Category Archives: Media

Liberal Libel & Anti-White Race Onslaught Intensifies

Donald Trump, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race, Racism

Wow, Donald Trump is so right about the filthy fudging of facts and definitions courtesy of America’s malfunctioning media. Jared Taylor, the object of scorn in “Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists,” is a white nationalist, not a white supremacist. Even Wikipedia gets that right. But not the New York Times’ incompetent, malevolent JONATHAN MAHLER. Oh no.

Donald Trump isn’t “exploit[ing] a mood of mistrust and resentment across much of the electorate”; he’s reflecting it. Do the left-liberal, northeastern elites not realize how hated they are for their libel and lies?

UPDATE II: Chris Matthews Offers Profundities On What’s Behind Trump

America, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Nationhood, Political Philosophy, Republicans

Chris Matthews of Hardball offered a most unusual commentary, unusual because insight and depth are rare these days at MSNBC (the network that fired Pat Buchanan):

Trump stands out there with something the other candidates lack, a compelling message. Trump speaks, like it or not, as an American. He goes after Putin [sic], the Chinese, the Pope and the presidents of Mexico. He even says he’ll be even-handed with Israel and its neighbors.

Trump speaks as a nationalist, that’s how he talks. He speaks not of how he’ll handle the job of president—how he’ll operate the government of Washington, what bills he will sign or veto, but, rather, how he will lead America in the world.

Trump’s rivals for the presidency speak of government; he speaks of country, this country, and that makes all the difference. Someone like Rubio cannot contest Trump on this level. It’s too late for him to try or even imagine fully what Trump is doing. Rubio cannot at this late stage muster a winning strategy.

Trump has one. It’s in his slogan. Make America great again.

WATCH Matthews & This extraordinary situation in the GOP.

UPDATE I (2/27):


UPDATED: Murdoch Media’s Megyn Kelly Busts A Move For Marco

Donald Trump, Elections, Media, Neoconservatism

Before Jeb Bush dropped out of the race for president, Megyn Kelly, crypto-Rubio supporter and quasi TV journalist, kept egging sleepy Jeb on to tackle the “quarterback who’s running with the ball.” Last night, GOP groupie Kelly was bobbing and weaving—busting a move—to describe Her Man Rubio’s style during CNN-Telemundo’s Republican debate, 2/25.

Check the show girl’s moves, 2:53 minutes into this segment. “We saw Rubio out there like a prize fighter just jabbing and bouncing and smiling and enjoying himself,” Kelly crescendos.

This is what’s become of TV journalism.

UPDATED (2/28):

Mainstream Celebrates Trump’s Debate Defeat

Donald Trump, Elections, Media, Politics, Republicans

I’ve been brutal about Donald Trump’s debates; the repetitious mantras, especially (all while he does much better and provides more meat in townhalls). But last night, at the CNN-Telemundo Republican debate in Houston, Trump did quite well. Quick repartee is important. And The Donald had the quick quips coming.

Not according to the transparent wish-fulfillment media, which saw only what they wanted to see. Hence the headlines:

“Donald Trump’s Terrible Night at the Republican Debate in …”

“Luntz [aka Kelly File] Focus Group: Rubio Wins But Trump Dominates the …”

“GOP Debate: Rubio Trashes Trump for Repeating Scripted Talking Points.”

“Marco Rubio Does a Withering Takedown of Donald Trump” is a headline on the NYT, article inaccessible.

The Guardian, a British rag, messed with the truth (lied): “Trump has built a populist movement of discontented blue collar,” it claimed.

In reality, Trump’s demographics are all-encompassing.