Category Archives: Republicans

CNN Anchor Huffs Over Hillary’s Health & Vitality

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Politics, Republicans

CNN’s Brianna Keilar raises Hillary Clinton’s health on air with Trump supporter Republican Congressman Sean Duffy. She then argues vigorously for HER candidate’s vitality: “Nah, Ms. Clinton doesn’t cough much.” Yeah, she Keilar has observed Hillary campaigning more energetically than Trump. “Why is Trump in red states?” (But no, “Why is Hillary in blue states”). A true advocate for Hillary is Keilar.

Ostensibly a reporter, Keilar also griped about the “right-wing press.” And she instructs Duffy: “I’m telling you how it is.” You can see Duffy veer between wanting to speak the truth to the stupid pouting girl, and, on the other hand, flattering her about the power and glory of her program. Duffy is part of “the New York-Washington axis of power.” More than in truth, he is vested in keeping his perch and being invited to return to Brianna Keilar’s CNN show.

Brianna’s sister-in-arms is Poppy Harlow (the ‘t’ is silent):

Trump’s Most Impassioned Address So Far: Law-‘N-Order

Crime, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Law, Republicans

From West Bend, Wisconsin, Donald Trump spoke about, “How to make communities safe again from crime and lawlessness.” He remarked that “Law and order must be restored. Violence is an assault on all. The main victims of the Milwaukee unrest are law-abiding members of the African-American community. There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners; she is against the police, too:

“The Opening Statement” to “The Trump Revolution” already credits Trump with “fumigating some serious snake pits”: Media Complex, Party Complex, Pseudo-Conservative Complex.

My favorite section is this one; it’s pretty much the gist of “The Opening Statement” to my Trump Revolution:

When we talk about the insider, who are we talking about? It’s the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interests. It’s the lobbyists who know how to insert that perfect loophole into every bill. It’s the financial industry knows how to regulate their competition out of existence. The insiders also include the media executives, anchors and journalists in Washington, Los Angeles, and New York City, who are part of the same failed status quo and want nothing to change.
Every day you pick up a newspaper, or turn on the nightly news, and hear about how some banker or some Washington insider says they oppose our campaign. Or some encrusted old politician says they oppose our campaign. Or some big time lobbyist says they oppose our campaign.
I wear their opposition as a badge of honor. Because it means I am fighting for REAL change, not just partisan change. I am fighting – all of us across the country are fighting – for peaceful regime change in our own country. The media-donor-political complex that’s bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by and for the people.
The leadership class in Washington D.C., of which Hillary Clinton has been a member for thirty years, has abandoned the people of this country.
I am going to give the people their voice back.
Think about it. The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have left our border open and let innocent people suffer as a result.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have led us into one disastrous foreign war after another.
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who lied to us about one trade deal after another.
Aren’t you tired of a system that gets rich at your expense?
Aren’t you tired of big media, big businesses, and big donors rigging the system to keep your voice from being heard?
Are you ready for change?
Are you ready for leadership that puts you, the American people, first? That puts your country first? That puts your family first?
Let’s talk about what this means for the inner cities of America.
It’s time to break through the television noise, the entrenched interests. I understand that a lot of powerful people in our political system – a lot of people who’ve created our problems – will lose a lot of their contracts, and their special gigs, if African-American voters, and all minority voters, support my campaign.

TRUMP’s Home Is Scaled; But MAD Media Fear For Hillary’s Life

Constitution, Donald Trump, English, GUNS, Hillary Clinton, Media, Republicans

Media collective has gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. It’s no longer about simple media bias, but about changing perceptions about reality through reporting.

The latest disgrace has seen the Trump Tower, where Donald Trump and his family reside, scaled by a man seeking merely “a meeting with Trump.” Not at all ominous or suspicious, right?! No problem. And how droll.

Conversely, Trump (who generally speaks incoherently) makes an inarticulate, but straightforward, comment about the power of the gun lobby and its backers to stop the Clinton agenda; and media and their protege holler, “He’s calling for an assassination.”

Even Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican who despises Trump (and appears borderline retarded), said she saw nothing untoward in these Trump words:

“Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” Trump said. “But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if Hillary gets to put her judges in, right now we’re tied.”

What’s “under siege” is reality. The English language has become the tool for cultural Marxists who continually manufacture a parallel universe for their viewers. These miserable media are committing not microaggression, but major aggression.

CNN has even used the manufactured controversy to segue into an assault on the 2nd Amendment. Wait a sec, isn’t that what Trump is warning about?

Turn off the tube.

The Omen: Establishmentarian Paul Ryan Beats Rebel Paul Nehlen

Conservatism, Constitution, Donald Trump, Republicans

By caving to GOP pressure and supporting the Other Guy Who Never Built a Thing, Paul Ryan, Donald Trump helped return Ryan to the House.

The opponent, Paul Nehlen, 47 had “hard-line views on immigration. He espoused enthusiasm for Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and said a discussion on deporting some Muslims was in order.” (WaPo)

For Ryan’s critics, the speaker’s victory represented an opportunity lost. Though they have long acknowledged that Nehlen’s insurgency was more quixotic than competitive, they had hoped that he would have come closer than he did Tuesday, believing that a strong finish would perhaps show Republicans nationally that the party’s Trump-aligned bloc was gaining. (WaPo)

The key words in Ryan’s acceptance blather: We want unity (totalitarians don’t brook differences). We’ll restore the lost constitution.

I put the lie to that bit of fiction in the introduction to “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” titled “Welcome to the Post Constitutional Jungle.”

The Constitution is a dead letter. There is no bringing it back from the dead, buried as it is under rooms full of legislation, statute and legal precedent. The Constitution is the box Republicans check when they want to con their constituents.

More of why the Constitution is dead in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.”