NEW COLUMN IS “Actually, COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE.” It appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, Quarterly Review, and NAEBC.
An excerpt:
China’s plague-delivery pedigree is solid.
Courtesy of China, the West got the H2N2 virus in 1957 and the H3N2 virus in 1968. Granted, the Chinese viral supply chain was broken with H1N1 flu; it came from Mexico. But, with the bird flu, SARS and SARS-Cov-2, China has fully reestablished its disease-delivery credentials.
Alas, going by the COVID culpability theories advanced by conservatives, the steady stream of “China plagues,” in Trump’s words, has had nothing to do with the noble Chinese people.
Blame the ignoble Chinese Communist Party for all these lethal, little RNA strands unleashed on the world. Some even have taken to calling SARS-CoV-2 “the CCP virus.”
As this Disneyfied neoconservative narrative goes, the Chinese were just hanging, being the freedom-loving, civilized sorts they are; going about the business of making the world a better place, when, lo-and-behold, their scheming, communistic government sprung the COVID on them—and the world.
Without fail, American pundits and pols, conservatives, in particular, apply to China the same theories of culpability that have undergirded America’s invasions of the illiberal people of the Middle East.
The bifurcation globalists love to effect is of the noble Chinese people up against the ignoble Chinese government.
It’s the Chinese government, not the people. Liberate the Chinese and they’ll show their Jeffersonian propensity for enlightened self-interest, not to mention a palate for cuisine less craven and cruel.
What I wrote in 2006 about Iraqis applies in spades to the Chinese and their responsibility for COVID. I’ve substituted Iraq with China here:
“The government of [China] doesn’t stand apart from the governed; it reflects them.” (November 6, 2006) …
… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “COVID Comes Courtesy Of The Chinese PEOPLE.” It appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, Quarterly Review, and NAEBC.
- Wet Markets, Courtesy of Jo-Anne McArthur
Bat soup, courtesy NAEBC, where the column is now posted.

Courtesy NAEBC.
UPDATE I (10/23):
Sickest think, @rosenberger_ken, on LinkedIn, where we both hangout, is how animal rescues keep fetching (and filming) these half-starved dogs from dog-eating farms–yet animal activists say not a words about THAT cultural EVIL. About BLM, The same activists, on the same forum, don’t shut up.
Sickest think, @rosenberger_ken, on LinkedIn, where we both hangout, is how animal rescues keep fetching these half-starved dogs from dog-eating farms–yet #animalactivists say not a words about THAT cultural EVIL. About #BLM they don't shut up.
— ILANA Mercer (@IlanaMercer) October 23, 2020