Category Archives: The State

Man Up, World! Give An American Patriot Asylum

English, EU, Europe, Homeland Security, Individual Rights, Intelligence, Morality, Terrorism, The State

The USA is still the biggest bully in the world. The BBC reports that “Mr. Snowden has already asked 21 countries for asylum, most of whom have turned down his request.” (This is the Queens’s English? I would have written, “Most of which.”)

The US has been blamed for being behind the decision by France, Portugal, Italy and Spain to close its airspace to Bolivia’s president, whose plane was grounded in Austria for 13 hours as a result. …Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro said it would give asylum to the intelligence leaker, who is believed to be holed up in a transit area of Moscow airport.

Let this young man live out his life in Venezuela, instead of in a US cage.

Those who’re not suspended in the moral abyss with mainstream media already know that Edward Snowden is the best of America. Let us prove ourselves worthy of his sacrifice. Come every Memorial Day—more aptly called “Dying For Nothing Day”—we direct a commonplace saying at members of a military that has not defended authentic American liberties for decades. It is, however, to a young man such as this that we should say:”Thank you for your service, Mr. Snowden.”

Like son like father:

Edward Snowden’s father Lon Snowden, in an open letter co-authored with his lawyer, compared his son’s leaks to Paul Revere warning of incoming British troops, “summoning the American people to confront the growing danger of tyranny and one branch government.”
The letter, released to news organizations, lauded Edward Snowden as following the “honorable tradition” of “brave men and women refusing to bow to government wrongdoing or injustice, and exalting knowledge, virtue, wisdom, and selflessness over creature comforts as the North Star of life.”

UPDATED: Trayvon Martin’s Girlfriend Is Kind Of … Cool ( World Stupidity Title Still Held By White American Girl)

Crime, English, Intelligence, Multiculturalism, Pop-Culture, Race, The State

In looks, Rachel Jeantel, Travon Martin’s girlfriend, reminds me of the poor, grotesque Precious from the eponymous (horror) film. However, Jeantel has attitude. She’s sly, wily and she’ll cut you (ghetto for dangerous).

A lot of predictable pixels have been spilled on explaining a dah factor: why, in race obsessed America, “Black People Understand Rachel Jeantel,” whereas “White People Don’t.”

How boring. Especially when Rachel is so interesting.

I could not get enough of her. The fake bangs and bun, the authentic eff-you attitude, the honest, sad, unapologetic admission of ignorance. The soft voice, so different from the staccato, tart tones emitted by so many of the nation’s white girls. How many of the latter can even use the word “cursive” in context? (Rachel admitted she could not read “cursive,” when asked to read a letter she had allegedly penned as an account of Martin’s shooting.)

As I said, Rachel rocks, in a grotesque kind of way.

Celebrity chef Paula Deen was accused of being a relic from the Old South. I doubt that blacks in the bad old days were as lost, as in on a road to nowhere, as poor Rachel is.

Rachel Jeantel holds up a mirror to American culture. To the men who questioned her, she is like an alien from Deep Space. A stranger.

America is a nation of strangers. It has become a mass of writhing, competing, combative and rather miserable factions, motivated by resentments and envy, and lacking in any common core, other than the State. The State manages and fuels this misery.

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UPDATE (6/30): WORLD STUPIDITY TITLE STILL HELD BY WHITE AMERICAN GIRL. Rachel Jeantel is not nearly as stupid as Lauren Caitlin Upton of the 2007 Miss Teen USA fame. Caitlin was asked why so many “Americans can’t locate the U.S. on a world map.” Her reply included references to “U.S. Americans,” “South Africa,” “Eyeraq,” “Asian countries,” “our children,” each prefaced by the “sophisticated” phrase “such as.” Here’s the full answer. It won Upton the “World Stupidity Award”:

I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future [for our children].

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The Voluntary Free Market: An Extension Of Life Itself

Business, Capitalism, Economy, Free Markets, libertarianism, Propaganda, Regulation, The State

“The voluntary free market is a sacred extension of life itself. The free market—it has not been unfettered for a very long time—is really a spontaneously synchronized order comprising trillions upon trillions of voluntary acts that individuals perform in order to make a living. Introduce government force and coercion into this rhythm and you get life-threatening arrhythmia. Under increasing state control, this marketplace —this magic, organic agora—starts to splutter, and people suffer.”—ILANA (April 23, 2010)

The market place brings plenty; the state does the opposite. Yet not a day goes by when the masses, ignorant of the forces that feed, clothe, cure, employ, entertain them and innovate for them, do not demand that those who’ve done nothing of the kind—the McCains, Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, Keith Alexanders, Lois Lerners, Eric Holders of the world—proceed with force against those who do nothing but.

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Apoplectic Over Legal Reversals On Race

Constitution, Law, Race, Racism, States' Rights, The State

Any weakening of laws that privilege protected groups will be decried by … the groups the law protects and others vested in “advancement through affirmative action, quotas, contract set-asides based on race” and race-based redistricting. The latter is “the intentional formation of majority–minority districts (districts in which voters of color constitute a majority of eligible voters).

Supreme Court setbacks to the racial spoils-system run by federal and state enforces is bound to annoy the system’s beneficiaries and supporters. In this, The National Law Journal stands firmly with “Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.” The former called a Tuesday decision over “a key provision of the Voting Rights Act by the U.S. Supreme Court” a “gutting” of the law. The latter decried this legal reprieve as “a serious and unnecessary setback,” promising that “the department will press on in the enforcement of voting rights laws.”

Basically the South was declared to no longer pose a danger to blacks. Read The National Law Journal’s laughable lamentations:

A divided U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday dealt a crippling blow to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by striking down the formula devised by Congress to determine which states are covered by the act.
“In 1965, the States could be divided into two groups: those with a recent history of voting tests and low voter registration and turnout, and those without those characteristics,” Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. “Congress based its coverage formula on that distinction. Today the Nation is no longer divided along those lines, yet the Voting Rights Act continues to treat it as if it were.”
By invalidating the coverage formula in Section 4(b) of the act, the court, in effect, rendered Section 5—the heart of the act—useless. Section 5 requires covered jurisdictions—those with a history of voting discrimination—to submit any changes in their voting practices for preclearance by the Department of Justice or the federal district court in Washington. …