Category Archives: Political Correctness

‘Disengaged’ Is The New Dumb

Barack Obama, English, Political Correctness

President Obama learns from the media what he should already know. Bill O’Reilly wanted to know “why come” (as they say in Idiocracy English, which approximates Bill’s English tutorials). So he asked bobble-head Kirstin Powers to help him understand. She replied: “Obama’s disengaged.”

Is “disengaged” the new dumb? I need a guide to PC.

The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom

Crime, Free Speech, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa, Sport

Now on WND is “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom,” in which I speak to philosopher Dan Roodt, Ph.D., about two recent show trials: that of blade-runner Oscar Pistorius and that of the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling. Dr. Roodt is a noted Afrikaner activist, author, literary critic and director of PRAAG. He is the author of the polemical essay, “The Scourge of the ANC.”

An excerpt:

ILANA MERCER: “There’s an elephant in the courtroom in which Oscar Pistorius is being tried for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. It is the unidirectional, black-on-black and black-on-white violent crime in South Africa. The fear of being butchered was likely behind the blade runner’s irrational, irresponsible actions. I had hoped that Pistorius would speak up. For all his privilege, Pistorius knows the rapacity and invincibility of the criminal class in his country. Like every other Afrikaner, he knew in his gut what infiltrating gangs would do to a legless Boer. The world is praising the proceedings in that court. However, “making sport of a caged animal that has confessed” is how a South African reader described this Colosseum. What do you think?

DAN ROODT: I largely agree with that. One of the columnists on our site described the trial as a “canned hunt and a legal travesty.” Most people watching it probably do not know that only 8 percent of murder cases in South Africa result in a conviction, so killers have a 92 percent chance of literally getting away with murder! South Africa is both the murder and especially the rape capital of the world. Usually the statistics are massaged in such a way that only murder proper, called “first-degree murder” in the United States, is included in the absolute number of murders. But if one also counts other homicides with a lesser culpability, we are the world champions, even above India’s 43,000 homicides. But, of course, India has over 1 billion people, whereas we have just over 50 million. Even for first-degree murder, we have more of those per year (16,000) than the U.S. (14,000) which has six times our population.

Regarding the court procedures, Pistorius is spending a lot of money on his legal team and the state is using an experienced Afrikaner prosecutor, Gerrie Nel. However, there has been large-scale affirmative action applied to the appointment of judges, so that many of them lack the knowledge of the law and the experience to do their job properly. In many cases, black offenders, especially, get off very lightly and in practice do not serve more than ten years for first-degree murder.

The government is also applying pressure on lawyers to apply affirmative action in their own ranks as most of the top-level senior lawyers or advocates, as we call them, are still white. …”

Read the rest. “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom” is now on WND.

UPDATED: Badly Written, Politically Correct Literature Stunts Students (Parent Arrested For Daring To Portest)

Education, English, Family, Liberty, Literature, Political Correctness

Easily more offensive than the salacious sex scene on page 313 of Jodi Picoult’s novel “Nineteen Minutes” is the rotten writing. The book’s titillating topics—bullying, school shootings, teen sex and pregnancy—verge on the political, their effects on young minds is to stunt and steer the child into thinking along certain narrow, politically pleasing lines.

“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach. ”

… She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer. “‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and he pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs.
… (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”

Ugly writing.

A dad who resides in New Hampshire, the state whose motto is “Live Free or Die,” was arrested for protesting the tract, which he felt was pornographic and age-inappropriate for his 14-year-old daughter. William Baer had exceeded his allotted, two-minute complaint time, after which he was cuffed and dragged out of the forum of educrats at the Gilford high school.

If only he had supplied the ignoramuses present with a list of classics without which children’s minds are destined to remain as dim as those of the educators who assign them such piss-poor reading material.

UPDATE (5/9): PARENT ARRESTED for daring to protest. The dulcet voice of a female is heard in the background; how she delights in her petty abuse of power over a powerless parent.

‘Check Your Privilege, White Boy’

Affirmative Action, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Racism

A young man, Tal Fortgang, “condemns [his ‘educators] for diminishing everything I have personally accomplished, all the hard work I have done in my life, and for ascribing all the fruit I reap not to the seeds I sow but to some invisible patron saint of white maleness who places it out for me before I even arrive. Furthermore, I condemn them for casting the equal protection clause, indeed the very idea of a meritocracy, as a myth, and for declaring that we are all governed by invisible forces (some would call them “stigmas” or “societal norms”), that our nation runs on racist and sexist conspiracies. Forget “you didn’t build that;” check your privilege and realize that nothing you have accomplished is real. …”

Tal traces his “privileged” past (no black person has suffered this way in America):

Perhaps it’s the privilege my grandfather and his brother had to flee their home as teenagers when the Nazis invaded Poland, leaving their mother and five younger siblings behind, running and running until they reached a Displaced Persons camp in Siberia, where they would do years of hard labor in the bitter cold until World War II ended. Maybe it was the privilege my grandfather had of taking on the local Rabbi’s work in that DP camp, telling him that the spiritual leader shouldn’t do hard work, but should save his energy to pass Jewish tradition along to those who might survive. Perhaps it was the privilege my great-grandmother and those five great-aunts and uncles I never knew had of being shot into an open grave outside their hometown. Maybe that’s my privilege.

Or maybe it’s the privilege my grandmother had of spending weeks upon weeks on a death march through Polish forests in subzero temperatures, one of just a handful to survive, only to be put in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where she would have died but for the Allied forces who liberated her and helped her regain her health when her weight dwindled to barely 80 pounds. …

… Those who came before us suffered for the sake of giving us a better life. When we similarly sacrifice for our descendents by caring for the planet, it’s called “environmentalism,” and is applauded. But when we do it by passing along property and a set of values, it’s called “privilege.” (And when we do it by raising questions about our crippling national debt, we’re called Tea Party radicals.) Such sacrifice of any form shouldn’t be scorned, but admired. …



* “Ivy League Education: Only Idiots And Elites Need Apply.”

* “Once There Were Great Immigrants: How The Paulis Came To America.”