Category Archives: The State

Did You Elect The COVID Tyrants You’re Complaining About?


Who did you vote for, Angela Marsden, of Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill? Are we allowed to ask? Tons of voters are electing people like Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles and Seattle’s Jenny Durkan. However awful, if there is one thing you know about your local Republicans, it is that they’d never lockdown business. Nor should they.

ReadPrivate Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2“:

the natural rights of economically stricken individuals to reopen their businesses are righteous; they stem not from a state-created right or regulation. Rather, the right of ownership is the very extension of the right to life. In order to survive, man must—and it is in his nature to—transform the resources around him by mixing his labor with them and making them his own. Man’s labor and property are extensions of himself.
So, my countrymen are correct to protest the shuttering of their privately owned property, also their sole means of sustaining their lives.

Yahoo News:

Indoor dining has been banned for months in Los Angeles County, but health officials took it a step further and banned outdoor dining on November 25, the day before Thanksgiving, “to reduce the possibility for crowding and the potential for exposure.”

Ms Marsden was angered to discover that the caterers for a film crew – shooting the NBC crime drama Good Girls – had set up an almost identical arrangement to her closed restaurant a few feet away.

“I am losing everything,” she said, struggling to maintain her composure.

“Everything I own is being taken away from me. And they set up a movie company right next to my patio, which is right here.”

She said that she made the discovery of the set en route to a protest, which was staged on Saturday outside the home of County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, with demonstrators saying the government’s uneven application of the rules was crushing small businesses.

“People wonder why I am protesting,” Ms Marsden continued. “I have had enough. They have not given us money, and have shut us down.”

My own point is that someone is voting for the type of petty tyrants who see it as their right to extinguish livelihoods. In our highly polarized country, this question matters. My point is that if you voted for Garcetti, well, then, I’m all cried out.

Who did this sweet man vote for?  “An 81-year-old Italian man was spotted serenading his wife of 47 years beneath her hospital window.” It is likely that all European politicians are singing from the same hymn sheet on the matter of lockdowns. The same COVIDiots will have forced upon him this alienation from his beloved.

There is no good reason this man can’t suit up and sit by his wife’s side. Insanity (and are we sheep all?)

*Image here

GOP Punditry And Politicians Keep Tinkering Around The Gulag’s Edges


On the Republican game reserve, things continue as usual. As I was driving to my running turf, I tuned into radio mouth Jason Rantz, out of Washington State—who is also being mysteriously promoted by Tucker Carlson.

Gov. Jay Inslee won 58% of the vote. If you are among the business owners who voted for this chap—then you can’t expect any sympathy, now, can you?

Rantz was pondering how to improve the lot of business in Washington State, following the latest internment, courtesy of Gov. Inslee. Jason also beats on breast a lot about the lot of  Seattle’s residents, who voted overwhelmingly to continue to live in a city that resembles Mogadishu (on Lake Washington).

The tinkering the GOP is ever poised to partake in amounts to tweaking the Gulag: better barbed wire, less of a jolt from the electrified fence, and so on. No exhortation to rise up… No sense of justice, just tit-for-tat politicking.

More of the wishy-washy swamp crap for which we’ve come to loathe GOP punditry: Rantz says let’s have a bit of give-and-take with Great, Crooked Tech. Richard Spencer advocates the only true American solution: Make Tech a completely free-speech zone.

The occasion for the windy punditry: The Tech crooks appeared on The Hill to make fun of the country’s comical representatives.

Even Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is occasionally right:

When you have companies that have the power of governments, have more power than traditional media outlets, something has to give.

The next Tech vexation I find particualry egregious. By Deep Tech’s doing, some are serfs in American society; others are free.

To wit, Why is it legal for PayPal to prevent law-abiding individuals from transacting financially, but it’s illegal for a small business owner to refuse to bake a cake for someone? Civil Rights law is an ass, but, GOP, see that it is at least applied evenly, for heaven’s sake!

UPDATE II (11/4): NEW ON YouTube: Donald Trump Will Crush ANTIFA. VOTE!


“On a personal note: POTUS is why I became an American Woman. I naturalized because of Donald J. Trump.

I thought that were I to post a short, heartfelt video, you’d be more forgiving of my running election interference for the Russians. (FakeNews phonies: I’m being highly cynical. In other words, I’m joking, you dour dummies.)

Naturally, I had always been down with the founding documents and the Founding Fathers. But because of Uncle Sam’s depredation and unjust wars, I wasn’t feeling it.

Until … Trump.

If I were I black commentator, I have no doubt that this bit of information, divulged first here, would have generated greater interest in our conservative circles.

In any case, and very plainly, I urge you to consider my support for POTUS, in the context of my capacity as a longtime writer against war and against the state and for ordered liberty – a writer who also wrote a 2011 book about the demise of South Africa, due to forces not dissimilar to those undermining America.

I anatomized that destruction of my homeland South Africa in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” so I know that this election is the tipping point for America. Those of us who lost a homeland recognize it. …”



Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She’s the author of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s currently on Gab, YouTube, Twitter & LinkedIn, but has been banned by Facebook.

UPDATE I (11/3): Waiting.

UPDATE II (11/4): The wait is turning sad.
Thanks to kind readers, who felt what I felt—yet still took the time to kindly and generously make me feel welcome …  

Dear Ilana,

I am not normally one to send “fan letters” and fawn all over people,
so I consider this quick note just an affirmation of your writing. I
have been a regular reader of yours for a few years now. I enjoy and
look forward to your insights, your intelligent discourse, and your
humor. All attributes that are sorely lacking on a grand scale in so
much of what is dumped out there as news, or truth, or thought.

Two points: First, your use of language is thrilling and
thought-provoking in this day and age of click-bait and “right  thinking”. Thank you!

Second, I want to congratulate you for becoming a naturalized
American citizen, and welcome you. I see that as a positive action
motivated by optimism and healthy pride.  And even though being a US
citizen offers so many possibilities and opportunities, I believe
what you bring to the table is of greater value.

With respect, and my regards,

Kevin H.

Retired M/Sgt Illinois State Police, historian, certified NRA
instructor & CMP RSO


FAKE NEWS’ New Frontier: Against Any Efficient Reallocation Of Resources


The deeply silly Washington post has one of its anti-Trump “scoops”: ICE special response teams were freed up to respond to the June riots, ongoing. OMG! You wouldn’t want to optimize the people’s resources to save their resources, now would you?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) used a flight charter service reserved for the transportation of detainees to move tactical teams to Washington, D.C., to help quell protests on June 2 in the capital, according to a report by The Washington Post.
To justify the flights, ICE transported immigration detainees from facilities in Arizona and Florida to its Farmville, Va., immigration jail, a current and former official told the publication.

Skim and consider the natural law: Is it not naturally licit for personnel who serve the people to be moved around so that they may better serve the people in another, more-urgent capacity?

At issue here are state rules: Why do state rules prohibit efficient allocation of resources? Because that’s the very definition of the state: Perversely inefficient allocation of scarce resources.

As to COVID: I, too, am concerned with COVID-19 spread, but COVID-prevention protocols have nothing to do with freeing up Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deal with riots. These are two separate issues, conveniently conflated here.