Category Archives: Socialism

Warfare State More Dangerous Than The Welfare State

Democrats, Elections, Socialism, The State, War

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is not a “vanity project,” but Democrats, and their idiot entertainer friends, are demanding that “long-shot 2020 hopefuls to quit ‘vanity projects’ and drop out.

Gabbard has an important mandate: Stop the Warfare State, which is more dangerous than the Welfare State. But the Democrats are now the War Party, too.


The finances for the war, of course, will come from the private economy. For every dollar the government spends, a dollar is suctioned from you and me. For every new smiling military recruit sitting pretty with a home, a porch, and a pension, some poor sod will join the army of (nine million) unemployed.

* Image courtesy of the Mises Institute


In Venezuela, There Is No Disagreement About SOCIALISM

Democracy, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Political Economy, Socialism

This may come as news to the doctrinaire democrats (lower case “d”) who doggedly conflate the will of the people with liberty:

The Venezuelan mobs fighting against the forces of Nicolás Maduro are not fighting for “freedom,” as we classical liberals think of it; they are not fighting against socialism.

In Juan Guaidó, Venezuelans are simply looking for a better, kinder socialist.

Guaidó is a member of the Socialist International. Guaidó is a member of the Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) party, which has been an official member of the Socialist International since 2014.


You mean you didn’t know that the Guaidó the US wants to go to war for is a socialist?

AGAIN: The masses as a rule, in the US and abroad, want more stuff, not less of it. If we quit the Disneyfied view of the world’s quarrels; perhaps we Americans will be less inclined to intervene in battles not our own.

One can only hope.

Why The Swing To Socialism

IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Political Philosophy, Politics, Republicans, Socialism

Mass immigration has forever changed the country.
Vox Day explains:

… there are now tens of millions of US citizens from nations with strong socialist traditions. For example, two of the three major Mexican parties are members of the Socialist International.

The second is that the media is dominated by individuals whose politics range the gamut from Marxian to Trotksyite.

Most important—and what Republican politics fail to address: There is no turning back.

‘Soviet States Democratized Better When They Had A Deep-Rooted Nationalist Movement’

Communism, Democracy, Fascism, Nationhood, Populism, Russia, Socialism, The West

We are propagandized daily about the dangers of nationalism (only among Western nations, mind you).

Nationalism, the statists tell us, is fascism by any other name. It’s certainly never a benign force.

A scholar from “the University of Toronto … argues,” however, that former Soviet states democratized better when they had a deep-rooted nationalist movement.”

Estonia is thriving. Lo and behold, nationalism “was stronger in Estonia, which was independent from 1918 to 1940, than in Moldova, which was ruled by Romania or Russia for centuries.”

It’s so intuitive that national cohesion and nationalism would enhance the willingness to submit to mass society, namely, democracy.

MORE: “Moldova and Estonia show how different democracies can be: One post-Soviet country defeated corruption, the other is still battling it.”