Category Archives: The State

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott MUST Stand His Ground, Uphold Texans’ Natural Rights

Constitution, COVID-19, Democrats, Federalism, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Law, Natural Law, The State

Natural rights antedate the state apparatus. It matters not who restores or upholds authentic negative, individual rights violated—state or federal authority—just so long as someone does.

So, “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order banning vaccine mandates in the state” is the correct thing to have done.

The entire legal community knows only the positive, state law, and cares nothing for the natural law, meagerly embodied in the Bill of Rights. This is why all “legal experts” are quite pleased to defer to the  Supremacy Clause abomination—it allows the State to subordinate  your natural rights as an American to the UN—in dismissing Abbot’s move.

Abbott’s move puts him at odds with some large corporations and with the Biden administration, which last month announced plans to require all employers with 100 or more workers to adopt vaccine mandates or testing regimens. A number of large private companies in Texas have issued mandates. (WaPo)

Said one “expert”:

…the supremacy clause to the Constitution says that federal law is the ‘supreme’ law of the land, and state laws give way to it” …. “The state mandate is of no effect in that case.”

In fact, as noted in the “CRADLE OF CORRUPTION” (2002),

“The Constitution is the thin edge of the wedge that has allowed U.S. governments to cede the rights of Americans to the UN. Specifically, the ‘Supremacy Clause’ in Article VI [even] states that all treaties made by government shall be “the supreme Law of the Land,” and shall usurp state law. Article VI has thus further compounded the loss of individual rights in the U.S.

Unless Abbot stands his ground (metaphorically, because the governor is wheelchair-bound).

Too hell with the Constitution; nobody follows it anyway, least of all the lawless, no-borders, White Lives Don’t Matter, licentious Democrats.

NEW VIEWING: The Fauci Quiz: How Many Americans Did Gnome, M.D., Allegedly Kill?

COVID-19, Ethics, Government, Healthcare, The State, The Therapuetic State

NEW VIEWING ON WND.COM AND THE UNZ REVIEW:The Fauci Quiz: How Many Americans Did Gnome, M.D., Allegedly Kill?

Think you’ve heard it all about medicrat Anthony Fauci? Well, there are a few things you still don’t know about the foolish Fauci. That’s because all other news analysts, left and right, have an agenda. “Hard Truth,” with David Vance and yours truly, has only one agenda:  unvarnished, nonpartisan truth.

Between March 5 and April 5, 2020, 10,598 Americans died from Covid-19 (see:, very likely because Fauci warned them, then, against purchasing the N95 mask. “Don’t you dare,” terrorized Gnome, M.D. As noted here: “Kung Flu is a killer, all right, but so are the bureaucrats.”

The Covid carnage under Fauci does not take into account his role in delegitimizing therapeutics. Just imagine if Fauci had similarly downplayed and delegitimized treatment for HIV/AIDS, and had insisted, as he does today, that salvation lay predominantly in a vaccine against that particular RNA strand?

WATCH the Hard Truth Fauci video:

LISTEN to the podcast version.

UPDATE III (11/27/021): Institutional Rot: Post-Vaccination Myopericarditis Could Be Linked To Fauci-Recommended, Rotten Injection Technique

Affirmative Action, COVID-19, Gender, Healthcare, Intelligence, Science, The State, The Therapuetic State

Idiot anchors like Pamela Brown of CNN, who speaks with a childish lisp and is unable to pronounce her “ings” (as in, “We’re not goin’ to question Fauci ‘science’, I’m just sayin’), are naturally incurious. Worse: They do not brook any questioning of received “wisdom” or authority.

To the aura of a petulant, lisping baby, Brown and her feminist network colleagues at CNN and MSNBC add an authoritarian aura. So, don’t expect these news gatekeepers to delve into any area that might empower their viewers to control some aspect of their vaccine experience, should they opt to succumb to pressure and get the Covid-19 jab.

In particular, don’t expect petulant Pamela or the CNN Covid doctors to bring to your awareness a credible hypothesis that post-vaccination myopericarditis could be a consequence of shoddy injection technique, in the Age of The Idiot, whereby a jab aimed at the  muscle hits a blood vessel.

Some old-timer, solid, primary care practitioners are warning that a tried-and-true injection technique, aspiration, well-within your control to demand, is being flouted:

A paper, “Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model,” hypothesizes quite credibly that post-vaccination myopericarditis could be exacerbated because,

“… current CDC … and WHO guidelines … no longer recommend precautionary measures during intra-muscular vaccine administration. Brief aspiration for blood return during intramuscular injection of medication as a preventive measure against accidental IV injection.”

The reason the Idioicrats recommend against a life-saving, old, precautionary technique?

PAIN!!!! “The CDC Pink Book 2020 and WHO 2015 position paper have recommended against aspiration prior to vaccine injection so as to minimize pain”!!!

Aspiration: “An important part of injecting medicine is aspirating a needle prior to releasing the fluid. Doing this properly will protect you from unwanted side effects and infection.”

Aspiration means to draw breath, or air from a needle. This simple process can make a big impact though. It protects you from hitting a blood vessel or artery and accidentally injecting fluid into one, which can result in a variety of different side effects.

Via “Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model“:

Both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have clearly stated
that their vaccines should only be given via IM route [30, 31].
However, current CDC [6] and WHO guidelines [5] no longer
recommend precautionary measures during IM vaccine administration.
Brief aspiration for blood return during intramuscular
injection of medication as a preventive measure against accidental
IV injection was previously present in most guidelines
[32]. This practice becomes controversial as scientific evidence
of the perceived benefit of this procedure is lacking for IM injection
of vaccine. The CDC Pink Book 2020 [6] and WHO
2015 position paper [5] have recommended against aspiration
prior to vaccine injection so as to minimize pain [33]. The veins
and arteries within the reach of a syringe needle in the deltoid
region are considered too small to allow a rapid IV injection of
vaccine without blowing out the vessel [6]. However, this speculation
also lacks supportive scientific evidence. Another possibility
of getting a high blood mRNA vaccine level is the rapid
movement of the vaccine through the lymphatic system into
the venous circulation. Thus changing the vaccine injection site
from deltoid to the vastus lateralis muscle of lateral mid-thigh
may reduce the amount of vaccine lipid nanoparticles reaching
the venous circulation due to enhanced uptake by the dendritic
cells and macrophages at the regional inguinal, iliac and paraaortic
lymph nodes.

Our study indicates that IV injection of vaccines might partially contribute to this clinical phenotype, thus warranting a reconsideration of the practice of IM injection without aspiration, which carries the risk of inadvertent IV injection. Increasing the size of mRNA-vaccine lipid-nanoparticle or decreasing the vaccine dose in normal adolescents to reduce  risks of myopericarditis warrant further investigations.


UPDATED I (10/5): Indian press is more open to inquiry than the American presstitutes. Reporters are asking questions:

Is faulty injection technique behind rare clot disorder reported post Covid vaccination?

UPDATE II (10/26/021):

UPDATE III (11/27/021):
Injection technique: The first South African injector does NOT aspirate the needle. The second is commendably careful and DOES aspirate. If you get jabbed, insist on aspiration, which ensures a jab aimed at muscle doesn’t hit a blood vessel.

NEW COLUMN: Justice Thomas’ Solution to Big Tech’s Social And Financial Excommunication

Argument, Economy, Individual Rights, Technology, The State

NEW COLUMN IS “Justice Thomas’ Solution to Big Tech’s Social And Financial Excommunication.

The column is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American and

The column is Part 2 of a 3-part series. Read Part 1, “Big Tech’s Financial Terrorism And Social Excommunication.”

An excerpt:

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson has vowed to stay chipper. This is not sufficient a solution from so powerful a persona as Mr. Carlson.

The requisite and fitting noblesse oblige comes from Justice Clarence Thomas.

As one of the few public intellectuals to grasp the gravity of social and financial excommunication by Deep Tech (to denote Big Tech’s enmeshment with The State), and for proposing a way to prohibit wicked social and financial ouster of innocents—Justice Thomas is my hero.

To blabber on about simply finding alternative outlets to Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, PayPal and other banking facilities is asinine verging on the criminal. Coming from political representatives, such advice ought to guarantee loss of face, even political expulsion.

The ordinary guy or girl (check) is told to go up against economic and political entities whose revenues exceed the GDP of quite a number of G20 nations combined.

“It changes nothing that these platforms are not the sole means for distributing speech or information,” inveighs Justice Thomas:

“A person could always choose to avoid the toll bridge or train and instead swim the Charles River or hike the Oregon Trail. But in assessing whether a company exercises substantial market power, what matters is whether the alternatives are comparable. For many of today’s digital platforms, nothing is.”

I’d go further. It would hardly be hyperbole, in driving home Justice Thomas’s ingenious point, to put it thus:

With respect to financial de-platforming, barring someone from PayPal is like prohibiting a passenger from crossing the English Channel by high-speed train, via ferry and by means of 90 percent of airplanes.

“Sure, some options remain for you to explore, you hapless loser. Go to it!” …

… READ THE REST on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American and

Next Week: Part 3, “Mercer & Mystery Man’s Big-Tech Solutions.”