Category Archives: Republicans

NEW COLUMN: Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics

Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS “Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics.” It’s currently on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

In “It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics,” I questioned whether the term “identity politics” vaguely comports with our racial politics on tera firma. The answer was a resounding “no.”

For, “Whatever is convulsing the country, it’s not identity politics. Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky.”

Since the ire of America’s multicultural multitudes is directed exclusively at whites and their putative privilege, not at each other, anti-white animus is the more appropriate term.

The “identity politics” term is an elaborate construct hot-housed in the postmodernist university. Yet, commentators, conservatives too, cleave to abstracted definitions developed in citadels far removed from reality. Duly, the author of “Why Identity Politics Kills Democracy” harps on the  “political selfishness” that comes with a “fanatical fetishization” of “group identity.”

“A politics of whiteness is a scourge. A Hispanic politics is a scourge. An LGBT politics is a scourge. A plutocratic politics is a scourge. A feminist politics is a scourge.”  The only “true politics,” bewails our author, is one that “unites individuals under a single identity: citizen.”

Group hug.

In relation to reality, this kind of conservative political preening is a bit of a farce. Why so? Because undergirding the factional identity politics so roundly condemned is a practiced anti-whiteness.  Hispanic, LGBT, plutocrat and feminist: All would concur. The road to their political salvation is in collaborating to extinguish “white dominant culture.

Used in the main by media conservatives, “identity politics” is invoked, consciously or unconsciously, it would seem, because conservatives want to be nice. To be nice, one must remain in denial of things not nice. Conservatives refuse to come to terms with the fact that our politics are almost exclusively anti-white, and not anti-Other, more exotic identities.

It’s also considered politically incorrect or “racist” to advocate on behalf of whites—even if whites qua whites are being dangerously maligned and marginalized; even if there is an anti-white sentiment that runs through our institutions, both public and private.

And woe betide those who perpetuates the idea of white ethnocide, say in South Africa. She herself is, then, libeled as a racist. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Why Conservatives Ignore White-Hating Politics,” is currently on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

By Blowing A Hole In Fox News, President Trump Does Deplorables A Tremendous Favor

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Journalism, Media, Nationalism, Republicans

With the exception of Tucker Carlson, who is a national treasure, Fox News has always been a mouthpiece of establishment Republicanism. This translates into the promotion of corporate cronyism and Koch-oriented views, a wishy-washy, shallow perspective on mass, unfettered immigration; capitulation to the forces of feminism and militarism; flippancy about nationalism, the natural world, as well as about all matters racial.

My own book of Trump, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June 29, 2016), elaborated on and praised The Process of Trump. It’s not so much what the president says, but how Trump, a political Samson, has pried open the American establishment for all to see, ugly entrails and all.

Fox News is establishment. Via The Hill:

Trump lashed out in a trio of tweets after a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appeared on “America’s Newsroom.” The president cited her interview; the employment of former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile; Juan Williams, who is also a columnist for The Hill; and anchor Shepard Smith to claim the network is biased against him.

“Just watched @FoxNews heavily promoting the Democrats through their DNC Communications Director, spewing out whatever she wanted with zero pushback by anchor, @SandraSmithFox. Terrible considering that Fox couldn’t even land a debate, the Dems give them NOTHING!” Trump tweeted.

Trump blasted the network as “HOPELESS & CLUELESS” for hiring Brazile, Williams and Smith, each of whom have criticized the president at various times.

“They should go all the way LEFT and I will still find a way to Win — That’s what I do, Win. Too Bad!” Trump continued. “I don’t want to Win for myself, I only want to Win for the people. The New
@FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!”

UPDATED (8/6/019): NEW COLUMN: We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)

Democrats, Egalitarianism, Globalism, IMMIGRATION, Nationalism, Nationhood, Republicans

NEW COLUMN (with YouTube), “We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II),” is on The Unz Review and

Part I, “Do We Still Have A Country,” is on WND.COM this week.

Excerpt from “We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II)”:

Asked and answered in part 1 of this inquiry was the following question:

“Do we still have a country, when every single passive, non-aggressive act taken to repel people crossing into our country is considered de facto illegal, or inhumane, or in violation of international and U.S. law, or in contraventions of some hidden clause in the U.S. Constitution.”

Table a new law limiting trespass en masse, or attempt to enforce any of the many immigration laws already in the United States Code, and this is deemed by a plurality in D.C. to be problematic, if not outright diabolical.

Why do I say most in the ruling class? Because Republicans in power seldom ever fulfill their obligation to enforce America’s existing tough immigration laws.

You mean you didn’t know there were immigration laws aplenty already on the books? My point exactly. No representative tells you about the laws he or she has sworn to uphold, and hasn’t. Few representatives will fight to enforce these laws, or retaliate when judges routinely nullify immigration law.

Rather, Republicans spend their term on their knees, obsequiously apologizing, beating on breast, for the rare instances where immigration law is enforced.

Alas, most every U.S. law removing trespassers and interlopers is de facto unenforced because the multicultural noise machine—enabled by a complicit Administrative State and inept, indifferent legislators—sets the tone in this country.

Using their harshest Hitler hyperbole, the activists tell you that enforcement is not merely problematic, but Nazi-like, practically a war crime.

Here’s the nub of the matter: The noise makers want you to believe that to distinguish America from The World is immoral.


Because for America to be America, the World must be able to land in the U.S. and, forthwith, lodge claims against its citizens.

To deny these trespassers and claims-makers, first, their creature comforts, next, their welfare rights, is a violation of The World’s natural right to reside in a territory that belongs to The World.

Or, as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put it, “All people should be free to be here.” …

YouTube Version:

READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN (with YouTube), “We Aren’t Americans; We ARE The World (Part II),” is on The Unz Review and

UPDATE (8/6/019): Smart readers got it:

This is a text of the prophetic caliber and depth, accurate to every word.

Indeed, Repoops spend their term on their knees, accurately playing the role assigned to them. Absolute lack of the organized opposition, nor any dissent, now became the reality of this former beacon of the former Free world, while “we the sheeple” are conditioned to run as a deer between two lights of the duopoly… Nothing to add, just to repeat in bold:

The country is no longer, because, for one, there is nothing to separate citizens from The World. For another, the country’s representatives are representing The World, not their constituents.


America Is Moving Leftwards

Democrats, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Economy, Politics, Republicans

We know the Democrats are rapidly radicalizing, but what about Republicans? What about the country as a whole?

Well, according to The Economist, “AMERICANS ARE more in favour of ‘big-government’ policies today than at any point in the last 68 years. That is the conclusion of James Stimson, a political scientist, who has analysed long-running polls from the Universities of Chicago and Michigan to come up with annual estimates of the ‘public mood.'”

The magazine blames—you guessed it—“Donald Trump’s presidency,” rather than demographic changes over the corresponding decades.

Mr Stimson estimates that the last time America was feeling this left-wing was in 1961, when the civil-rights movement was full-steam ahead and Alan Shepard became the first American to be launched into outer space.

Public opinion is contradictory: many more Americans describe themselves as conservative than as liberal; yet Americans prefer left-leaning policies to right-leaning ones, even when these are accompanied by the promise of higher taxes. Mr Stimson’s data show a steady leftward shift in Americans’ views on the scope of government since 1952. And according to data from the Policy Agendas Project, an academic research group, the public also holds views that are more tolerant than ever on social issues like same-sex marriage; worries more about the environment; and is more enthusiastic about immigration and giving a helping hand to African-Americans.