Category Archives: Media

Mainstream Celebrates Trump’s Debate Defeat

Donald Trump, Elections, Media, Politics, Republicans

I’ve been brutal about Donald Trump’s debates; the repetitious mantras, especially (all while he does much better and provides more meat in townhalls). But last night, at the CNN-Telemundo Republican debate in Houston, Trump did quite well. Quick repartee is important. And The Donald had the quick quips coming.

Not according to the transparent wish-fulfillment media, which saw only what they wanted to see. Hence the headlines:

“Donald Trump’s Terrible Night at the Republican Debate in …”

“Luntz [aka Kelly File] Focus Group: Rubio Wins But Trump Dominates the …”

“GOP Debate: Rubio Trashes Trump for Repeating Scripted Talking Points.”

“Marco Rubio Does a Withering Takedown of Donald Trump” is a headline on the NYT, article inaccessible.

The Guardian, a British rag, messed with the truth (lied): “Trump has built a populist movement of discontented blue collar,” it claimed.

In reality, Trump’s demographics are all-encompassing.

UPDATED: ‘All In’ Tartlet’s Distaste For ‘The Trump Coalition’

America, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

Just as I was starting to tune in to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes more frequently—I realize this is not saying much, but these days, MSNBC’s daytime news programming is better than Fox’s—when on came a self-important creature named Olivia Nuzzi (three minutes and 45 seconds into the clip titled “The Trump Coalition”).

This affectatious Millennial cut her journalistic teeth by going public with a salacious tell-all starring … herself, of course, as the perspicacious Democratic intern. (Please don’t make me read this girl’s diarrheic, mushy, thinking-averse, pop-politics. I do enough penance for you, my reader.)

The Nuzzi tart’s attitude to Trump’s thumping majorities was that of calculated contempt. Donald Trump addresses them, she psychologized, at the level with which they are comfortable. He connects with them on a visceral, not intellectual plain (it goes without saying that Nuzzi thinks Trump supporters are truly stupid).

Nuzzi speak: “What defines these people … ” “They” [the silly people] don’t like politicians because of the way [politicians] speak. [After all, stupid people can’t grasp wonk talk like me, Nuzzi.] “Trump talks at a lower level.” That’s what these people like about him.”

Arrogant girl.

Left and right, Trump has broad support among Americans. “Journalists” as young as Nuzzi ought to treat their subjects with dignity. The people she writes about know a thing or two Nuzzi doesn’t yet know and probably will never know.

If anything, Trump’s army is reciprocating; returning The Love. Donald Trump, unlike this little Lena Dunham of journalism, truly loves the Common American.

For his part, Chris Hayes, at least, thanked his pro-Trump interviewees who seemed hip to his bias, but were ever so gracious. What I heard from them was: “I like businessmen,” “I like bold,” he might fix things in D.C., “I voted for Obama twice.”

Wow, do Hayes and his hussy guest have a handle on this complex and oddly marvelous uprising (not)!

UPDATE 2/25:

Preach It: ‘People That Are Smart Know The War In Iraq Was A Disaster’

Bush, Donald Trump, Iran, Media

Pompous CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR, imagined he’d still get the upper hand with a post-South Carolina Donald Trump, but ended up changing the subject … quite a bit.

WALLACE: To the larger point, I mean, whether it was lying or whether it was the mandate — particular now that there’s going to be more and more focus on everything you say, do you think you have to be more careful?

TRUMP: …The case of the war — the war in Iraq was a disaster. By the way, I was against it at the beginning. And Joe Scarborough can show you do that because fortunately he found a clip. But the fact that I said they a successful military operation, maybe it might have been successful as an opening operation, but I was opposed to the war. The war in Iraq was a disaster, OK? It may have been the worst decision ever made, ever made in the country. OK? That’s how bad it was.

WALLACE: But, sir, respectfully — I mean, that wasn’t the issue. The issue is whether or not we were lied into war. I don’t necessarily —


TRUMP: Well, right now that’s for other people to term — I don’t say yes or no. I’m not saying yes or no. I’m saying let somebody else determine. …

… Look, the war in Iraq was a disaster. The reason I won by such a large number is that while the pundits, including yourself, thought I made a mistake when I took on Bush on that issue — and I have nothing against Bush. I don’t even know the president. I never met him.

But when I took on Bush on that issue, I never felt it was a bad thing to do because people that are smart know that the war in Iraq was a disaster. And even Jeb Bush in the end admit that the war in Iraq was not a good thing.

WALLACE: New question, new subject.



“Why So Many Americans Don’t Support Attacking Iraq”

UPDATED: Pompous Richard Dreyfuss Disses … Ted Cruz On Kelly File

Constitution, Donald Trump, Hollywood, Media, Politics, Republicans

Fox News entertainer Megyn Kelly slobbered and fawned over actor Richard Dreyfuss for being so “courageous” and intellectually curious as to attend a Ted Cruz rally. Talk about awarding Brownie Points for nothing. Ridiculous.

The pompous little man whose ancestors were all socialists then got to tell the show girl and her viewers this:

KELLY: What were your impressions of Cruz?

RICHARD DREYFUSS: Well, I went to hear whether or not there would be a difference between what I was hearing through the TV camera and live. And what was disappointing is that there was no difference. They sounded equally kind of silly.

Cruz is a lot of things but he seldom sounds silly.

Incidentally, the transcript indicates that the son had done the Cruz belittling. Not so. I heard the broadcast; it was pompous daddy DREYFUSS.

Five minutes and 45 second into the self-important ponderous interaction, you can see I’m right. It was Senior who offered that Cruz sounded silly. Show girl showed her intellectual incuriosity and declined to probe further.

UPDATE (2/27):