Consider What The Dems Just Pulled On Kavanaugh — And The Country

Constitution, Criminal Injustice, Democrats, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

We’ve moved on so quickly from the ordeal of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

But consider: The man had lived a good life. Yet his reputation is in tatters, forever tainted, following his confirmation hearings in September of this year.

Democrats had set up a speedy Kangaroo Court for Brett Kavanaugh. It was a petty, yet lethal, rumor mill, culminating in a humiliating, ugly, character-destroying farce of a hearing, played out nationally and internationally.

Willfully ignored by the presiding Democrats were all the “recognized standards of justice” or “legal and ethical obligations”: The right to effective legal representation, the right to confront an accuser and her witnesses; the right to challenge the evidence, and the presumption of innocence.

Believing they were on the side of the angels and would be embraced as such, Democrats claimed Kavanaugh, whom they accused of the crime of sexual assault, was owed no due process of law.

Hey, a confirmation hearing is just a job interview. So what if it turned into a search-and-destroy mission against an innocent man?! No hard feelings, old sport.

Truly despotic.


GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was
“Christine Blah-Blah Ford & Her Hippocampus”

UPDATED: About An Inspiring Young Man Who Knows He Has Things To Learn

Education, English, Intelligence, Kids, Logic, Reason

The stories about youths ruined by the education system are legion. My own encounters over the years confirm that students are taught to never question the state of their knowledge; to work to a grade and to not doubt the value of that grade.

Students and parents mistakenly believe that grades correspond to the state of their knowledge. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Adoring parents enforce these misconceptions, enabling bad teachers, and giving pedagogues (mostly mediocre or sub-par minds) ample cover.

In this context, I seldom give interviews, because young interviewers, while genuinely interested, poor things, are unable to grapple with substance and content.

I feel for these promising young minds. They’ve been deprived. They most certainly have not been taught to distill, analyze and question information. Unable to grapple with content, young minds resort to process-oriented gibberish:

“How do you feel about… What made you … Who inspired you.” Sorry, old chap. That’s not going to cut it. It’s what you ask the traditional Agony Aunt.

See, your kids are taught by women and their house-trained boys. So they look at the world not in search of substance, data, insights; but by escaping into different states of feeling.

Having said that, I am so happy to report that I’ve been pleasantly surprised by a young Millennial. He had “reached out”—scrap that phrase, please, use “contacted”—with a request for an interview.

After reading his questions to me, I replied somewhat curtly by saying that his were questions better addressed to a YouTube fresh face or some young social-media sensation.

I explained why and told my young interlocutor I’d be glad to look over his revised questions once he got his bearings.

I had expected that he’d huff and puff as ego-maniacal Millennials usually do, when criticized.

But what a pleasant surprise awaited.

The young conservative replied thus:

OK. That’s definitely right. I enjoy your writing very much. Will get back with different questions. Thank you very much

My reply to his:

I knew you could be pushed to grapple with material. You’re better than the previous questions you sent, smarter. Give me a week and I will get back to you with answers to new questions. Good for you for being a good sport.


Came his reply:

Thank you for encouraging me. I really appreciate it … [and other stuff I won’t share]


Pushing good minds in the right (and Right) direction, provided they don’t suffer hubris, can work.


No. Traditional, teacher-centered learning is the only way to begin to reverse progressive, child-centered miseducation. Restoring hierarchy is essential.

UPDATES (10/16/018): Beware: Dem Witches Are Coming. The Women’s Takeover Of Society Is A Bitch

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Feminism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

“The #MeToo movement … has become the defining cultural phenomenon of the Trump era,” enthuses the Economist.

On January 21st 2017, one day after his inauguration, millions of people across America (and the world) took to the streets for the Women’s March. Many of those who marched said that watching the first major-party female presidential candidate lose was painful; watching her lose to a man who has referred to several women as “dogs” and “piece[s] of ass” was infuriating.

During the previous election cycle, 920 women contacted EMILY’s List, a political action committee devoted to electing pro-choice Democratic women, about running for office. Since Mr Trump’s election, more than 42,000 have. Half the Democrats’ first-time House candidates this year are women, up from 27% in 2016 (and far higher than the Republican share of less than 20%). From a field that includes Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar, the Democratic presidential ticket in 2020 will probably include at least one female candidate.

And as quickly as women are flocking to the Democrats, many appear to be fleeing Republicans. The 2016 gender gap of 24 points (women supported Hillary Clinton by 13; men went for Mr Trump by 11) was already the largest on record. According to an average of three recent polls compiled by National Public Radio, the same gap exists for this year’s mid-terms, but with a stronger leftward lean. Women favour Democrats by 21; men favour Republicans by 3.

Since women vote at greater rates than men, that swing should worry Republicans.

The women’s takeover of society is a bitch. It’s bad.

MORE: “Truth and consequences: American politics after a year of #MeToo.”

UPDATES (10/16/018): Female Foolishness

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Camille Paglia On Second-Wave Feminism & The Misseducation Of Millennials

Art, Culture, Education, Feminism, Gender, Sex

Some iridescent wisdom and truth from Camille Paglia:

Millennial are easily upset, and their education has been without a realistic introduction to the barbarities of human history.

At  the same time that kids are detached from history and knowledge, teachers in the UK, where the education system is better than the US’s, have rid the classroom of the study of classical civilizations.

Hard knowledge is the goal of education. Abstract and detached study.

Most of your teachers are going to be conventional. You have to seek out the thinkers and the knowledge. Go to the library.

MORE: Camille Paglia On Second_Wave Feminism and Much More.

RELATED is my writing on feminism and female achievement, in particular:

“The Silly Sex.”

And to quote from another of my columns, “No one cares how many ancient Greek poems Sister Sappho set to music. Good music always was—and remains—male …”