Category Archives: Media

Muslims Are Targets; Jews ‘Random’ Victims

Anti-Semitism, Islam, Judaism & Jews, Media

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin is reliable and unremarkable in channeling her network’s all-too predictable double standards. Yesterday, before an investigation into the motive for their murders had been concluded—Brooke was celebrating the lives of 23-year-old Deah Barakat, his wife, 21- year-old Yusor Mohammad; and her sister, 19-year-old Razan Mohammad, while also privileging the theory of a hate crime.

The three young Muslim students had been “shot and killed” in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina, area, over what seems to be a dispute over a parking bay.

One of the biggest questions here, as this man has been taken into custody, and one of the questions is, was this a hate crime. We’re they targeted based on their culture and their religion? They father of these young women seems to think so based upon a number of instances in the past with this individual you’re looking at on the screen.


KHAN: You know, we live in a time of intense individualism [prick] and consumerism and these three served as shining examples to youth all over the world of the hearts that they have, the importance of serving others. They lived for something greater than themselves.

I met Deah many years ago. Him and his wife, Yusor, helped launch the United Muslim Relief Triangle Chapter. The younger sister, Razan, was a current officer in our chapter at the UMR Triangle Chapter in Raleigh/Chapel Hill and Durham. And her job was monthly feedings for the homeless. And she would set up feedings where our students and young volunteers would go out every month and serve the people of Raleigh. And that should tell you everything you need to know about the characters of these people. These were the best of the best. These are the kind of people, characters, the kind of children that every parent dreams for. And it’s a tragic, tragic loss for the community.

BALDWIN: I’m so glad you pointed out the monthly homeless feedings. I’ve seen pictures on the Internet. I mean it’s not just that Deah was going to go to Turkey this summer, but this is something they did daily, weekly, monthly. Can you talk to me a little bit more about Deah’s trip, though, to Turkey this summer? I mean why was this so important to him?

KHAN: You know, Deah was following in his brother’s footsteps also. His brother, Fatis (ph), served with us and served Syrian refugees in Turkey before. This is a family that has inspired many people in the community. It’s not just – it wasn’t just Deah. It was the brother and the sister. And what Deah was doing was getting together — help to get dental – meet the dental needs of Syrian refugees. And this is something that no one really discusses or talks about. It’s really, really hard to inspire people to get them involved for something like dental relief, but it’s something that’s so important that we don’t realize. And he picked up something that was so tough and went after it and did a great job. And if you – and I really hope this mission continues and it will be fulfilled. And we’re going to do our best to hopefully support them and make sure that this is recorded on his good deeds.

BALDWIN: The – I read a quote a moment ago from “The Raleigh News and Observer,” from the two women’s father saying that he feels absolutely that the three of them were attacked because of their religion, because of their culture. And when you look at the suspect’s FaceBook page, and I’m not wasting anyone’s time reading any of it, but it’s clearly very anti-religion. And I’ll just leave it there. I was looking at Deah’s Twitter feed and one of the tweets I just

At first, it sounded as if the students, who were fine kids, had been singled out for their faith, the giveaway being the women’s attire. However, from his Facebook postings (so many know-nothings; so many unabashed opinions) it would appear that the perpetrator was an atheist zealot who hated religion with a passion and often defended Muslims with reference to Christian hypocrisy.

What I would like to know is where are Baldwin’s eulogies and accolades for “Yoav Hattab, son of Tunisian chief rabbi,” who was incidental collateral, if one is to believe Barack Obama, in the attack in Paris on “a Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket?

The-Camel-Ate-My Homework Theory Of Culpability

Britain, Crime, Europe, Foreign Policy, Free Will Vs. Determinism, Islam, Jihad, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Media

“The-Camel-Ate-My Homework Theory Of Culpability” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… Disaffected, disadvantaged, disenfranchised is how progressives prefer to depict the Muslim murderers in their midst. After all, progressives hail from the school of therapeutic “thought” that considers crime to have been caused, not committed. Misbehavior is either medicalized and outsourced to state-approved experts, or reduced to the fault of the amorphous thing called society.

The most famous advocate of the-Camel-Ate-My Homework theory of criminal culpability is Barack Obama. Obama’s flabby assumption has it that the poor barbarians of France’s burbs have been deprived of fraternité. “Europe needs to better integrate its Muslim communities,” lectured the president.

Also guilty of a social determinism that flouts their philosophy of individual freedom are libertarians. For the sins of man, hard leftists blame society and libertarian saddle the state: U.S. foreign policy, in particular. A war of aggression, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, and torture are thus “principal catalysts for this kind of non-state terrorism,” argued Ray McGovern.

“The-state-made-me-do-it” argumentation apes that of the left’s “society-made-me-do-it” argumentation. Both philosophical factions, left and blowback-libertarian, are social determinists, in as much as they implicate forces outside the individual for individual dysfunction.

Myself, I despise U.S. foreign policy as deeply as any Muslim. But it would never-ever occur to me to take it out on my American countrymen.

In the context of free will, and in a week in which we remember the Holocaust, Viktor E. Frankl rates a mention.

Dr. Frankl came out of Auschwitz to found the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy. The philosopher and distinguished psychiatrist said this of his experience in the industrial killing complex of Auschwitz-Birkenau: “In the camps one lost everything, except the last of the human freedoms, to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

To plagiarize another Jews (myself): “You can see why liberals have always preferred Freud to Frankl [my family included]. They retain a totemic attachment to the Freudian fiction that traumatic toilet training is destiny.”

Dr. Frankl lost his beloved young wife in Auschwitz, yet told poignantly of finding her, if figuratively, in a tiny bird that flitted close by. If this man was able to discovered the reality of free will and human agency in a laboratory like Auschwitz; so too can Muslims find the will to respond adaptively to events that enrage them and are indeed unjust: Western foreign policy.

The idea that the Brothers Kouachi and thousands of their coreligionists in the West who’ve joined ISIS were driven by “disaffection” to do their diabolic deeds conjures a skit from the “Life of Brian,” John Cleese’s parody of Judea under Rome. …

The complete column is “The-Camel-Ate-My Homework Theory Of Culpability.” Read the rest on WND.

UPDATED: Fun In The Sun @ 64°F (Breaking No-News)


While the media-political complex focuses exclusively on the storm engulfing the Northeast, the temperature is 64°F in our neck of the woods, in the great Pacific Northwest. Look out for each other; the political elites of Sodom and Gomorrah will surely look out for themselves.

UPDATE (1/27): BREAKING NO-NEWS. Yes, but is wicked weather a legitimate topic for non-stop “breaking News” coverage?! Only in America.

Celebrity Journos Green Over GloZell Green

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Ethics, Journalism, Media, Morality

Lamestream media is furious that President Barack Obama has granted interviews not to their own—to the likes of fancy pants Megyn Kelly, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper or Rachel Mad Cow. Oh no. Knowing full-well that he presides over an Idiocracy—how else did he get elected?—the president has always made an effort to get in touch with idiots. (Interviewer Hank Green is not an idiot.) This time, it’s three YouTube “content creators,” as people who suction their faces and body parts to an internet camera are known.

I’m enjoying the whining of Kelly and company about Obama doing damage to the dignity of The Office. What dignity??!!

Other than their airs and graces, celebrity journos are not that different from the freaks of YouTube. (The Green kid is an exception; he seems to be doing a good job of it.) They’re narcissists, who live not for the truth, but for a seat at the Annual White House Sycophant’s Supper, or alongside the smarmy, unfunny Jon Stewart, or next to the vaginas of The View.

Bill O’Reilly or Bethany Mota: The number of hits, the ratings and the invitations; that’s what this lot lives for.

The new journalism:

Hank Green — One of the main voices in YouTube’s vibrant education community, Hank and his brother John produce content on a variety of topics, ranging from science to the environment to current events.
Bethany Mota — An iconic young millenial creator, Bethany connects with her subscribers around life as a young woman growing up in America.
GloZell Green — The most-followed African American woman on YouTube, GloZell engages her audience in conversations about topics such as music, popular culture, and current events.