Category Archives: The State

UPDATED (1/16/021): NEW COLUMN: Locked Down And Locked Out: First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley

Argument, Capitalism, Ethics, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Natural Law, Private Property, Technology, The State

NEW COLUMN, “Locked Down And Locked Out: First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley,” is featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review and “Locked Down And Locked Out” is now a feature on American Greatness.

An excerpt:


When Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon were growing up, they wanted to be government. Now they are!

Think about this: These are “businesses” whose political plank dwarfs their economic and technological raison dêtre: Work for them and you’ll quickly learn that it’s about minorities before merit, foreign over native born, women above everybody and everything, and white men who’re made to go to the back of the org, although, given their legendary facility with engineering—honky is made to do double duty for all the deadwood hired.

And, everything in deeply ignorant Deep Tech is done by the book—the White Fragility book, a favorite “teaching” resource of the barely-literate, Human Resources personnel.

The profit-structure, moreover, within many a Deep Tech company is reminiscent of that of a Petrostate. Billions flow top down, from these sheik-dominated organization—Bill Gates, Satya Nadella, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos—to their pet political fiefdoms, within each of their respective companies. There, navigating politics is more valuable than making products.

Dissident Americans take comfort in the fact that our lepper-like ouster—de-platforming, financial and other—is executed by private companies. Discrimination, aver the libertarian-minded among us, is the prerogative of private property. Or, so we console ourselves. We’re safe, for aggression for the sake of aggression, as we libertarians have long maintained, is the modus operandi of the state, not of free enterprise.

Yet, here we are! In more effectively banishing people and their products from market, private multinationals are posing a serious competition to the State.

And therein lies the rub. Fresh theoretical thinking about the meaning of Deep Tech begins with an understanding that we live and labor under tyrannical corporate statism, or tech-dominated statism. Free-market capitalism remains the “unknown ideal.”

Parler’s sudden (temporary, we hope), financial demise was no natural death; it came not by dint of economic failure, but due to untoward, unwarranted financial force—economic aggression of the most cowardly kind, wielded by economic enemies, and rooted in political enmity.

In defending Deep Tech’s prerogative to visit economic and social violence on innocent individuals and businesses by tossing them off their enormous, irreplaceable platforms, for speech not to their liking—not to mention throttling our speech, and confining us to a leper-like, tenuous status while on the platform—you are not defending the rights of private property to merely conduct itself as it wishes.

Rather, you are marching down the pirate’s plank, on a ship of state commandeered by pirates, who’re in competition with the state.

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Locked Down And Locked Out: First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley,” is was featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, “Locked Down And Locked Out,” is now a feature on American Greatness.

NEW COLUMN: MAGA Patriots: The Best Of People In the Worst Of Times

Democrats, Donald Trump, Government, Politics, Republicans, Technology, The State

NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.

ABOUT “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times,” Patriot caliber .357×6 writes:

“Finally, someone has the guts and the brains in the media to put forth the proper perspective. All the whining and propaganda is morphing into actual threats in a matter of hours against the patriot; go ahead, make our day.”


Why repeat hackneyed phrases about annus horribilis 2020?

Recall the opening paragraph of “A Tale of Two Cities,” a classic by Charles Dickens? Interspersed in that epical introduction are countervailing, sweetness-and-light words. Excise these—and you get 2020:

“… it was the worst of times…it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch…of incredulity, it was…the season of darkness… it was the winter of despair. … we had nothing before us.”

MAGA men and women are just that: The best of people in the worst of times.

These good people converged on D.C., Jan. 6, to protest the certification of the Electoral College vote.

They, who have “nothing before them,” had come to demand that something be done by those who had “brought [them] forth into this wilderness,” yet sit “by the fleshpots [on the Potomac] and [eat] bread to the full.” (My adaptation of Exodus 16:3.)

Cassandra Fairbanks, of the Gateway Pundit web-hub, framed her report about the protest that ensued just right: “Patriots Have Stormed the Capitol Building — Masses Breaching Federal Barriers — Cops Losing Control.”

Yes, patriots. Rage that had been simmering over an election whose results lacked constitutional credibility had finally come to a boil. …

…  The thread that runs through fatuous TV debates, among Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt and his ilk, is the failure of the Grand Old Party (GOP) to stand up to Donald Trump.

Unmentioned are the 74 million people who prop President Trump up. These solipsistic, vain TV degenerates—Bush-era operative Nicolle Wallace, the gaseous Ana Navaro, celebutante Margaret Hoover, and many more—have simply “disappeared” or cancelled 74 million Americans. …

… READ On. NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is  on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.

Rich Republicans Denying Desperate Americans Funds Don’t Get That The Small-Government Ship Has Sailed

COVID-19, Debt, Economy, Foreign Aid, Government, Hollywood, Politics, Republicans, Ron Paul, The State, Welfare

From Mitt Romney to Rand Paul, quite a number of oleaginous Republicans are opposing President Donald Trump’s push for bigger $2,000 stimulus checks.

These Republicans have “expressed concerns that $2,000 checks would cost the government too much money. Increasing the original $600 direct payments would mean the government would have to borrow another $464 billion.”

Has Rand Paul lost it? He says,

“I think giving money to people, though, who are already working—look, my kids are working and don’t need a check. They’re not rich, but they don’t need a check. And most working Americans don’t need a check right now,” he said.
“It’s a really foolish, eggheaded, left-wing, socialist idea to pass out free money to people,” Paul went on. “So I part ways with the president on giving people free money.”

It’s when politicians point to their kids as exemplars of ordinary working stiffs—that the gag reflex kicks in.

As to “free money”: The money is the people’s money returned to its rightful owners. You, sir, are getting free money. Politicians, paid out of taxes, are thieves–never wealth creators, but, rather, wealth consumers–and worse, parasites.

The Bill squanders minted money overseas and stateside, such as on  authorizing “a Smithsonian Women’s History Museum and a National Museum of the American Latino.” Foreign aid, of course, being a government-to-government grant, seldom helps anyone but the corrupt bureaucrats in charge of its dispersal.

Here is what’s in the “$2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill“:

  • $4 billion for New York’s MTA as part of bailouts for mass-transit systems.
  • $15 billion earmarked toward grant programs for live entertainment venues such as Broadway.
  • $7 billion toward expanding broadband access.
  • $1.4 billion for a construction of a wall on the southern US border.
  • A new law saying that violating copyright laws with unauthorized online streaming will become a felony punishable by five years in prison for first offenses and 10 years for repeat offenses. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) pushed the provision.
  • A rule saying the US Postal Service can no longer deliver e-cigarettes.
  • $500 million earmarked for Israeli defense purchases, including to equip the Iron Dome missile defense system.
  • $250 million over five years for Palestinian economic aid, which was pushed by New York Democratic Rep. Nita Lowey.
  • $2.5 million for “Internet freedom programs in closed societies”
  • $10 million for “gender programs” meant to help women get education and start businesses in Pakistan.

To their credit, Trumpian Republicans—Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Susan Collins, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler and Deb Fischer—have distanced themselves from the inappropriate objections, coming from their camp, to money for desperate Americans whose livelihoods have been destroyed by state response to COVID.

However, other Republican senators—John Cornyn, James Inhofe, Martha Blackburn, Pat Toomey, Roy Blunt, Rand Paul, Mitt Romney—have demonstrated a corporate, Beltway sensibility, as detached as that of the Democrats.

Most ludicrous is that these Republicans still believe there’s a case to be made for “small government.” Have they looked at the debt clock? Do they think the American State will ever again be small; can ever be shrunk?

The Small-Government ship has sailed and some Republicans don’t even know it.

Subways And Light Rail Are Sealed Sarcophaguses, COVID Incubators

COVID-19, Government, The State

Washington State’s soulless technocrats are wasting billions in trying to stuff unwilling commuters into light rail sarcophaguses. Instead of the more traditional buses, a fraction of the cost, the collective of cretins that runs the state keeps digging up highways to put down tracks.

If we are to believe the elites, the dumb Demos have voted to expand this transit system so, like the State itself, light rail’s tentacles will reach into every community.

In the age of COVID, subways and light rail are a dubious proposition, although the latter are way worse.

Writes “Rising Serpent” on Twitter: “It takes elite level dumbfuckery to convince people that riding a subway—basically a porta potty on wheels hurtling though a dank, dark terribly ventilated underground system of tunnels with no air exchange—is safe, while going to a restaurant, church or gym is not.”

And it takes plebeian-level dumbfuckery to believe the elites.