Category Archives: Media

Media’s ‘Dah’ Moment On Election 2016 And Demographics

Donald Trump, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race

NPR (May 10, 2016): “… there is also the potential that this fall’s presidential battlegrounds could be re-sorted — pitting white, working-class voters, whom Trump is appealing to, against Latino voters, who appear to be in Clinton’s corner. Traditional ways of thinking about the map should and will be challenged.”

Wow. A year on, and the penny may be dropping.

And: “… at this point, polling is almost irrelevant. The cases have not been litigated yet; the campaigns have not been waged; neither candidate has even officially crossed the magic number to win his or her respective primaries yet.”

The Wrong-All-The-Time Media is “rethinking.” Does this mean slow Nate Silver will begin to ask why his numbers fit his hypothesis, but do not comport with reality? There’s another “genius.”

Looks Like Donald Has Been Duped By Megyn Kelly

Celebrity, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Media

By golly, Megyn Kelly is show-biz good. She got Donald Trump to heap praise on her on national TV for “reaching out,” to use millennial speak, when in fact she was the desperate party who, during the past year, placed her inflated ego before the journalistic obligation to suck it up and get the story.

So Trump has succumbed, and has exposed himself to this intellectual floozy’s much-hyped, yet-to-be screened interview. And what does Kelly ask him?

The same sort of question that started the Kelly-Trump feud: a deceptive probe; a question that in itself suggests certain things about the man’s character, veracity and emotional make-up.

“You seemed to stay angry for months. Was that real, or was that strategy?”

Kelly has deployed this method before, highlighted in “Megyn Kelly’s ‘Journalistic’ Method.” But Trump is not keeping up with her cunning ploys.

Trump’s response, as always, is truthful, candid. But his acquiescence in Kelly’s self-aggrandizement (plain for all to see) was unwise in the extreme.

“Well I’m a real person,” the real estate titan responded. “I have great respect for you that you were able to call me and say ‘Let’s get together, let’s talk.’ To me, I would not have done that,” he admitted further.

MORE Megalo-Megyn promo.

Now That He Won, Loser Neocons Have An Ultimatum For TRUMP

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Media, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Propaganda, Republicans

In Indiana, Donald Trump effectively clinched the Republican nomination based on his America First platform. Naturally, the OUTGOING neoconservative establishmentarians have an ultimatum for him.

Well, of course.

To exulting whoops from Foxette Gretchen Carlson, the foxy war-for-the-world Pete Hegseth said it was time for Trump to stop his nonsense, quit denouncing Bush II and his Good War on Iraq, and start blaming ONLY Barack Obama for its failure.

Have the losers forgotten that “Trump Called Bush A Liar & Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)”?

The rest of the gang, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, etc., have been fulminating—suggesting Kumbaya moments and VP candidates to Trump; candidates and a unity the base has rejected for a reason.

Apparently, now that Donald Trump has won the nomination, it’s time for him to capitulate to the neoconservatives.

It’s so obvious.

So that’s what the above characters mean when they mumble about bringing the putrefied Republican Party together again.

WARNING: If Trump heeds his hosts at Fox News, he’ll lose The Country, a country he can capture.

Veteran CNN Panelist ‘Thinks’ Trump Candidacy Focused On ‘Cultural Issues’

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Media, Republicans

“I used to watch CNN back when it was a news network,” mocked comedian Larry Wilmore. So right. It’s hard to sit through a session with a procession of vacuous panelists, plonked along long desks, conducting dual-perspective screaming matches.

One of them, Amanda Carpenter, squeaked out that now that Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, the shift of the debate will be to new, oddball social/cultural issues, different from the old abortion, gay marriage preoccupations.

No one will miss the latter obsessions, including the potty problem in North Carolina. But what on earth is Carpenter talking about?

Is building a wall on the Southern border a “cultural rage” thing?

Is negotiating beneficial trade deals a social issue?

Is charging NATO members 100% of the costs of defending them a social issue? (That plan, too, is lacking. The US should withdraw from all forever-binding treaties and sign short-term individual deals as needed. The Japanese, for instance, hate the US military presence in Okinawa; they don’t think it’s good for them. Ditto Europeans about American military presence there; they prefer Muslim subversives. So are Americans for America First sick of trundling around the world aimlessly, oft destructively.)