Category Archives: Multiculturalism

First, India Locks Up Suspected Foreigners, Then, Asks Citizenship Question

Culture, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism

“Indians are the second largest group among Asians in the U.S. “Among U.S. immigrants, Indians are the third largest group” after Mexico and China.

Other than that they are better than you; that they come from a rich, ancient civilization, and are really impressive people—educationally, spiritually and cuisine-wise—you aren’t really told much about East Indians. Or, people from India, a country in South Asia.

If you want to be a fusspot—one of those angels that dances on the head of a pin—there is that minor thing Indians practice. “Social stratification based on caste,” as this bit of barbarism is politely termed. But don’t let trivia mar the fantasy cultivated by the immigration-industrial-complex.

While The Economist would never encourage its readers to link immigration policy preferences to the cultural proclivities of the candidates—the liberal magazine does, at least, report on the things Indians do (while calling Americans racists).

From “India’s Hunt For Foreigners“:

Since 2016 this hilly tea-growing state [of Assam] in India’s north-eastern corner has been compiling a National Register of Citizens (NRC). Billed as a scientific method for sorting pukka Indians from a suspected mass of unwanted Bangladeshi intruders, the seemingly banal administrative procedure has instead encoiled millions of people in a cruelly absurdist game.

Rather than find and prosecute illegal immigrants, [the state of] Assam has instead tasked its 33m people, many of them poor and illiterate, with proving to bureaucrats that they deserve citizenship. Those who fail risk being locked up. Some 1,000 people currently moulder in Assam’s six existing detention centres for “foreigners”. The Indian public has lately been shocked by stories of people, such as a decorated war hero and a 59-year-old widow, who have found themselves jailed for failing to prove their Indian-ness. But the state of Assam is clearly expecting a lot more to come. Ten purpose-built camps are planned.

* Image courtesy The Economist.

Ilhan Omar IS Emblematic Of Immigration Preferences

Education, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, The West

Tucker Carlson is quite correct to tether the character of Representative Ilhan Omar to America’s immigration preferences.

By virtue of its main source countries, America’s immigration policy privileges individuals like Omar:

Angry, more likely to be anti-white (because non-white), highly receptive to theories that blacken the West and porcelainize the undeveloped world. This poison, by the way, is hothouses in the U.S.—K to 12 and beyond.

Ilhan Omar, said the Fabulous One, is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country. … immigration laws are undermining America.” Of course. It’s what we restrictionists have been saying for decades.

* Image courtesy of Jack Wilder-Real American.


America, Drug War, Economy, Multiculturalism, Psychiatry, Race, Racism

The Economist’s writer is no angel. But he is dancing like so many angels on the head of a pin in order to minimize the effects of systemic hostility toward white men in America:

… thoughts of suicide were slightly higher on average amongst less-educated whites than other groups.
… heavy drinking was higher amongst whites than other groups.

… opioid abuse along with other prescription drug abuse and illegal drug use remain much higher amongst non-college educated whites. Other research has shown that whites commit suicide at a higher rate than blacks and Hispanics: according to the CDC, white non-Hispanic Americans commit suicide at around three times the rate of blacks and Hispanics, with the highest and growing toll amongst older men.

…increased suicide rates among white men may be caused in part by a decline in income and status.

The Economist also cleverly attempts to minimize the dire situation of white men in America by implying that these “poorly educated” white ingrates are still “better off than women and minorities.”

Then of course, there are the solutions of shallow economic reductionism:

Increase the minimum wage. Provide more generous earned income tax credits. (“Because of lower incomes, minorities and women are more likely to be eligible for EITC payments, and to benefit from minimum wage increases.”)

READ: “Depression is increasing among Americans reaching middle age: Misery is spreading across all groups, but poorly educated white men remain the unhappiest.” (5/15/019)

Why The Swing To Socialism

IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Political Philosophy, Politics, Republicans, Socialism

Mass immigration has forever changed the country.
Vox Day explains:

… there are now tens of millions of US citizens from nations with strong socialist traditions. For example, two of the three major Mexican parties are members of the Socialist International.

The second is that the media is dominated by individuals whose politics range the gamut from Marxian to Trotksyite.

Most important—and what Republican politics fail to address: There is no turning back.