Category Archives: Republicans

Republicans Let The Left Get Away With Incitement To Murder

BAB's A List, Democrats, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans, Russia

By Dr. Boyd D. Cathey

Yesterday’s attempted mass murder of a dozen Republican congressmen practicing for the annual congressional charity baseball game continues to hold the headlines … yet, on the Mainstream Media [MSM] the narrative continues to be that the deceased assassin, James Hodgkinson, was just an “loner,” a “sick” individual, unrepresentative of “mainstream” Democratic views. No, we are told, he was isolated, acting by himself, he had “snapped.” And from both Democrat and Republican leaders we then are counseled to “come together” and “reject hate,” and “lower the volume.”

Some pundits of the MSM go further, and actually blame what happened on Donald Trump—you see, it was he who initially unleashed this “climate of hate” by his “racism,” his “sexism and homophobia,” and his “anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

Got that?

Thus, the pundits in the media and the Democrat leaders (and far too many Republicans) attempt to erect an equivalency between the “hateful” statements of the president, on the one hand, and what they term as the “irrational but understandable reaction” by a scandalized and isolated individual, on the other.
This narrative is the very definition of standing truth on its head, of calling what is white, black; and what is black, white. Or, to use a more historical descriptor, it is an example of “the Big Lie.”

Three days before the assassination attempt in Alexandria, a columnist for The Huffington Post, Jason Fuller, published an essay at that venue. Now, The HuffPost is what we would call “mainstream Left.” It conveys views that are quite common among leading Democratic politicians; its writers have appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and at other sites. In other words, in our current politics, it passes for establishment, on the Left.

I actually receive its emailings most every day. But I had not read Fuller’s piece, published June 11, until a friend and former associate (who holds a doctorate and is a fine writer) sent it to me yesterday. Actually, after the attempted assassination, the essay was taken down by The HuffPost … and, after you read it (below), I think you will understand why.

Jason Fuller is representative of thousands, perhaps millions, of anti-Trump “resistance” people. That is why what he wrote on June 11 is so extremely threatening … and disgusting. He—and Hodgkinson—are not isolated, they are, as I have written, identical in their thinking, tips of an iceberg cultivated and encouraged and abetted by those same political leaders and that same media which shed tears—momentarily—yesterday for the attempt to murder congressional Republicans, but who, when it comes down to it, don’t retract or apologize for ANYTHING they have said, don’t halt any of the vicious and virulent venom they have unleashed, don’t retract any of the totally “fake news” they have spread about like horse manure, don’t apologize for any of the lies and deceptions that they have engaged in.

Fuller spins a web of charges against not just President Trump, but everyone in his administration, and also various members of Congress. They have, according to his febrile and utterly corrupted brain, all committed “treason,” and thus they must be tried, convicted, and executed. For Fuller there is no doubt about the “Russian collusion” narrative, no matter what James Comey admitted or what all the other Intel chiefs have testified to. It’s a fact because he wants it to be a fact, and because for the past seven months the MSM and leading Democrats have opened a Pandora’s Box of reckless insinuations and violent attacks, and created an immense mythic, politically poisonous narrative.

And notice, although he talks about a “trial,” it is only a “show trial,” because Fuller, like millions of other brainwashed Americans, has already convicted Trump, Pence, Bannon, Priebus, Speaker Ryan, Senator McConnell, and any other public figure who in any way supports the president, of treason. They all must be killed … that is, after a perfunctory “show trial.” Shades of the old Soviet days and their “show trials.”

Now, I would bet you that dormant oil well in my back yard that if you asked Jason Fuller his opinion, generally, of the death penalty, like almost all leftists, he would stoutly oppose it and react with horror and call it “inhuman” and “abusive of human rights.” But in this case, in the case of Trump and the entire leadership of the GOP, well, he would make a bloodthirsty exception; and from the tenor of his column it is very evident that he would love to be there when such executions occur and probably like to throw the switch himself. In fact, it is apparent that he eagerly lusts after the blood of those figures whom he firmly believes have threatened the future of the planet by challenging climate change and have, according to the Leftist narrative, stolen the 2016 election, aided and abetted by that evil genius Vladimir Putin (who obviously crept into thousands of polling places and miraculously changed vote totals, all with Donald Trump’s connivance!).

What is both utterly scandalous and extremely disturbing about this published piece on a national “mainstream” leftist webzine is that it is NOT unique; if you read far enough and scratch below the surface, it is fairly common to find similar items and commentary. And it is those same rabid epigones of the Deep State—the MSM (CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.), the Democrats (like Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, etc.), Hollywood, academia—who have unleashed this venom and hatred. It is they who have let out the genie of vitriolic language and unhinged hatred, of massive acts of “resistance,” of violence on campuses and in the street. They are the ones who have been screaming blood-curdling screams and imprecations and threats … and, as was to be expected, their millions of followers, cocooned in that parallel universe constructed on myth, lies, and deception, have begun to act upon the premises handed out to them by that leadership.

So, those brief tears and that wailing by Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders don’t cut it. The attempt of the MSM urging “that we all come together,” or to blame President Trump and talk radio, are ludicrous, an attempt to divert attention from their own direct responsibility and guilt. Yes, it was James Hodgkinson’s gun that was pointed at those Republicans, but it was, in fact, a gun created and filled with ammunition provided by a Rachel Maddow and a Chris Matthews on MSNBC, any of the pundits at CNN and the MSM, and of Waters, Pelosi and others, so self-righteously ensconced in Congress. It is they who must bear ultimate responsibility, and, if not so judged here and now, must face the eternal judgment of history and of God.

What we are witnessing is just one emanation of the multifaceted response of the Deep State and its warped minions to what happened last November. I have said before, and I repeat it again, those forces will use any tactic, employ any strategy, and do anything to recover what they lost and to maintain their Progressivist trajectory. What James Hodgkinson attempted and Jason Fuller gruesomely envisioned are but the natural results of the age old black-hearted Deep State revolution which luxuriates in evil and rebellion against both God and nature. It must be opposed.


~ Dr. Boyd D. Cathey is an Unz Review columnist, as well as a Barely a Blog contributor, whose work is easily located on this site under the “BAB’s A List” search category. Dr. Cathey earned an MA in history at the University of Virginia (as a Thomas Jefferson Fellow), and as a Richard M Weaver Fellow earned his doctorate in history and political philosophy at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. After additional studies in theology and philosophy in Switzerland, he taught in Argentina and Connecticut before returning to North Carolina. He was State Registrar of the North Carolina State Archives before retiring in 2011. In addition to writing for The Unz Review, Cathey writes for The Abbeville Institute, Confederate Veteran magazine, The Remnant, and other publications in the United States and Europe on a variety of topics, including politics, social and religious questions, film, and music.

Time to Rethink … Newt Gingrich

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Republicans, Russia

“Republicans Will Regret Celebrating Robert Mueller As Savior,” I wrote in a blog post, on May 19, and reiterated on YouTube. Reposted below.

What do you know! A prominent (and tiresome) Republican has just “regretted celebrating Robert Mueller as savior.”

Tweeted Newt Gingrich on 17 May:

Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down.

Less than a month later, and Newt is tweeting this:

“Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair. Look who he is hiring. check fec reports. Time to rethink.”

As I once wrote, “consistency is the touchstone of truth.” Republican politicians, for the most, are inconsistent and therefore untruthful.

On May 18, 2017, when the time was right to reject Mueller:

Republicans Will Regret Celebrating Robert Mueller As Savior (And Other Stuff)

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, John McCain, Neoconservatism, Republicans

*Joe Lieberman, at the top of President Trump’s list of potential FBI directors, is a neoconservative.
*Republicans will regret celebrating a life-long, Deep-State operative as a savior.
* And, who will stand by the plucky Kurds?

Doing the work the madhatter media refuses to do, in a short YouTube clip offering some of the news headlines plus the RIGHT perspective, of course. Please Subscribe to the YouTube channel:

Gloomy Media Happy, Gloating Over Trump Healthcare ‘Failure’

Democrats, Donald Trump, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Republicans, War

Media have taken a break from chasing down and inventing imagined Trump-Russia connections. The tail-chasers are no longer gloomy, but are now happy, celebrating their nemesis’ healthcare failure.

It’s almost a relief to have these miserable media bitches emerge from their brain-addled Russia monomania and laugh a bit. The crazy Russia rants were the stuff of straitjackets (where CNN’s Brian Stelter belongs).

It’s no joke. This same moronic media has taken America to wars with the frenzy it’s able to muster when its members don’t get their way. When the world these media elites inhabit ceases to make sense, they become dangerous. So a respite in these paroxysms is welcome and even relaxing.

Some of the “happy” headlines celebrating the failure to pass the American Health Care Act:

“GOP abandons health-care overhaul as Trump ultimatum fails to save it”

“‘The closer’? The inside story of how Trump tried — and failed — to make a deal on health care”

Trump learns that dealmaking is not the same as leadership

“Trump tastes failure as healthcare bill collapses”

Major Setback for Trump in First Big Legislative Clash

If the Trump healthcare bill was no good, why is its failure so bad? Throughout, Republican and Democratic TV hosts said not a word about the contents of Trump’s healthcare Bill. They’ve failed to explain it to their audiences. The empty debates on TV and radio have been devoted to lamenting a strategic loss, nothing else.