Category Archives: Propaganda

Some Acerbic Words On The Ukraine (2022), By Great Britain’s Great Sean Gabb

America, Britain, Europe, Foreign Policy, Propaganda, Russia, War

(24th February 2022)

For reasons that escape my understanding, someone at The Daily Mail called me a few hours ago to ask my opinion on the present war between Russia and the Ukraine. Our discussion was organised about four questions. Here is the generality of what I said in answer to each of these questions:

  1. Have we no duty to help the brave democrats in the Ukraine, who are yearning to be free of the neo-Soviet tyranny that Mr Putin represents?

No. It is none of our business what gang of bleary kleptocrats occupies the ministry buildings in Kiev. Any British politician who so much as whispers a desire for armed intervention should be hounded from office.

  1. What about our friends in the former Warsaw Pact states of Eastern Europe? Are we to abandon these to the real possibility of creeping aggression from Moscow?

What friends? If you will pardon my French, these countries shat all over us in 2018-19. Admittedly because our own politicians were trying to sell us out, we needed support in our dealings with the European Union. Those supposed friends in Warsaw and the Baltic States had only to veto our compelled request to put off our departure for the French and Germans to cave in and start talking sense. They looked the other way then. We owe them nothing now.

  1. And our commitment to the Atlantic Alliance?

Please do not mention the Americans. Leaving aside our sad entanglements since 1917, America is some kind of zombie apocalypse plus nuclear weapons that might not yet be past their use-by date. It has not won a war against an equally-matched power since it defeated itself in 1865. Its army nowadays is stuffed with the sort of people who, faced with a conventional battle against the Russians, would probably shoot their own officers if these were not themselves waddling away. The Americans as allies are a net liability.

  1. What is your vision for British defence policy to 2030?

Switching the “climate change” budget to rebuilding our navy and air force. Our new ships and aeroplanes should be wholly designed and built in this country, and we should understand that their most likely use will be against the French and the Americans. At the same time, though this is a digression from the main answer, we might set about remaking England as the sort of country a reasonable man would risk dying to defend.

This is roughly what I said to the young woman who called. I doubt if any of it will be in tomorrow’s Daily Mail.

©2022, seangabb.


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UPDATED (2/20/022): NEW COLUMN: Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All

Canada, Constitution, COVID-19, Democracy, Europe, Free Speech, Government, Individual Rights, Private Property, Propaganda, Regulation, THE ELITES, The State

NEW COLUMN, “Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All,” is a “first-rate philippic, says “Musil Protege” (follow him on Twitter). Read the essay on WND, The Unz Review and, where it is slightly abridged for length (“Truck you, Trudeau.”) The piece has also featured on The New American, CNSNews and American Greatness.


… Picture our heroes. On the one hand, you have working men and women, who already do the most dangerous of jobs, plainly often poorly clothed, trying to keep warm, as the Ottawa Gestapo steal their fuel jerricans and their fire wood. Yet wave the Maple Leaf Flag patriotically the truckers do, as their loathsome overlords level the worst possible pejoratives at them.

On our behalf, the merry band of truckers face a malevolent “alliance of government, social media companies and the mainstream media.” The malicious lies about the country-wide, freedom convoys just keep coming. To wit, not one reporter stateside had discharged his duty to tell the story of the protest. In Quebec, for example, the unvaccinated have been threatened with a fine. Even as Covid was on the wane, morphing from pandemic into mild, endemic illness—Premier Legault’s government saw fit to bar the unvaccinated, masks and all, from big-box stores like Walmart, Costco and Canadian Tire.

On the side of Gangland Government, you have a pompous, vainglorious, plodder press, and mean-minded media bad mouthing good people. And a cowardly, morally craven prime minister who initially ran from his official residence, rather than meet with a large swath of the Canadian people, whom he assiduously blackens as marginal, insufferable and unsavory.
Juxtapose truckers and families, the epitome of storybook goodness, with the charmed circle of that privileged ponce, Justine Trudeau. Words fail. In fact, my good friends at Junge Freiheit, a German weekly of excellence, had requested I write a 5,000-word piece about Justine. My reply:

“Trudeau is not worth 5,000 words—for how do you write so much about a nullity?” I’ve come up with just the right number of words for him. Here they are:

Trudeau is a dim dilettante, who inherited wealth, but no sense of noblesse oblige and none of his fabled father’s smarts and charisma. Just look at sonny boy’s mincing stride, sausaged as he is in designer suits. Observe the vain coif, the pasty, rapidly aging (from moral rot à la Dorian Gray) doughy face and hollow gaze, so like that of his mom, Margaret.

Justine was practically conceived and raised at the debauch Studio 54. In all his forced, affectatious attempts at gravitas, this dirigiste is now telling Canada’s salt of the earth, the truckers, to turn tail and return to life as his much-maligned second-class subjects.

A look at Trudeau’s demonic deeds and his vacant demeanor and one is reminded of the words of famed French novelist Jules Renard: “I don’t know if God exists, but it would be better for his reputation if he didn’t.”

Trudeau has inflicted horrifying material destruction and lasting moral damage. He has battered the truckers but not bettered them. It’s time for this dreck, this spawn of Studio 54, to go on home, for good. Good people want no truck with Trudeau. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All“, now on WND, The Unz Review and (“Truck you, Trudeau.”) Or on The New American and CNSNews.

UPDATE (2/18/022): I love my appreciative, supportive readers. Via Gab:

LadyBeldon@LadyBeldon ··
You are a brilliant writer. Your ‘not worth 5,000 words’ piece for your German friends is spot on. Full of masterful double-entendres and hints left between the lines that perhaps only Canadians of a certain age would get. But lots of meat there for anyone who wants to follow the breadcrumbs. Worth a follow for sure.


“esquimaux” • 6 hours ago:

“Ilana, you have outdone yourself. Hell knoweth no fury as a lady who has had her fill of male mendacity and cowardice.” [Boy, is that true.]

NEW COLUMN: Exporting Toxic Wokeism

America, Capitalism, Economy, Free Markets, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Pop-Culture, Propaganda

Exporting Toxic Wokeism” is the new column now on WND.COM, The Unz Review,,, The New American and American Renaissance.

And excerpt:

America has made a habit of exporting democracy at the point of the bayonet, be it by fomenting war or agitating for color-coded, plant-based revolutions, blessed and backed by the duopoly.

While not as lethal, cultural trends and products exported can be toxic, too. They, moreover, displace and contaminate indigenous culture. To wit, Wokeism is made in America, is entirely toxic, and, sadly, suffers no supply-chain disruptions in its spread abroad.

In case you’re not awake to it, woke is the current state-of-being in America. In particular, to be woke in America is to be anti-white and to be anti-white is to be woke. More so than “in” and “hip”—to be woke is existentially important; it will often determine whether one gets and keeps a job, a social media account, even a bank account.

Although Wokeism is a product of a distorted and deformed American marketplace of ideas—there is always a libertarian who sees a free and energetic agora worthy of defending and exporting, where there is only coercion and cruelty.

“Wokeism has passed a market test,” effuses Tyler Cowen, an economist writing for “The woke movement could be the next great U.S. cultural export—and it is going to do many other countries some real good.”

Yes, Cowen, a libertarian, both explains and exculpates  an increasingly entrenched, coercive system of pigment-based prejudice and persecution. “Wokeism,” he further enthuses, “is an idea that can be adapted to virtually every country: Identify a major form of oppression in a given region or nation, argue that people should be more sensitive to it, add some rhetorical flourishes, purge some wrongdoers (and a few innocents) and voila — you have created another woke movement.”

Welcome to the quintessential, collectivist, libertarian Jacobinism—Cowen’s. Omelets can’t be made without breaking the few proverbial eggs. Cowen, like most of his ilk—and against all evidence—also thinks that, “American culture is a healthy, democratizing, liberating influence,” so he wants “to extend it.” …

… READ THE REST. “Exporting Toxic Wokeism” is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review and,, The New American and American Renaissance


WATCH A NEW HARD TRUTH: Exporting Wokeism

Free Markets, Free Speech, Globalism, Ilana Mercer, libertarianism, Propaganda

WATCH Exporting Wokeism” on Rumble And SUBSCRIBE:

America has made a habit of exporting democracy at the point of the bayonet. While not as lethal, cultural trends and products exported can be toxic, too. They, moreover, displace and contaminate indigenous cultures. For example: Wokeism is made in America, is entirely toxic, and, sadly, suffers no supply-chain disruptions in its spread. Wokeism is a product of a distorted and deformed American marketplace of ideas. Alas, there is always a libertarian who sees a free and vibrant marketplace of ideas worthy of defending, where there is only coercion and cruelty. “The woke movement could be the next great U.S. cultural export—and it is going to do many other countries some real good,” waxes Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University.

David and ilana dissect

WATCH Exporting Wokeism” on Rumble And SUBSCRIBE: 

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