Category Archives: Propaganda

FAKE NEWS’ New Frontier: Against Any Efficient Reallocation Of Resources


The deeply silly Washington post has one of its anti-Trump “scoops”: ICE special response teams were freed up to respond to the June riots, ongoing. OMG! You wouldn’t want to optimize the people’s resources to save their resources, now would you?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) used a flight charter service reserved for the transportation of detainees to move tactical teams to Washington, D.C., to help quell protests on June 2 in the capital, according to a report by The Washington Post.
To justify the flights, ICE transported immigration detainees from facilities in Arizona and Florida to its Farmville, Va., immigration jail, a current and former official told the publication.

Skim and consider the natural law: Is it not naturally licit for personnel who serve the people to be moved around so that they may better serve the people in another, more-urgent capacity?

At issue here are state rules: Why do state rules prohibit efficient allocation of resources? Because that’s the very definition of the state: Perversely inefficient allocation of scarce resources.

As to COVID: I, too, am concerned with COVID-19 spread, but COVID-prevention protocols have nothing to do with freeing up Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deal with riots. These are two separate issues, conveniently conflated here.

UPDATED (9/13): NEW COLUMN: Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice


NEW COLUMN IS “Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice.” It was featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, American Renaissance, NAEBC, the new resistance on the Continent, American Greatness and Quarterly Review.

An excerpt:

Critical Race Theory is the “remedial” lens through which America’s race reality is refracted.

Look hard enough and the need for this unintelligent theoretical concoction becomes abundantly clear:

It’s on the playground and in the classroom. Watch for the bossy white kids.

It’s in businesses and boardrooms, where microaggressions tumble from the mouths of their white mothers and fathers.

It’s in government departments, brought about by the few whites who haven’t been weeded out by quotas and set-asides for “oppressed” minorities.

There, this irredeemably uppity demographic persists in strutting its “oppressor stuff,”  emitting up to 15 “microinequities” per minute, by the estimation of the subintelligent social “science” of human-resource department sickos.


It’s in the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), wherein workshops on intersectionality only just keep the plague of white privilege at bay, among bureau agents who haven’t yet been deluged by Trump derangement syndrome.


Critical Race Theory, reports City Journal contributing editor Christopher Rufo, has even reached the battle field—on a mission of mercy.


Introducing the Critical Race Theory chimera to the U.S. military falls within the mission of this vast, global welfariate. The military must keep the enemy in good mirth during the COVID lockdown.

And, there is nothing that makes swarthy Jihadis laugh harder than the idea of white soldiers—a mere 55% of the force—walking meekly. The U.S. Military might no longer know Matthew 5:5, but to the enemy, they look like they know who’ll inherit the earth. “Ha, ha.”

This Cultural Marxism of a theory is an ill-founded, purely political, symbolic figment that appeals not to empirical evidence, reason and morality, but to the roiling, base emotions of rage and resentment against anyone with a white face.

Say it! A “white” face: The words media conservatives cannot bring themselves to utter.

Not even Rufo. The aforementioned path-blazing investigator into, and crusader against, Critical Race Theory in the U.S. concludes his inquiry thus:

“Let me say it plainly: critical race theory is a toxic, pseudoscientific, and racist ideology that is taking over our public institutions—and will be weaponized against the American people.” [Emphasis added]

Yet, the only Americans Critical Race Theory targets with ethnocidal animosity are white Americans.   …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice.” Read it on WND.COM, The Unz Review, American Renaissance and NAEBC, American Greatness and Quarterly Review.


UPDATED (8/24): Kamala Says ‘There Is No Vaccine For Racism’; Yes, And ‘You Cant Fix Stupid’


In that nagging, nasal intonation of hers, Kamala Harris lectures the country that, “There is no vaccine for racism.”

And Ron White, great satirist from the great State of Texas, taught us, “You can’t fix stupid. There is not a pill you can take, not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever.”

What a shame it is when “stupid” (if cunning) coincides with power.

UPDATED (8/24): Other stuff that comes out of Kamala’s mouth:

Kamala’s acceptance speech: Blacks. Browns. People Of Color. Minorities. My Mother. Me. Women. Racism. Me. Racial Justice. Systemic Racism X 100

Not a word for WHITES: not for poor or working-class or addicted pale people. Not even for the candidate’s Lilly white hubby.

Looks like Kamala Harris botched Emma Lazarus, whose construction of the sentence is probably grammatical. Not Kamala’s: “None us are free until all of us are free.” As I see it, it’s: “None of us is free until all of us are free.” None=Not One of us …

UPDATED (8/14): NEW COLUMN: America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent


NEW COLUMN IS “America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent.” It appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, American Renaissance, Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens, The Saker.

The column, called Racial Violence Isn’t a One Way Street,” is now a feature on American Greatness, which, under the intrepid leadership of Julie Ponzi and her colleagues, has fast become the leading, cutting-edge paleoconservative publication.


Racism is a lot of things. One thing it is not:

A white child, aged five, executed by a black man with a shot to the head, as the tyke rode his bike. Ask the cultural cognoscenti. They’ll tell you: That’s never racism.

Otherwise, almost anything involving the perpetually aggrieved black community counts as racism.

Students hoist a “thin blue line” flag in solidarity with police: racism.

A black male is asked for his driver’s license: racism. Of course it’s systemic. Are you stupid, or something?

A white politician proclaims that “all lives matter”: Come again? Are you kidding me?!

A museum curator fails to commit to the exclusion of the art of white men, including, presumably, the Old Masters: not racism; white supremacism. Be gone with you, Rembrandt and Vermeer.

A black student struggles with English grammar. English grammar is ruled racist. Take that, Dr. Johnson!

This, even though, logically, it is more likely that our student is not up to the task or hasn’t tried hard enough; that his tutor is not up to the task and hasn’t tried hard enough—or all of those things combined.

As you can see, accusations of racism are seldom grounded in reason or reality.

Racism, then, is just about anything other than the point-blank execution of little Cannon Hinnant (white), on August 9, by Darius Sessoms (black), and the rape, the other day, by Dejon Dejor Lynn, 25, of an old lady: his 96-year-old neighbor.

From the media industry’s modus operandi, we may comfortably deduce that the raped lady is almost certainly white.

How so?

Fully 73 percent of the residents of Ann Arbor, Michigan, are white. If the race of an unnamed victim of black crime is withheld, she’s most likely white. Were the victim Hispanic, the media industry would say so, and would forthwith withhold the picture and race of the “suspect,” so that the crime became an attack against a “minority.”

Similar black-on-white atrocities are a daily occurrence, documented, “in moving images,” by “the fearless and indefatigable journalist Colin Flaherty.” They are either ignored by the media industry or described as racially neutral.

In a powerful responsorial that is almost religious in cadence, Jack Kerwick, a columnist, and occasional American Greatness contributor, commands us to “say their names”: …

READ THE REST. Racial Violence Isn’t a One Way Street” is now featured on American Greatness

UPDATE (8/14): Marc Train at WND:

MarcTrain • 5 hours ago @WND Comments:

Man …this woman is the ONLY conservative writer who will touch this with a million ft. pole. Tucker Carlson does a little but she hits it out of the park …