UPDATED (8/3/020): Hi-Tech Or Deep Tech? The Latter!

Ann Coulter, Business, Free Speech, Technology, The State

Not even anti-trust action can bust the power of Deep Tech.

Yes, Deep Tech is a coinage that better captures the power and reach of the high-tech monopolists.  (I have commandeered it to apply to tech in politics.)

Via NewsBusters comes news that the “Twitter Alternative Gab was Blocked by Google for ‘Hate Speech’”:

Google Play Store, the app store for Android cell phones, recently decided to crack down on its hate-speech policy. Recently, Gab.ai, a social media platform that markets itself as an alternative to Twitter, was “suspended and removed” on September 9 from the Google Play Store yet again. That’s because, according to Google, the app “violated the hate speech policy.”

CEO Andrew Torba published the list of hate words that had to be filtered out in order to meet the standards of Google Play. The list was extensive.

Torba criticized the app store on his Gab.ai profile, saying, “Weird that apps which allow pedophiles to roam freely and prey on young children (Twitter, Periscope, Mastodon) are all allowed on the App Stores. But Gab.ai, which takes a hardline stance against illegal pornography and child abuse, is not allowed.”

(On the topic of child abuse: I am not into the pedophile stories circulating. Just not into conspiracy theories or kids. But word from those quarters has it that Jeff Sessions is busting pedophile rings, in addition to doing yeoman’s work on immigration, as Ann Coulter keeps reminding us)

Join me on Gab, the place for subversives.

UPDATED (8/3/020):

Ass With Ears Obama Takes Credit For The Trump Economy

Barack Obama, Business, Economy, Labor, Trade

Barack Obama is taking credit for the Trump economy when he had first dissed the idea of Donald Trump’s pro-American worker economic policy.

Via the New York Post:

“‘President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,’ stated President Obama.

But Trump’s mention of Obama’s comments about a “magic wand” appear to reference a June 2016 town hall event in Indiana when the former president was asked about Trump’s promise to kick-start manufacturing jobs in the country.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said.

“He just says, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer,” Obama continued. …

John McCain: “Deeply Flawed, Unstable Man Of Limited Intelligence And Low Character”

Critique, Ethics, Foreign Policy, History, John McCain, Morality, War

“THE VERDICT – John McCain was a deeply flawed, unstable man of limited intelligence and low character. In the field of world affairs and domestic politics alike, he had never had a reasonable or useful idea.”—Srdja Trifkovic.

SEE: “John McCain: The Score” By Srdja Trifkovic | September 07, 2018

Above all: What does it say about America and her values that McCain was considered one of her revered heroes and moral leaders?

UPDATED (9/11): The Problem Is That The Political Class Is Disloyal To … Voters

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, THE ELITES, The State

Tucker Carlson 3:28 minutes in:

“The problem is not that some unnamed White House official is disloyal to the president. The problem with the anon and gutless op-ed in the New York Times is that so many in our political class are disloyalty to … voters.”

UPDATE (9/11):

“Crazy” to Never Trumpers means keeping campaign promises: