Category Archives: Military

Who Really ‘Fully Liberated’ Fallujah?


Iraqi forces have liberated Fallujah, media repeatedly report. The official account has it that the city has languished under ISIS since January 2014. The Iraqi government showed no particular interest in reclaiming it, until now.

Suddenly, the Iraqi military has had a burst of energy and sympathy toward those living under ISIS, and has renewed its offensive, this time with stunning success.


Each time crooked, stupid journos of Big Media provide news of the unexpected, recent liberation of Fallujah, the camera cuts to an American commander who provides a detailed run-down of the operation in progress.

I would not be surprised to discover American forces are doing all the work. The crooked journos are doing the camerawork, in other words, providing the optics of an Iraqi military success story.

The Donald’s Done Playing Domesticated, Speaks Truth To The ‘Political Press’


Donald Trump is done playing the domesticated Donald (also the face he put on for showgirl Megyn Kelly). Thirty six minutes and eight seconds into this Trump presser, at Trump Tower on May 30, The Old Donald, full of conviction, describes the “sleazebag,” malfunctioning press’ modus operandi.

I’m not looking for credit, but when I do raise millions of dollars for veterans, I don’t want this sleazebag from ABC—you’re a sleazebag in my book– writing lies. The bad part abut the dishonest media is that people like myself (Donald Trump) will be less inclined to repeat the exercise.

Lo! The moron media faulted him, essentially, for vetting veteran groups vying for funds before sending out the funds raised. Wow. A man who’s careful with money! That doesn’t bode well in politics, now does it!?

The Single, Anti-Establishment, Establishment Democrat Breaks Away


We’ve followed the Democrats’ only rising star for some time. And now, as seen on Meet the Press, Tulsi Gabbard is breaking away from the Democratic pack to better position herself for bigger ambitions. The “congresswoman from Hawaii, Democratic National Committee vice chair, has been at odds with her boss, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for months over the Democratic presidential debate schedule.”

Gabbard has now resigned her DNC position to support Bernie Sanders based, no less, on his military acumen. Good for her—but this move is most certainly more about Tulsi’s personal ambitions than Bernie’s military abilities.

Meet The Press:


… Well first of all, I am resigning from the DNC so that I can support Bernie Sanders for president, and I’d like to tell you why. As a veteran and as a soldier I’ve seen firsthand the true cost of war. I served in a medical unit during my first deployment where every single day I saw firsthand the very high human cost of that war. I see it in my friends who now a decade after we’ve come home are still struggling to get out of a black hole.

I think it’s most important for us as we look at our choices as to who our next commander-in-chief will be is to recognize the necessity to have a commander-in-chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment, who looks beyond the consequences. Who looks at the consequences of the actions they are willing to take before they take those actions so that we don’t continue to find ourselves in these failures that have resulted in chaos in the Middle East and so much loss of life. …

Iran Prisoner Swap Likely B/C Of Loss Of Face/Shaming Stateside


It would appear that the prisoner swap with Iran had not been written into the nuclear agreement with Iran, as the Obama administration is trying mightily to imply. “We’ve been engaged in tortuous negotiations” for 14 months,” say surrogates for the Obama team, all too eager to depict cabinet members and special envoy doing the impossible for their countrymen.

Not for one minute is this believable. The bastards were going to let those Americans rot. Obama thought he’d get away with touting the diplomatic accomplishment of the nuclear deal above all else. Like all politicking, the Iran deal would be a legacy for the political class involved; a loss for the people whose betterment the pols are supposed to strive.

It’s hard to tell from the veiled language used in reports. Journalist can’t think clearly and therefore are unable to ask a clear, pointed question like this:

Was the release of the American prisoners stipulated in the nuclear deal? Provide the text, please.

As I asked yesterday:

As for the implication on Twitter that Obama, his stellar bureaucrats and their predecessors have been busy for years in negotiations, because, well, that’s the way things are done (faith in government runs eternal). Not quite. Mother of decapitated hostage James Foley attested to being threatened with legal action by the benevolent functionaries if she attempted to independently retrieve her son. (DIANE FOLEY spoke to Anderson Cooper about that haunting regret in her life.) So the bureaucrat (Bush’s or Obama’s) is forever frenetic, but because he’s saving American lives.


Another dynamic in operation is the humiliating specter of the American sailors being toyed with by the Iranians. Obama didn’t so much mind what befell those young men and woman; but he couldn’t tolerate his pride and vanity being further damaged in the US.