Category Archives: The State

UPDATED (2/20/022): NEW COLUMN: Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All

Canada, Constitution, COVID-19, Democracy, Europe, Free Speech, Government, Individual Rights, Private Property, Propaganda, Regulation, THE ELITES, The State

NEW COLUMN, “Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All,” is a “first-rate philippic, says “Musil Protege” (follow him on Twitter). Read the essay on WND, The Unz Review and, where it is slightly abridged for length (“Truck you, Trudeau.”) The piece has also featured on The New American, CNSNews and American Greatness.


… Picture our heroes. On the one hand, you have working men and women, who already do the most dangerous of jobs, plainly often poorly clothed, trying to keep warm, as the Ottawa Gestapo steal their fuel jerricans and their fire wood. Yet wave the Maple Leaf Flag patriotically the truckers do, as their loathsome overlords level the worst possible pejoratives at them.

On our behalf, the merry band of truckers face a malevolent “alliance of government, social media companies and the mainstream media.” The malicious lies about the country-wide, freedom convoys just keep coming. To wit, not one reporter stateside had discharged his duty to tell the story of the protest. In Quebec, for example, the unvaccinated have been threatened with a fine. Even as Covid was on the wane, morphing from pandemic into mild, endemic illness—Premier Legault’s government saw fit to bar the unvaccinated, masks and all, from big-box stores like Walmart, Costco and Canadian Tire.

On the side of Gangland Government, you have a pompous, vainglorious, plodder press, and mean-minded media bad mouthing good people. And a cowardly, morally craven prime minister who initially ran from his official residence, rather than meet with a large swath of the Canadian people, whom he assiduously blackens as marginal, insufferable and unsavory.
Juxtapose truckers and families, the epitome of storybook goodness, with the charmed circle of that privileged ponce, Justine Trudeau. Words fail. In fact, my good friends at Junge Freiheit, a German weekly of excellence, had requested I write a 5,000-word piece about Justine. My reply:

“Trudeau is not worth 5,000 words—for how do you write so much about a nullity?” I’ve come up with just the right number of words for him. Here they are:

Trudeau is a dim dilettante, who inherited wealth, but no sense of noblesse oblige and none of his fabled father’s smarts and charisma. Just look at sonny boy’s mincing stride, sausaged as he is in designer suits. Observe the vain coif, the pasty, rapidly aging (from moral rot à la Dorian Gray) doughy face and hollow gaze, so like that of his mom, Margaret.

Justine was practically conceived and raised at the debauch Studio 54. In all his forced, affectatious attempts at gravitas, this dirigiste is now telling Canada’s salt of the earth, the truckers, to turn tail and return to life as his much-maligned second-class subjects.

A look at Trudeau’s demonic deeds and his vacant demeanor and one is reminded of the words of famed French novelist Jules Renard: “I don’t know if God exists, but it would be better for his reputation if he didn’t.”

Trudeau has inflicted horrifying material destruction and lasting moral damage. He has battered the truckers but not bettered them. It’s time for this dreck, this spawn of Studio 54, to go on home, for good. Good people want no truck with Trudeau. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Good Vs. Evil: Canada’s Truckers Battle Justine Trudeau For Us All“, now on WND, The Unz Review and (“Truck you, Trudeau.”) Or on The New American and CNSNews.

UPDATE (2/18/022): I love my appreciative, supportive readers. Via Gab:

LadyBeldon@LadyBeldon ··
You are a brilliant writer. Your ‘not worth 5,000 words’ piece for your German friends is spot on. Full of masterful double-entendres and hints left between the lines that perhaps only Canadians of a certain age would get. But lots of meat there for anyone who wants to follow the breadcrumbs. Worth a follow for sure.


“esquimaux” • 6 hours ago:

“Ilana, you have outdone yourself. Hell knoweth no fury as a lady who has had her fill of male mendacity and cowardice.” [Boy, is that true.]

Tucker And The Trucker: Condescending About Canada; Wrong About American South

America, Canada, Juvenal Early's Archive, Liberty, Race, Racism, The South, The State

Tucker Carlson: “Canada, they always steal our ideas and produce a slightly shoddy copy of them.”

Tucker Carlson’s segment, “There’s no more fearful despot than Canada’s Prime Minister,” is an important one. However, as a Canadian (an American too), who grasps very well the fundamental differences between Canada and America—Americans think they are God’s Country and operate with such imprimatur; Canadians don’t—I found it was remarkably condescending, as the famous and important host cackled that, “Canada always steals our ideas and produces a slightly shoddy copy of them.”

I have pinpointed and analyzed the differences I experienced personally between Canada and the US in an interview series with Dissident Mama: “Ilana Mercer, part 1: Roots, writing, & resistance” and “Ilana Mercer, part 2: Lady Paleolibertarian.”

To the extent Canadians have aped American state legislation and cultural trends; they lose. To the extent they stick with their more reserved, understated, quieter, far-better spoken civility and civilization; they win. On the whole, the Canadian State is usually far less menacing to its citizens than is the American State to its legal inhabitants. The US jailed Conrad Black; not Canada. And even when they reproduce their facsimile of the prototypical, American, TV Fox News blonde, Canadians do it better: Witness Lauren Southern versus dummy Tomi Lahren. (Oy! And my Dutch relative tells me Holland is now producing what is considered in The Netherlands déclassé, hackneyed, American-style TV blonds. Tucker already had one on!)

Juvenal Early, a regular writer for Barely A Blog, was furious:

“Tucker disgusted me with his coverage of the truckers last night. He asked one of them to refute the leftist assertion of racism in the crowd. What does that have to do with the vaccine mandate protest? Tucker also continues to demonize the Confederacy and the battle flag. Among real Southern right wingers, that’s a big non-starter.”

The Confederate flag segment is at the 13:00 minute mark.  The trucker interview starts at 16:45 and goes until 19 minutes.

Don’t Be A Pollyanna: The COVID Booster Racket Is Here To Stay, For Now

Argument, Constitution, COVID-19, Healthcare, The State

It doesn’t work: The COVID booster doesn’t stop the boosted from catching and transmitting Covid-19.  The booster may stop serious disease and hospitalization for some months, but then, an already overburdened immune system must be boosted again, if alleged protection against death and hospitalization is to last. And maybe not. There are no guarantees even of this promise. The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) head of vaccines strategy has sounded something as close to a warning as one can hope: “repeated vaccinations within short intervals will not represent a sustainable long term strategy.”

Logically, these frequent vaccine boosts could damage the immune system. Circuitously, and by hedging their words—the medicrats admit as much:

The World Health Organization cautions that, while “protection against severe disease is more likely to be preserved, more data on vaccine effectiveness, particularly against hospitalization, severe disease, and death are needed.”

In other words, they just don’t know.

On the basis of the above consensus, veteran Covid-19 commentators on the Right have heralded a victory against the futile coercive vaccine and booster mandates that are largely ineffective and unnecessary for the broad, relatively healthy population.

“It’s over, people. Aside from a few unlucky Israelis, no one is going to receive a fourth dose of the original vaccine; everyone with eyes can see it doesn’t work against Omicron.”

So says Alex Berenson:

Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.

WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:

a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.

It’s over, people. …

Instead the WHO is now promising/demanding vaccines based on whatever the dominant Sars-Cov-2 strain is at the moment.

That promise is as empty as all the others the health bureaucrats and vaccine companies have made.

At least five major variants (“variants of concern”) have developed in the last year, and two have become globally dominant. Even the mRNA vaccines cannot be cooked up and delivered fast enough to match whatever strain of virus becomes dominant. Covid is faster than the scientists.

This is all true. Virus variants crop-up faster than vaccines can be cooked-up. Vaccines will afford at most, “weeks of marginally improved protection for potentially severe side effects.”

The Omicron is currently the dominant variant (and in my opinion, weaker variants like it will evolve optimally to perpetuate themselves by skipping from host to host without killing them).

Vaccine makers know that “the virus is evolving new mutations faster than vaccine makers can keep up.” Despite that, “In public statements, Pfizer claimed it could deliver an Omicron-based vaccine by March 2022 if needed.” So why are they proceeding to develop and manufacture an Omicron-specific vaccine planned for when Omicron will have peaked or morphed or both?

Behind them, vaccine manufacturers have the power of the state. They know full-well that even if their newly manufactured potions miss the medical mark—they have behind them the state’s unconstitutional, coercive measures as a guarantee to help flog their (practically compulsory) products. So long as rights-violations to bodily integrity endure and are allowed—Big Pharma has made a safe investment in manufacturing more mismatched or useless drugs.

UPDATE II (1/17/022): Whites Needing Critical Care Sent To The Back Of The Emergency Room

COVID-19, Free Markets, Healthcare, Race, Racism, Republicans, Socialism, The State

Tucker Carlson is the only man in mainstream conservative media to be standing “athwart history, yelling ‘Stop,’ at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” (The rest on Fox News should be screened out as so much white noise.)

And Mr. Carlson has cobbled together convincing anecdotes to support his assertion that race will increasingly determine which patient gets critical Covid treatment. In particular, in an existing “equity” based point-system, a patient gets no points for being … white.

Pockets of free-market medicine once enjoyed might have remedied this. But these are clearly drying up due to a tight collusion between the constituent elements of the Pharma State, working to centralize the dispensing of Covid therapeutics, so as to wield scarcity as a political weapon in bringing about compliance.

As to Carlson’s question, “Why are Americans putting up with this?”: That’s more than a bit cynical, sir.

The answer: Most Americans are in denial about the systemically anti-white nature of their society. Too many are in a twisted a state of torpor, too stupid to do anything but turn their wrath on the unvaccinated—sicced like dogs on their neighbors, rather than on the Pharma State.

Above all, “When you aren’t a celebrity host, sir, your power is limited—and your advocates, the GOP, are busy advocating for war in East Europe, aid to Afghanistan, lower taxes, blah, blah.” Get it?

Several weeks ago, for example, the Food and Drug Administration released a factsheet on a monoclonal antibody called sotrovimab.

Sotrovimab is at this point, the only monoclonal antibody treatment that is proven effective against the latest variant of the coronavirus. The F.D.A. provided guidance for physicians in all 50 states telling them how to determine which patients should get this treatment, this critical treatment.

Physicians, the F.D.A. explained should consider quote, “race and ethnicity” as they administer treatments and so physicians are doing that across the country.

In Utah, COVID patients are triaged by a scoring system that determines whether or not they qualify for these potentially lifesaving antibody treatments. Look at this chart, it shows the scoring system. You’ll notice that race often counts more than physical health.

The State of Utah, for example, gives two points to anyone simply for not being white. You win if you’re not white. If you have congestive heart failure at the same time, you get one point. So if you’re a white congestive heart failure patient, that’s not enough for you.

It’s the same story in Minnesota. Minnesota awards two points to so-called BIPOC patients. That means anyone who is not white. If you have high blood pressure and you’re 60 years old, you get one point. So tough luck for you. Imagine if that was one of your parents. It is one of someone’s parents.

In New York, writes Aaron Sibarium, in a shocking new piece for “The Washington Free Beacon,” quote, “Racial minorities are automatically eligible for scarce COVID-19 therapeutics, regardless of age or underlying conditions.” It doesn’t matter what kind of health they’re in, all that matters is their skin color. Whites don’t qualify.

This is not healthcare, its punishment. It is punishment meted out on the basis of skin color.

Now, the justification for all of this, the authorities could not be clearer about it. They’ve taken their ideas directly from America’s colleges, they will tell you why they’re doing this. The justification is history.

The United States has mistreated racial minorities in centuries past, they say, therefore, whites must suffer now. So your ancestors did bad things or people who looked like your ancestors did bad things, so now, we are withholding medicine from you.

They call this equity. It’s not equity. It is collective punishment. It’s the North Korean standard. It’s the definition of evil.

And in case you’re wondering if that’s actually what it is, consider this. A young Haitian man could cross our border illegally today, many have. That person could show up at a clinic in New York tomorrow for COVID treatment, and get preference over an elderly American citizen purely because of his appearance.

Think about that. The Haitian has not suffered from systemic racism in America, whatever that is, he just got here. But he goes to the front of the line anyway. Now, that’s not a criticism of the Haitian, it is not his fault. He didn’t make the rules.

But the Americans who did make the rules clearly didn’t make them on the basis of public health. They made them in an effort to hurt a specific group of Americans and they are succeeding. This is happening everywhere, even in places you would never expect it to happen.

Watch as this man talks to an employee at a Texas medical facility to find out exactly what their policies are.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So I’m not able to get it today?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because I don’t qualify.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What if I — what if I like smoke and vape? I heard that was okay.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Okay. But if I were black and Hispanic, then I’d be able to qualify. Okay, I’m being denied medical service because of my race, is that —

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That’s the criteria.


CARLSON: So you can’t get lifesaving drugs from the government of Texas if you’re the wrong color. Think about that.

We reached out to the Texas Department of Health about this back in November and they denied allocating any healthcare on the basis of race, but of course they were lying. The North Central Texas COVID-19 Regional Infusion Center was created by the Texas Department of Health.

Last year, the Infusion Center’s website which says it is state funded featured an information sheet that explicitly listed race as an eligibility factor for getting antibody therapy. That’s what you just saw there, someone being denied medical treatment because he is the wrong color, without even assessing the relative health risks involved.

The website maintained by the Tarrant County, Texas — by the County of Tarrant in Texas explains that being nonwhite automatically makes you eligible for treatments. So this is still happening on a wide scale.

The question is, why are Americans putting up with this? It’s immoral. We’re used to hearing that your kids can’t get into a certain school if they are the wrong color or get a certain job if they don’t have the right appearance, and apparently they have accepted that.

UPDATE (1/14/022):FDA wants race, ethnicity factored in administering COVID drugs”  If White, Avoid moving to Utah and Minnesota run by racists:

“Risk factors for hospitalization and mortality are now well-recognized and include age, cumulative comorbidities, male gender, shortness of breath, and importantly, but for reasons not well-understood, non-white race/ethnicity,” read state guidelines on the standards of care of monoclonal antibody treatment.
However, Utah has also provided “ethical justification” for its patient selection.
“Utah Data from more than one hundred thousand patients with COVID-19 confirms that even after controlling for age and comorbidities, Utahns who identify from communities of color have a significantly higher risk of severe disease requiring hospitalization,” the guidelines read. “Public health interventions may be used to attempt to mitigate these disparities in COVID-19 by recognizing the structural inequities that underlie them. One way to do this is to include race/ethnicity in the patient selection criteria.”
Minnesota health officials have also urged health care providers to “consider heightened risk of progression to severe COVID-19 associated with race and ethnicity when determining eligibility” for monoclonal antibody treatment of COVID-19.

UPDATE II (1/17/022): 

“Midwest Catholic hospital system says it will cease discrimination against WHITE patients when offering COVID monoclonal antibody treatment after conservative law firm threatened to sue

* Image credit