins: