Category Archives: Multiculturalism

UPDATED (2/5): When I First Began To Suspect That Muslims ‘Embellish’

Islam, Israel, Middle East, Multiculturalism, Terrorism

Call me biased—lowlife lefties will—but it started when I was very small. (I certainly had, still have, a good memory, because I remember it all.) With no warning, the 1967 Six-Day War began. It was quite safe for an Israeli child to wander about alone along the paths of the Yishuv, in which we lived. That’s what I was doing at the time. A man grabbed me and carried me down to the underground shelter. The border with Jordan was close by back then, and we could hear the artillery. Someone switched on the radio. We tuned into the infamous broadcasts out of Cairo, according to which Israel was losing the war.

Even as the Egyptian air force was wiped out, and its ground forces were getting slaughtered in the deserts of Sinai, Egyptian radio was broadcasting its glorious victories: They were bombing Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, destroying the enemy with impunity, etc.

“Itbuch el yuhood” were the words most frequently deployed. (“Slaughter the Jews.”)

Translating the rest, the grown-ups explained that the crazed broadcaster was saying that the Jews were being thrown into the sea, but not to worry, children, the Arabs were lying for a change.

Yes, I confess. I heard that a lot when I was growing up in an Israel that was once non-leftist and patriotic, reality oriented (today, thanks to American influence, it’s more like America).

We won the war in six days and no Jew was thrown into the sea. Of course, it was also true, against common Israeli myth, that many on the other side fought valiantly. Nevertheless, stereotypes are often supported by evidence.

That’s what crosses the mind when I see the many tall tales about how many Muslims have already died en route because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban. For one of many instances, see “Fake news: Iraqi-American lied when he claimed that his mother died due to Trump ban.”

Do you get the impression immigrants you don’t necessarily want here will do anything (including to play guilt-riddled, gullible Americans), in order to gain unfettered access to the US and its generous welfare programs?

* By the way, the Muslim world that attacked Israel, back in those good old days, was much more secular. If anything, it has regressed.

UPDATE (2/2):

Linda Sarsour:

Post-Election Round Up

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Neoconservatism, Republicans

‘Inclusion’ never included the Right or the religious:

A familiar love scene: The White House press-corp and their honey:

Divisive Obama preaches unity:

One of the questions posed to Barack Obama by the adoring press corp: How long before you were at ease on the job?

Media: We’re so virtuous:

The New York Slimes’ mea culpa:

The honest media is incarcerated by the statists: “Assange is Us”:

Yours truly gets a shout-out from the UK:

Hillary offers to help Trump. Please no.

Hungary is on-board the Trump train:

‘Deplorables’ reshape the GOP. Yippee:

Endurance test ends on November 8:

It won’t last unless …

Alas, GOP media are off suicide watch, but should still be expunged:

When they’re not liberals; winners must reach across the aisle:

Hillary, listen to your husband; he’s the smart one in the family:

The more the diversity; the more the misery; the larger the Trump Factor:

The country united over Gary Johnson:

Another poll that lies:

No Wonder They Erupt: Muslims Taught America Is Racist, Islamophobic

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Racism, Terrorism

Mohammed A. Malik is certainly milking his situation for what it’s worth. How laudable that Malik, an acquaintance of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen, who worshiped at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, did his due diligence and reported Mateen to the FBI. (It’s not Malki’s fault the FBI is guilty of dereliction.)

Before Mateen, Malik also volunteered information about another member of his mosque, “Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha,” who “was 22 when he became the first American-born suicide bomber, driving a truck full of explosives into a government office in Syria.”

But then Malik goes and spoils it all by depicting his dutiful conduct as the norm in the cloistered Muslim community, by pretending his faith is without problems, and seconding the murderous Mateen’s view of America as racist and hateful:

Omar did have a dark outlook on life. Partly, he was upset at what he saw as racism in the United States – against Muslims and others. When he worked as a security guard at the St. Lucie County Courthouse, he told me visitors often made nasty or bigoted remarks to him about Islam. He overheard people saying ugly things about African Americans, too. Since Sept. 11, I’ve thought the only way to answer Islamophobia was to be polite and kind; the best way to counter all the negativity people were seeing on TV about Islam was by showing them the opposite. I urged Omar to volunteer and help people in need – Muslim or otherwise (charity is a pillar of Islam). He agreed, but was always very worked up about this injustice.

Why do you suppose second-generation Muslims are more bitter and twisted than the first generation to arrive in the US, a land of milk-and-honey compared to the crap countries whence they come?

I have a good idea. They are acculturated to militant multiculturalism and identity politics by a liberal establishment.

UPDATED (5/14/016): Little Boy Dhimmi: A Moment In The Life Of A Dutch Child Under Islam

EU, Europe, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism

The Netherland’s prime minister—whoever this non-entity is—has just bestowed upon German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Whore of Babylon in my book, honors on behalf of the beleaguered Dutch people.

The following poignant snapshot in time, witnessed by a Dutch friend walking on the beach, the other day, ought to tell you why the ignominious Merkel and Prime Minister Mark Rutte ought to be tarred-and-feathered and driven out of office:

A small Dutch boy was hard at work shaping a bunny-rabbit in the sand. He fashioned the ears and the tail and was proudly surveying his handiwork, when along strode the conqueror: a Muslim young boy. The Muslim boy trampled the Dutch child’s sand bunny with rage, and emitted a blood curdling harangue against the sin of image making.

This is a snapshot in time of the lives of Western children destined for dhimmitude.

Treacherous adults like Merkel, Mark Rutte and the rest, their supporters and voters, are responsible for betraying little boys like the bunny sculptor.


She gets liberals like Megyn Kelly to discuss Islam by kvetching about her clitoris. That’s Trump-hating Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s forte. Via sister Kathy Shaidle:

… We went to see Ayaan Hirsi Ali tonight. And the only reason I asked a question was because my sciatica meant I couldn’t sit for too long so got up and stood in the queue among those with something to ask. And when my turn came, my question was this:

What advice would you give a President Donald Trump?

That was not a gotcha question. She is worried about Muslim immigration. Trump is worried about Muslim immigration. So it seemed natural to ask her what advice she would give him. This is what happened next, as I reprint the text from the note I wrote on my iPhone to a friend on the trainride home.

She went all outraged about how awful he is and gets palpitations thinking of him with his finger on the bomb. And about what a misogynist he is. So I repeated my question about what advice she would give. Same answer. She was more filled with anger at Trump than at jihad! So discouraging. …

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