Category Archives: Military

Should The Right Quit Gushing About The Military? Ya Think

Democrats, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Republicans, The State

Most of you will have noticed how many of the military brass have aligned with the Left.

Via The Economist:

The armed forces—[once] a generator and focus of patriotic fervour—were 75% white in 1990; now around 45% of their members are from mostly Democratic-voting minorities. And just as Roosevelt was able to push his values by enlarging his coalition, so the extremism of the right is expanding the left. The many veterans, of all ethnicities, who ran for the Democrats in the 2018 mid-terms proved that.

A row between Tucker Carlson, a Fox News talking-head, and Senator Tammy Duckworth encapsulated these developments. Mr Carlson accused her of hating America after she expressed willingness to debate the appropriateness of celebrating George Washington, a slave-owner. Nonsense, said Ms Duckworth, a half-Asian former army pilot: her views reflected her commitment to “every American’s right to speak out”. She had fought for her country—and lost her legs—for that, she said.


The politics of patriotism: Americans are becoming less vulnerable to flag-waving opportunists. This is bad for the president.


A Message To America’s Anti-Trump, Never-Won-A-War, Treacherous General Officers And Admirals.”


Un-gushing Columns

UPDATE II (12/5/022): If They Can’t Kill Directly, US Neocons Steal From Iranians To Starve ‘Em

Argument, Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Iran, Justice, Middle East, Military, Neoconservatism, Political Economy

If they are not permitted to invade countries not theirs, US neoconservative, Deep-State establishments, like the U.S. Justice Department, find ways to kill indirectly.

From their standpoint, American men and matériel should be allowed to reach all corners of the world. If they can’t move in directly for the kill, these mercenaries will find ways to kill indirectly.

The neoconservative faction is unperturbed by the fact that Iran has been crippled economically; that millions live below the poverty line there because of constant economic sanctions, cheered by chubby Michael Pompeo, US secretary of state.

Likewise, under Barack Obama’s reign of terror abroad—the Iranian currency lost 65 percent of its value and endured a SWIFT and devastating eviction from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

Iranians are starving, due to sanction. So, what does the US do? Steal the oil they own and are trying to sell to stay alive.

On Friday, the DoJ announced the U.S. had seized more than 1.1 million barrels of petroleum, owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, from four merchant tankers bound for Venezuela.

“The government announced today that it has successfully executed the seizure order and confiscated the cargo from all four vessels, totaling approximately 1.116 million barrels of petroleum. With the assistance of foreign partners, this seized property is now in U.S. custody,” reads a statement from the Department of Justice.
“These actions represent the government’s largest-ever seizure of fuel shipments from Iran.”

… A seizure order for the cargo from all four vessels was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Jeb Boasberg of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia,” reads the statement.

The nature of the political dispensation in Iran is none of America’s business. Poverty and hunger are widespread in “rich” America. Iranians do not fix on invading us and replacing our immiserating leaders.

Image: 57 Million Below the Poverty Line

UPDATE (8/17):
Facebook has censored my anti-starving-Iran post: My anti-starving-and-stealing-from-Iran blog post is here. Who would have thunk? It’s a pretty conventional, anti-starving-Iranian position, common among principled libertarians

Iranians have not killed and maimed and terrorized Americans; Saudi Arabians have!! For another, why suddenly such belief in what US intelligence “says” a/b anything? Lastly: regional conflicts. Let Israel & Saudis police their neighborhoods.

UPDATE (12/5/022) : And, we freeze Iranian assets. Why of course. We are America The Good. Ask Dinesh D’Souza. He’ll tell you in his hermetically “tight” argumentation style that because we are good, we can steal from other nations. I’m convinced. You?

Iranian frozen assets in international accounts are calculated to be worth between $100 billion[1][2] and $120 billion.[3][4][5] Almost $2 billion of Iran’s assets are frozen in the United States.[6] According to the Congressional Research Service, in addition to the money locked up in foreign bank accounts, Iran’s frozen assets include real estate and other property. The estimated value of Iran’s real estate in the U.S. and their accumulated rent is $50 million.[1] Besides the assets frozen in the U.S., some parts of Iran’s assets are frozen around the world by the United Nations.[1]

A Message To America’s Anti-Trump, Never-Won-A-War, Treacherous General Officers And Admirals

Crime, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Justice, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Neoconservatism

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, put on quite the show, with his moronic mea culpa, “declaring,” on Thursday June 11, 2020, that “he’d been wrong to stride in uniform with [President] Trump past protesters who had been cleared from Lafayette Square to a photo op at a church.”

Michael Scheuer, anti-war military analyst, former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and long-time neocon slayer, has the right answer.

Scheuer offers the most lacerating rebuke to the “several dozen of these “treacherous flag officers,” to “America’s anti-Trump, never-won-a-war general officers and admirals”:

Over three or four days last week, America’s general officer corps again disgraced itself to the bottom of its never dirty or bloody combat boots. Two Marine generals, James Mattis and John Allen, the Navy’s Admiral Mike Mullen, and, most recently, Army General Colin Powell have damned with “contemptuous words” the President of the United States for trying to suppress multiple coup attempts and a broad domestic insurrection now nearing the start of its fourth year. …

These four oily cretins bring the total of America’s anti-Trump, never-won-a-war general officers and admirals to a total of several dozen. For anyone who doubts the reality of serial coup attempts during the Trump administration, they need look no further than these treacherous flag officers. As a group, they are emitting a stench that can only remind Americans of the stink from the many Latin American and African countries that regularly have been ruined and bloodied by disloyal, power-loving, and money-grubbing senior military officers.

Americans has been lucky. For most of the republic’s history, the U.S. military has performed loyally and silently. America has had a good-long run of success at keeping the always latent threat of a military-wrecked nation at bay. There have been generals – George McClelland and Douglas MacArthur – who straddled the line that separates loyalty and coup-making, but now there are dozens.

What we are seeing today, in the retired U.S. flag officers seeking to aid the overthrow of a legitimately elected president and administration, proves the correctness of Brutus’s judgement that “perhaps a greater danger” from a standing army was that it would work at “overturning the constitutional powers of the government, and assuming the power to dictate any form they please.” Not being men of character, manliness, and moral courage such as those who predominated at our founding, these generals and admirals have aligned themselves with a Democratic Party that has pledged itself to the destruction of the Constitution and so republican government. If the Democrats succeed, they will reward the Trump-hating generals and award them with the highly-paid honor of trying to bloodily cow the citizenry into their new status as slaves to madmen.

The time has come to see these generals and admirals for what they are: time-serving, uniformed bureaucrats, men and women who live like kings while serving, and strut into corporation-provided fortunes after they retire. Americans have been propagandized into believing that these flag officers are nearly gods, and so applaud them for their service to the country and treat their words as if they were the product of savants.

In doing so, Americans seem to forget that these generals and admirals have not won a war since 1945, and that they are monumental hypocrites. When these officers attend the funeral of a young Marine or soldier killed in war, they turn, at the service’s end, to the parents of the deceased and assure them that their son or daughter had died to protect liberty in the United States. In this action, they lie like the bastards they are. No war since September, 1945, has threatened American liberty at home, though the government’s involvement in such unnecessary wars always did so, and also increased the taxpayers’ burden to extortionate levels.

Alongside the flag officers’ lies, stands their abject lack of personal moral courage. None of them, that I am aware of, have ever told a grieving parent that, while serving, he or she had been a willing gutless wonder, a man or woman ready and eager to lead their sons and daughters to their deaths in wars that they knew the commander-in-chief had no intention of winning.

Those deaths paid the price of unmerited glory for the generals and admirals who are now helping the Democrats to destroy the republic.

READ: Some U.S. generals and admirals are trying to destroy the republic

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‘Mr. President: U.S. Forces Must Crush This Insurrection’

Donald Trump, Human Accomplishment, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Private Property

The “anti-American violence” is neither democracy nor peaceful protest.

What is consuming the USA, a husk of its former self, is institutionalized hooliganism. The hooligans are out of control in the streets, but are also breaking the country with impunity from within. The country’s institutions are riddled with and dominated by hooligan supporters, who are justifying and lending credence to the hooligan case.

Michael Scheuer, anti-war military analyst, former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and long-time neocon slayer, insists on a tough course of action, which I wholeheartedly support, given that the US is now terrorized by barbarians whose actions are enforced and enabled institutionally at every step.

What is being advocated is a counter-terrorism operation.

Mr. President: U.S. forces must crush this insurrection — or armed citizens will“:

… the rioters actually are engaged in destroying many millions of dollars of public and private property, the small businesses of many citizens, interrupting the nation’s commerce and economy, and terrorizing law-abiding citizens. In short, and as always in the last twenty years, the rioters are the paid minions of the Democratic Party and its financial backers — read George Soros — and are trying, with enormous media support, to advance the Democrats’ goal of destroying the republic and its Constitution. They are violent anarchists or just plain criminals and terrorists and so merit no more than a fair trial after their violence has been stopped and they are arrested and confined.

But the first priority – in Minneapolis, Scottsdale, Louisville, Seattle, Portland, Nashville, Fargo, New York City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Madison, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Wilmington, etc. – must be to stop the rioters assault on life and property. (NB: It is worth noting that only the Democratic Party and its media slaves want this violence, and that only they have the country-wide organizational structures that can support this all-nation violence.) Any police chief who orders his officers to allow the rioters to assault citizens and destroy property ought to be relieved of command and replaced by a stronger hand. If the country’s police chiefs, as a whole, are unwilling to stop the violence, then martial law should be applied in every city where local police allow rioter violence to prevail.

Once the police chiefs, or their military replacements, are ready to act, they must deploy their snipers to the areas in which violence is occurring. Armed with rifles and bullets containing a dose of tranquilizer sufficient to quickly sedate any window-smasher, business-or-car burner, or person-harmer/killer, the snipers should be ordered to shoot any and every obviously violent rioter, each of whom, once becalmed, can be picked up, given medical attention, and charged with the appropriate crime. The capability has long existed to sedate wild animals in this manner – even elephants – and it can be no difficult task to use the same process to quell the wild, semi-human rioters who are engaged in the destruction of property and human beings.

There must be no brooking of any bullshit assertion that such a strategy would “only make things worse”. Hundreds or thousands of tranquilizer-addled and jailed rioters would give pause to their brethren and cause a good many to flee for safer parts, after all they have for two decades never once experienced a determined challenge to their premeditated, anti-American violence. Indeed, between 2008 and 2016 they were abetted by Barack Obama and his Cabinet. If, by chance, tranquilizers do not turn the trick – and the violence continues to destroy lives and property – the snipers should be issued ammunition that will allow them to shoot-to-kill with appropriate vigor.

While there is no evidence of the well-organized insurrection asserted by Michael Scheuer, nor does he offer any—it is essential to take back the streets, and quit misnaming the repulsive specter. It’s neither democracy nor peaceful protest.