NEW COLUMN: FBI SUDDENLY Vested In The Intentional Lab Leak Theory Of COVID’s Origins

China, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Russia, The West, War

NEW COLUMN is “Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords.” It was featured on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and The New American

Read it now on


… Skepticism is duly in order—“Laughing Out Loud” emojis, rather—when the FBI, apparatus of an “Empire of Lies,” embraces the intentional-leak theory with respect to COVID’s origins.

As it happens, “FBI Director Christopher Wray,” reports the BBC News, “has said that the bureau believes Covid-19 most likely originated in a Chinese government-controlled lab.” You don’t say. That settles it, now, doesn’t it? Well, no, it doesn’t. Not with the FBI’s lousy track record for veracity, neutrality and reliability.

Coming from the FBI, the intentional-leak theory seems rich—certainly as “intuitive” as Russia blowing up “the Nord Stream pipelines, also some of Europe’s most important civilian energy infrastructure.” By no coincidence, the FBI is currently running interference in a kinetic war with Russia and in a ramp-up to confrontation with China. (Leaks in biosafety level-4 laboratories have occurred both in the USA and in China.)

So, who gave COVID to the world? The bat-eating, Chinese people thus gifted the world. The plague-delivery pedigree of the Chinese is solid. Courtesy of the Chinese, the West got the H2N2 virus in 1957 and the H3N2 virus in 1968. Granted, the Chinese viral supply chain was broken with H1N1 flu; it came from Mexico. But, with the bird flu, SARS and SARS-Cov-2, the Chinese had fully reestablished their conventional disease-delivery credentials.

As conservatives tell it, the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID, rather than the many millions of Chinese, who capture, torture—boil alive—and consume wild animals in ways that beggar belief. …

… The clincher: If we know anything about the Chinese it is that, unlike the Americans, they do tend to act in the national interest. Covid was, very plainly, not in the national interest. …

… READ THE REST. Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords” was a feature on WND.COM, The Unz Review and The New American

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PODCAST: Oh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords

Affirmative Action, China, Communism, Conservatism, COVID-19, Foreign Policy, Free Markets, Republicans, Russia, South-Africa, Technology, The State, The West, War

THE LIVE HARD TRUTH PODCAST, March 7, 2023, with David Vance and myself, was a great deal of fun. It is definitely worth postponing all midday appointments for. We go deep.

I question US belligerence against China whilst being buoyed by African resistance to US foreign policy diktats. David exposes Covid lies and distractions peddled by the spineless media. AND MUCH MORE.

We really enjoy your comments, so do make a point of joining us next time.

You can now watchOh, What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords,” and still leave your comments. We always reply.

We appreciate your Subscribe.

HARD TRUTH PODCAST LIVE: Tuesday, March 7th, 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Africa, Conservatism, COVID-19, Critique, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Politics, Republicans, Russia

THE HARD TRUTH PODCAST, with David Vance and myself, will be streaming or broadcasting live, Tuesday, March 7th, at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

RUMBLE is the venue, although we are on all the other platforms, including Podbean and David’s Twitter and Gettr homes.

TOPICS include: The batshit crazy American belligerence against China. While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, the ostensibly “sane” wing of the GOP is ever ready with an alternative war. Booboisie seems on board with the buildup.

I am, however, buoyed by Africa’s resistance to US foreign-policy dictates, the direction taken with Putin, to be precise. Trust a Brother to have the gumption to tell the sanctimonious Anglo-Ameri-European axis of evil to go jump in the lake. Via RT.

We expect to touch on Trump’s address at CPUKE 2023. FBI Director Christopher Wray’s sudden need to direct the story-line about the origins of COVID has piqued our interest, too.

Be there. And send comments for posting while you watch.

Out last HARD TRUTH podcast netted 5,430 views. We appreciate a Subscribe.

UPDATED: NEW COLUMN: Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna

Aesthetics, Art, Conservatism, COVID-19, Critique, Culture, Music, Pop-Culture, Sex, The Zeitgeist

NEW COLUMN IS “Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna.” It was a feature on WND, The New American, Unz Review and

Now easily accessed and read on


…  THE ONLY SUBSTANTIVE CONSERVATIVE CASE to make over the Grammys is that it signifies the complete loss of immutable artistic standards. For while artistic taste is subjective and personal; artistic standards are everywhere and always objective.

Nobody looking at, and listening to, the 2023 Grammys should dare talk about beauty—of melody or movement—harmony (as in consonance and counterpoint), chord progression, and a facility with musical instruments, for these were nowhere apparent. Better melodic progression is to be found in “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and “Three Blind Mice.”

Nobody watching these erogenous-zone centered extravaganzas, for which the celebrity Idiocracy clapped like clapped-out whores, should dare conclude anything but this:

The Grammys were about the end of art—about the loss of all meritocratic, objective standards in art.

THE TRUE MEANING OF THE WEST is not to be found in the staged acts of ugly exhibitionists and filthy pornographers who bedeck our cultural and sporting events, the likes of loud, lousy Lizzo, a mountain of meritless flesh, and the Sam Smith Sicko—demented degenerates who are all engaged in publicly tolerated indecent exposure and tuneless yelping, that not even the Auto-tune magic software, the “holy grail of recording” technology, can correct.

THE MEANING OF THE WEST is not in this ghastly culture, in which our kids, liberal and conservative, are allowed to wallow, or in our ugly, grubby, tit-for-tat politics.

IT’S NOT in the Woke, postmodern perverts degrading the language, literature, music, art and sciences.

IT’S NOWHERE IN THE COVID CARTEL and its army of goons, medical and bureaucratic, devoid of intelligence and bereft of proficiency in anything but the use of force.

The aforementioned are imposters, interlopers; frauds, freaks and fetishists.

Beethoven is The West. It’s men like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Brahms, Bruckner, Debussy, César Franck, Dvorák, Tchaikovsky (a Russian homosexual, whose manly music could never be queered), Elgar, Fauré and more—they embody The West. They and the many young performers furthering their work, the work of the Lord, are examples of the best of the West. …

…READ THE REST. “Beethoven & Bach ARE THE WEST, Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna” was a feature on WND, The New American, Unz Review and

It’s now here, on