Category Archives: Media

Megyn Kelly & The Dr. Phil Pop-Therapy Idiom

Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Media, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

Bossy bimbo Megyn Kelly ordered Newt Gingrich to work on his “anger issues,” when he scolded her over her tilted and salacious coverage of Donald Trump. (See: “For Once, Trump Surrogate Gets Aggressive With Mainstream Media’s Megalo-Megyn.”)

Paul Joseph Watson of Prison Planet tweets: “All disagreement = anger. Anger card.”

I see it differently. The “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” covers the destructive role played by showgirl Megyn Kelly in anti-Trump feminist agitprop. As I point out in the book, by her own admission, “the anchoring ‘philosopher’ in Kelly’s life is Oprah Winfry’s protégé TV pop-psychologist Dr. Phil.” So she naturally gravitates to pop-psychology as her explanatory idiom.

Megyn Kelly’s a pop tart. That’s all.

For Once, Trump Surrogate Gets Aggressive With Mainstream Media’s Megalo-Megyn

Donald Trump, Feminism, Media, Propaganda

“I’m sick and tired of people like YOU using inflammatory indefensible language. You cannot defend calling Donald Trump a ‘sexual predator.’ When you use the words ‘sexual predator, you took an indefensible position. You are fascinated with sex and don’t care about public policy.”Newt Gingrich to Megyn Kelly.

Punished on June 29, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” covers the destructive role played by showgirl Megyn Kelly in anti-Trump feminist agitprop.

I’ve also covered how, instead of hitting the enemy with brute force; Trump’s chosen surrogates, with few exceptions, have worked harder to ingratiate themselves on CNN or MSNBC hosts.

A bully needs to be brutalized back.

Via Gateway Pundit:

Megyn Kelly: he had a rough first debate. He took the bait on Alicia Machado. He stayed in that trap for a week. The Access Hollywood tape came out. Which was not produced by Hillary Clinton. (Does she have proof of that?) That was Trump on camera talking…

Newt Gingrich: Megyn, I just heard you go through this with Governor Pence. I get it. I know where you’re coming from. Let me point out something to you. The three major networks spent 23 minutes attacking Donald Trump that night and 57 seconds Hillary Clinton’s secret speeches. You don’t think this is a scale of bias worthy of Pravda and Izvestia?

Megyn Kelly: If Trump is a sexual predator that is…

Newt Gingrich: He’s not a sexual predator.

Megyn Kelly: OK that’s your opinion.

Newt Gingrich: You cannot defend that statement…

Megyn Kelly: I think your defensiveness on this may speak volumes, sir.

How Does Trump Win A Debate With The Crooked Media Filtering It?

Donald Trump, Media

Tell me: How does Donald Trump win with the crooked media? When he wins, media say en masse ( or enact it, in the case of SNL) that he lost.

He won the second debate hands-down. Hillary Clinton was on the ropes, worn out. The malfunctioning media right away began transmitting that Trump lost. Which is what prompted me to write in advance of the debate’s conclusion that, “Despite What The Moron Media Will Say, TRUMP Won 2nd Presidential Debate.”

After the 2nd winning debate, the crooked media filtered and refracted it through their twisted lens. To that end, they showed very little excerpts of it, allowing the amnesic public to forget Trump’s masterful, overall knockout.

At the onset, when announcing for president, Trump ought to have started his own TV channel.

Newsgate 2016:

CNN Journo Brian Stelter Declares It Dangerous To Question Integrity of System

Critique, Donald Trump, Elections, Government, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

For a journalist to discourage an inquisitive stance, even distrust, toward government and the elections process is astounding. That’s CNN Journo Brian Stelter for you.

After a primary in which the delegate system, Republican and Democrat, was exposed for the truly iffy operation it is—the smarmy Mr. Stelter still inveighs against any skepticism at all about voting irregularities in America. To even suggest as much is “dangerous,” Stelter declared.

In his “Trump’s Biggest Lies” segment, Stelter offers non sequitur, assertion, as opposed to argument, and no facts for his position. This Stelter does not consider “a propaganda technique.”

One particular Stelter howler:

Journos “are not anti-Trump, they’re pro-democracy.”

In his assertion of no voter fraud, Stelter, a man bereft of an inquiring mind, fails to consider the redefining of what includes voter fraud. Indirect voter fraud. For example, the “Feds wrongly granting citizenship to hundreds facing deportation.” These, and many other recipients of “mistaken” grants of government privilege, might vote. Voting by illegals turned legal will result in a form of voter fraud, caused by government. This indirect voter fraud is not covered by law or considered by those researching voter fraud.

Brian Stelter is dangerous to journalism.