Category Archives: Multiculturalism

Frau Merkel’s Idea of Defending Germans

Crime, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Middle East, Multiculturalism

With the blessing of the treacherous Angela Merkel, migrants—mostly Muslim, male, Middle-Eastern—may endanger the lives of Germans all they want. But they cannot be returned to sender if there’s even the slightest concern that their lives will be imperiled back at “home.”

German law doesn’t protect the rights of German citizens, but the rights of migrants. So Merkel’s response to the mass molestation by migrants of German girls is no response at all. “Serial offenders who repeatedly rob or repeatedly affront women must feel the full force of the law,’ Merkel told journalists in Mainz.”

By “the full force of the law,” what does this repulsive woman mean?

“Under German law,” explain Reuters reporters Joseph Nasr and Matthias Inverardi, “asylum seekers are now typically only deported if they have been sentenced to at least three years in prison, and providing their lives are not at risk at home.”

Three years in prison is probably the sentence meted out for murder in Germany.

‘Multiethnic’ And ‘Multilingual’ Early America? Give Me A Break!

America, Britain, English, Europe, Multiculturalism

When leftists (centrists, whatever) dissemble or fib about America having always been multilingual and multiculturalism, they usually point to the thirteen colonies that were founded by good old Englishmen and women, speaking different English dialects, later to be joined by … white Christians from Germany, Holland, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, who adopted English as lingua franca. This so-called diversity saw early Americans debate publicly and come to a broad agreement on some highly complex, abstract matters of political philosophy. They had to be pretty tight to do that. Early Americans were not multiethnic or multilignual in today’s way.

The mantra that elicited the comment above is the allusion to America as “a society that is and always has been multiethnic and polyglot,” culled from David Frum’s exposition: “The Great Republican Revolt: The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?”

Meet Yusuf Ibrahim, Beheader Of Coptic Christians In … Jersey City

Crime, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism

You’ve heard of “Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the married couple who massacred 14 people on Dec. 2, in San Bernardino, California.” Why, asks Daniel Pipes, PhD, have you heard not a thing about Yusuf Ibrahim?

In early 2013, when he was 27, this Egyptian-born Muslim lived in Jersey City, when he allegedly shot, then cut off the heads and hands and knocked the teeth out of two Coptic Christians, Hanny F. Tawadros and Amgad A. Konds, then buried them in Buena Vista Township, New Jersey.

Yusuf Ibrahim. There are no publicly available pictures of his victims, who remain faceless and featureless.

He is charged with two counts each of murder, felony murder, kidnapping, robbery, desecration of human remains, and other crimes. In addition, he has pleaded guilty to a Dec. 22, 2011, carjacking and a Sep. 20, 2012, armed robbery, both in Jersey City (in the latter, he shot his victim in the foot), and early in 2015 he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for these later crimes.

The twin beheadings are spectacular, gruesome, and replete with jihadi (or in police parlance, “terrorist”) elements. Historian Timothy Furnish explains that “ritual beheading has a long precedent in Islamic theology and history,” making it a distinctly Muslim form of execution. A Muslim killing a non-Muslim fits the ageless pattern of Islamic supremacism. It also fits a tragic pattern of behavior in the United States in recent years.

Yet the police, politicians, the press, and professors (i.e., the Establishment) have shown not the slightest interest in the Islamic angle, treating the double beheadings and amputations as a routine local murder. Symptomatic of this, the police report about Ibrahim’s arrest makes no mention of motivation; on the basis of this lack of mention, left-leaning (which describes itself as the “definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation”) goes so far as to dismiss as “false” the allegation that the mainstream media “deliberately ignored” this incident. The wagons have been circled.

Almost three years after the event, we know next-to-nothing about Ibrahim, his motives, his possible connections to others, or his institutional affiliations …

Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum, has “compiled long lists of other potential instances of jihadi violence … in which the Establishment has colluded to sweep the Islamic dimension under the rug, treating the perpetrators as common criminals whose biographies, motives, and connections are of no interest and therefore remain unknown.”

Ultimately, “the police, politicians, the press, and professors” will keep mum until these delightful additions to the American family begin to pick off the Establishment class.

It’s The Silent Majority, Stupid: The Revolution Mainstream Is Missing

Democrats, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Republicans

From The Atlantic comes a wide-ranging and thorough analysis of “The Great Republican Revolt: The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?”

While the author, David Frum, anchors this keen analysis in fact, he cannot help but smuggle into his exposition mantras designed to hint at the ludicrous nature of the so-called “Republican revolt.” For instance, he states that “In a society that is and always has been multiethnic and polyglot [really?], any national party must compete more broadly than” identity politics for white voters would allow.

But the central conceit that currently defines the media, the writer of the Atlantic article included, is this in my opinion: The Trump revolt is not exclusively a Republican revolt, although the right is always more courageous in bucking authority.

I get the sense that the Trump revolution encompasses left and right. And I don’t believe I’m wrong. The polls are certainly underestimating Trump’s support.