Category Archives: Republicans

NEW COLUMN: GOP’s Texas Strategy: Hope New Voters Don’t Show Up

Elections, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS “GOP’s Texas Strategy: Hope New Voters Don’t Show Up.” It’s on The Unz Review and WND.COM.

An excerpt:

Democrats, reports the Economist, “think they might win Texas in 2020.”

Demographers, being mostly Democrats, credit Donald Trump.

One of them, he’s from Rice University in Houston, claimed that Donald Trump was the “worst thing that ever happened to Texas Republicans”:

“Mr. Trump has alienated many white Republican women in Texas, and has also pushed away Hispanics, who account for around 40 percent of the state’s population. … According to a recent poll by the University of Texas and Texas Tribune, more Texans say they would sooner vote for a candidate running against Mr. Trump than re-elect the president.”

But even those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are forced to concede that,

“Long after Mr. Trump leaves office, demographic change in Texas will continue to exert an influence on the fortunes of Republicans, as the Hispanic population grows, millennials vote in increasing numbers and people continue to move to Texas from other states, bringing their more liberal politics with them.”

Yes, the country as a whole is moving leftward. And it’s not Donald Trump—although a border wall and a moratorium on immigration would have helped mightily. As the Economist attests, “Americans are more in favor of ‘big-government’ policies today than at any point in the last 68 years.”

The “public mood” in America is decidedly with statism and leftism.

Ultimately, even blame-Trump demographers must, on occasion, crunch data accumulated over decades and admit that, a “blue Texas” must be chalked up to demographic “changes,” which denote the swamping of the native population by a politically monocultural immigrant cohort …

… READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN IS “GOP’s Texas Strategy: Hope New Voters Don’t Show Up.” It’s on The Unz Review and WND.COM.

On The Tucker Carlson Show, It’s Whine, Whine, Whine About Harvey Weinstein

Business, Conservatism, IMMIGRATION, Media, Nationhood, Republicans

Non-stop coverage of corporate corruption is now the standard fare on Tucker Carlson’s show.

The Fox News host used to, courageously, tackle the national existential questions of immigration and the future of America as we know it, once it is entirely swamped by an imported Democratic constituency. Mr. Carlson now hardly does so any longer (or, perhaps I don’t listen long enough).

Today, October 23, 2019, there was the usual, daily whine, whine, whine about Harvey Weinstein and the MSNBC cover-up. Like I care.

Then it was on to some anon crook who got rewarded mightily by someone despite having run a Ponzi scheme. How unusual and news worthy is that in America? Never happens, right? Of course

The country is crumbling. Big national issues loom with terrible urgency. The borders are open, and, by the looks of it, no court will permit a president to EVER shut them. Yet Tucker Carlson
devotes 30 minutes of each show to whine, whine, whine about Weinstein and MSNBC.

The Tucker Carlson Show appears to have become one long Republican talking point.

* Image courtesy The Unz Review.

Democrats Too Dumb To Turn The Hunter Biden Issue On Republicans

China, Democrats, Donald Trump, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Republicans

The only way debating Democrats can benefit from the Hunter Biden confession “over his foreign business deals,” in Ukraine and China, is if they hammer home the following fundamental point:

Donald Trump should have gotten those kids of his out of the White House a long time ago!

But Democrats won’t point to a legitimate beef on the Republican side in order to distract from the burden of Hunter Biden, because they are too dumb and don’t have the courage to attack the Kushners.

Were Dems to make the Kushners their example of nepotism, they’d be doing Deplorables a big favor. Going after the Kushners is a win, win situation for all.

“Did I make a mistake? Well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah,” he said, again referring to fallout from his overseas business. “But did I make a mistake based upon some ethical lapse? Absolutely not.”
Biden said, “I take — full responsibility for that. Do I — did I do anything improper? No, and not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever. I joined a board, I served honorably. I did — I focused on corporate governance. I didn’t have any discussions with my father before or after I joined the board as it related to it, other than that brief exchange that we had.”


Indian Graduates Green-Lighted To Take Middle-Class Jobs From American Graduates

IMMIGRATION, Labor, Outsourcing, Republicans, Technology

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has always been a slithering political snake of the worse kind.

In the Washington Examiner, the sanctimonious Lee writes that, “People are always our greatest resource and should be our first priority. It’s social capital, embedded in our relationships, that can provide the best meaning, care, and support in people’s lives, at every stage of life. …”

Then he turns around, and, joined by Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), authors a Bill that’ll

allow investors and their companies to reward many more Indian graduates who agree to take the college graduate jobs needed by young American graduates. The reward is the grant of 120,000 invaluable green cards — up from roughly 20,000 today — to the Indian outsourcing workers and their families.

The so-called “Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act” [every outlet reports a different Bill title] will be

a huge economic hit to the roughly 800,000 Americans who are graduating in 2019 with degrees in health care, science, engineering, accounting, business, software, math, or architecture.

Also Via Breitbart:

The giveaway is in a House bill, HR.1044, and a matching Senate bill, S.368. Both bills end the country caps, provide fast-track green cards to roughly 300,000 Indian H-1B contract workers, and both expand the reward for more Indians to become contract workers in the United States — and neither bill offers any significant benefits to Trump’s agenda or Americans.

The liars in Congress give their Bill an Orwellian name: “Bill to Strengthen American Workforce, Reduce Visa Backlog for High-Skilled Immigrants.

The Daily Caller calls the disenfranchising of American graduates a “big revamp”:

The proposed legislation has the chance to be the biggest revamp of America’s immigration system since the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, but is getting little if any attention from the press due to the impeachment drama currently unfolding on Capitol Hill.

* Image courtesy of ID 29261524 © Ivelinr|