Category Archives: Republicans

Mainstream Republicans Catching Up: My Jan. 2016 Picks For A ‘Winning Trump Cabinet’

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Government, Republicans

Good to see mainstream Republicans catch up. “The Winning Trump Ticket & Cabinet,” written January 22, 2016, suggested “the talented James Webb for the Trump ticket.”

Webb,” I wrote, “is a decorated Marine who served as Ronald Reagan’s secretary of the navy. In particular, Webb is the recipient of the ‘Navy Cross for heroism in Vietnam,’ the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts”:

Indisputably the last salt-of-the-earth Democrat of his generation, Webb had considered a bid for president as a Democrat, last year. However, he appeared out of place at the first dominatrix-dominated debate in October of 2015, where he confessed to killing a man or two in battle. He soon dropped out.

Citing paleoconservative thinker Pat Buchanan, Mr. Webb had argued forcefully against affirmative action and for poor whites, well before reports about the early demise of white working-class America percolated to the public.

Webb the Southern Democrat can galvanize Reagan Democrats as well as fans of the military on the Left.

It’s three years late. Maybe even too late. But perhaps the president—who has squandered 2 years appointing Kushner neoconservatives—will heed mainstream Republicans, who’ve finally, and somehow, stumbled on a sane candidate for secretary of defense.

2016 column: “The Winning Trump Ticket & Cabinet.”

2016 book: “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June 29, 2016).

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What Women & Minority Majority Transformations Do To Elections

Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans

The area “in or near Orange County, the densely-populated suburbs between Los Angeles and San Diego … were once an unassailable Republican fortress.” (“Orange Is The New Purple,” The Economist, Oct 20th 2018.)

“The OC” incubated Barry Goldwater’s conservatism and was home to Richard Nixon. Until 2016, its voters had last backed a Democratic presidential candidate in 1936, when they voted for FDR.

But the fortress has fallen to shifts in the population. Orange County, which used to be the colour of pith, is now minority majority with 34% of its population Hispanic and 21% Asian. Its voter registration reflects the change. It is 35% Republican, 34% Democrat and 27% independent, the definition of a competitive district.

The change that has most salience, though, is the rise in the number of university-educated people, especially women. In four of the five closest-fought districts in the county, graduates make up 28-34% of voters. Fully three-quarters of California’s female college graduates disapprove of Mr Trump (compared with 58% of male graduates and 61% of women who did not graduate). More than two-thirds [said] they [would] vote Democratic.

Orange Is The New Purple,” The Economist, Oct 20th 2018.

Fortunately, President Trump Doesn’t Listen To A Fellow Called Karl Rove

Bush, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Politics, Republicans

Four minutes and 25 seconds into the segment with Martha MacCallum, Karl Rove, forever ubiquitous in the establishment and thus a fixture on Fox News—can be heard preaching to Trump to take the high-ground and not attack Democrats for blaming the president for Cesar Sayoc’s actions.

The opportunistic Rove was once a vocal Never Trumper who has never been particularly politically astute.

Fortunately, Donald Trump doesn’t listen to establishmentarians and continues to make moron the media furious. See the Atlantic’s long gripe, here:

Trump’s Incoherent Rally in Charlotte: The president calls for harmony, then attacks. He demands honesty, then lies. He insists on an end to personal attacks, then insults his opponents.

UPDATED (10/1): Lindsey Graham’s “Spontaneous” Outrage

Elections, John McCain, Justice, Neoconservatism, Republicans

How Americans can believe a snake like Lindsey Graham is beyond me. It’s all about situational politics. And people fall for it—forgetting the man’s history of fecklessness. He has no principles. This is the late John McCain’s bosom buddy coming into his own, now that McCain is dead.

The man, Graham, is the foulest of politicians. But cunning. He has read the Republican base before a midterm. That’s all. Graham’s “spontaneous” outrage over the travesty against Brett Kavanaugh was so staged, likely rehearsed. What worries is that Republican voters are so desperate as to embrace the snake.

A healthy reaction to Graham should be this: “OK, you are behaving like a human being, for once. But watch it; you’re on probation. It you, Sen. Graham, agitate for wars against Iran or Syria, open borders (as has been your position hitherto), amnesty and against The Wall—you’re OUT.”


Lindsey Graham is a snake who spent his political career writhing in the pit with another viper, John McCain. Graham has realized that his time is up; that he’d better do something right—represent Americans—aside make mainstream media love him.

And about the fem yelling at Flake the Snake:

Kushners behind the scene?