Category Archives: The Zeitgeist

The Third Degree à la Germany: Answering To Junge Freiheit


A change of pace for a change. “The Third Degree à la Germany” is the current column. It’s Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, now on The Unz Review (where, as in Germany, some got the humor. not so much). An excerpt:

Junge Freiheit is Germany’s finest weekly newspaper. It’s easily its only authentically rightist, freedom-loving, classically liberal publication. When Junge Freiheit’s editors come calling; this writer is always happy to oblige—and not only because my weekly column once appeared in JF. But also because, present company excepted, the young editors at JF are simply the kindest, most professional journalists I’ve encountered. What was it that Oscar Wilde said about kindness? “She thought that because he was stupid he would be kindly, when of course, kindliness requires imagination and intellect.” Having just emerged from a 15-year-long, abusive, professional relationship; kindness and courtesy are indeed new and lovely things to behold.

However, my Teutonic editor lit a fire under me. I was asked to make haste in answering Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, for the November 11 issue. You’re in good company was his matter-of-fact message. But get to it.

The company: Nigel Farage (author of Brexit), Eric Burdon (rock-and-roll legend), Douglas Murray (famous neoconservative), Lord Christopher Monckton (politician and inventor), Thomas Drake (Whistleblower), Colin Crouch (author of “Postdemocracy”), Frederick Forsyth (bestselling author), Charlie Duke (Apollo 11 and Apollo 16 astronaut), Tony Sheridan (early Beatles), etc.

The record time for answering the JF questionnaire: six minutes. Needless to say, I failed miserably to beat it.

JUNGE FREIHEIT: Where would you like to be at this very moment?

ILANA MERCER: I‘m strictly reality oriented. I don’t indulge in make-believe. I don’t wish to be where I’m not. …

… Read the rest. “The Third Degree à la Germany,”  Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, is now on The Unz Review.

JUNGE FREIHEIT, z.Hd. Christian Dorn, Hohenzollerndamm 27 A, 10713 Berlin, GERMANY, November 11 issue, page 27.

PRUDE NATION? Only When It Comes To Trump


The lewder, more pornographic, and less talented at their craft pop icons become, the louder the Left lauds their artistically dodgy output. Miley Cyrus was mocked before she began twerking tush, gyrating crotch and twirling tongue. Only then had she arrived as an artist in the eyes of “critics” on the Left. Ditto Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. The last launched a career with a sex tape and cultivated ass elephantiasis; and viola!

Cyrus, Beyoncé, Gaga, Madonna, Lena Dunham, et al.: There’s zero artistic range there. The power of the average pop artist and her products lies in the pornography that is her “art,” in her hackneyed political posturing, and in the fantastic technology that is Auto-Tune.

In a culture dominated by the left, vulgar and vacuousness is conflated with quality and edginess. So why is everyone apoplectic over a few naughty references and allusions in the presidential debates (begun by goody-goody Marco Rubio)?

Left and Right: everyone is distraught over the political strutting ongoing on the Republican stage.

Give me a break!

I bet you that if Bernie Sanders got a little frisky the Left would think him adorable.

The Week’s Tweets In Review (11/23)


As a Twitter account holder writes on his Twitter handle or masthead, “I tweet, because I’m too lazy to blog.” And as my valued readers know, for a decade, now—since May 2005, to be precise—I’ve endeavored to provide them with a daily, detailed analysis, on Barely A Blog, of the events. Coupled with writing a weekly, well-read column, first launched in Canada (1998), and continued to this day in the US on WND—this commitment cuts into book writing. Like most women, I refuse to give up cooking, outdoor running, parrot, house and husband husbandry—which would not matter much were it not for the readers’ preference. You, too, have a lot on your proverbial plate. And you prefer a shift to shorter quips. As un-intuitive as tweeting is—it can be real cyber-ejaculate—I will try to increase the use of this format. At week’s end, however, a blog post, “The Week’s Tweets In Review (+ date),” will collate a selection of choice tweets.

Here goes, from latest to last:

Donald Trump Will Regret Ghastly SNL Act


Donald Trump will regret his appearance on the rubbishy Saturday Night Live show. The whole hour was ghastly; the stuff of “losers.” There was no talent to speak of. No satire. No humor. No edginess. Crap writing and acting, and sound seriously shitty, courtesy of an apparition called “Sia,” who brought with her a palsied pantomime who writhed on the floor. I haven’t watched SNL for years, but it has clearly adopted the fool Jimmy Fallon’s juvenile school of giggles.

Would that the skits were risque, they were not; it was just all … garbage.