Does Sean Spicer Still Need To Dignify Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Allegations?

Anti-Semitism, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, Judaism & Jews

Why was Sean Spicer nattering about anti-Semitic hate crimes, during a presser the other day? Said Spicer:

“I think that there’s one other piece to this, April. While we unequivocally, no doubt about it, need to call out hate, anti-Semitism where it exists, where’s another thing we have to do. And in your case in particular, I don’t know all of the details, so I don’t want to reference any specific case. But I think we saw this the other day with some of the anti-Semitic behavior that was going out in respect to people of the Jewish faith… we saw these threats coming in to Jewish community centers and there was an immediate jump to criticize folks on the right and to denounce people on the right. And it turns out, it wasn’t someone on the right. And the president said from the get-go ‘I bet it’s not someone from the right’ and he was right.”

Should these accusations still be dignified and pursued when the acts under investigation appear to have been revealed as the combined, un-coordianted efforts of:

1. An African-American scorned. (See “Black Man Makes Anti-Semitic Threats Over Breakup With #Whitegirl.”)

2. An Israeli-American:

The 19-year-old arrested last week, Michael Kaydar, reportedly used advanced technology and voice-altering equipment to call in the threats to more than 100 JCCs, Jewish day schools and other Jewish institutions in the United States in recent months.
While many Jewish groups had blamed white supremacists for the bomb threats, Trump refused to point any fingers. In February he reportedly said that the threats against Jewish communal institutions may be a false flag “to make others look bad.”

Africa BC And AC (Before And After Colonialism)

Africa, Law, Private Property, Propaganda, Technology, The West

“Africa BC And AC (Before And After Colonialism)” is the latest column, now on The Daily Caller.

From their plush apartments, over groaning dinner tables, pseudo-intellectuals have the luxury of depicting squalor and sickness as idyllic, primordially peaceful and harmonious. After all, when the affluent relinquish their earthly possessions to return to the simple life, it is always with aid of sophisticated technology and the option to be air-lifted to a hospital if the need arises. Is there any wonder, then, that “the stereotype of colonial history” has been perpetuated by the relatively well-to-do intellectual elite? Theories of exploitation, Marxism for one, originated with Western intellectuals, not with African peasants. It is this clique alone that could afford to pile myth upon myth about a system that had benefited ordinary people.

What is meant by “benefited”? Naturally, the premise here is that development, so long as it’s not coerced, is desirable and material progress good. British colonists in Africa reduced the state of squalor, disease and death associated with lack of development. To the extent that this is condemned, the Rousseauist myth of the noble, happy savage is condoned. Granted, Africa’s poor did not elect to have these conditions, good and bad, foisted on them. However, once introduced to potable water, sanitation, transportation, and primary healthcare, few Africans wish to do without them. Fewer Africans still would wish to return to Native Customary Law once introduced to the idea that their lives were no longer the property of the Supreme Chief to do with as he pleased. …

… When all is said and done, the West is what it is due to human capital—people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy. Human action is the ultimate adjudicator of a human being’s worth; the aggregate action of many human beings acting in concert makes or breaks a society. Overall, American society is superior to assorted African and Arab societies because America is still inhabited by the kind of individuals who make possible a thriving civil society. …

Read the rest. “Africa BC And AC (Before And After Colonialism)” is now on The Daily Caller.

Gloomy Media Happy, Gloating Over Trump Healthcare ‘Failure’

Democrats, Donald Trump, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Republicans, War

Media have taken a break from chasing down and inventing imagined Trump-Russia connections. The tail-chasers are no longer gloomy, but are now happy, celebrating their nemesis’ healthcare failure.

It’s almost a relief to have these miserable media bitches emerge from their brain-addled Russia monomania and laugh a bit. The crazy Russia rants were the stuff of straitjackets (where CNN’s Brian Stelter belongs).

It’s no joke. This same moronic media has taken America to wars with the frenzy it’s able to muster when its members don’t get their way. When the world these media elites inhabit ceases to make sense, they become dangerous. So a respite in these paroxysms is welcome and even relaxing.

Some of the “happy” headlines celebrating the failure to pass the American Health Care Act:

“GOP abandons health-care overhaul as Trump ultimatum fails to save it”

“‘The closer’? The inside story of how Trump tried — and failed — to make a deal on health care”

Trump learns that dealmaking is not the same as leadership

“Trump tastes failure as healthcare bill collapses”

Major Setback for Trump in First Big Legislative Clash

If the Trump healthcare bill was no good, why is its failure so bad? Throughout, Republican and Democratic TV hosts said not a word about the contents of Trump’s healthcare Bill. They’ve failed to explain it to their audiences. The empty debates on TV and radio have been devoted to lamenting a strategic loss, nothing else.

UPDATED (3/24 Attack): No Wonder Obama Dismissed Profiler Philip Haney From DHS

Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam, Political Correctness, Terrorism, Uncategorized

Patriot Philip Haney (see “Obama’s Eyes Were Dry When Nixing DHS Program”)—dismissed by Barack Obama from the Department of Homeland Security, and nowhere to be found in the Trump Administration—was on the Sean Hannity show (radio is always more informative). There he spoke about certain identifiers gleaned from pictures of the Westminster attacker. These gave Haney some ideas about the perp. Haney was careful to warn that these profiling impressions were preliminary, a starting point:

The configuration of facial hair would seem to indicate the murderer of three, including of a police officer, might be a Salafi Muslim. The body, said Haney, would indicate the murderer was likely a local lad, as Fake News would say. The Investigation Discovery addict in me would guess that Haney means the Wheat Belly on the (thankfully) dead Asian man.

Yes, Asian.

No wonder Haney was given the boot by well-wisher of Islam Mr. Obama. Haney’s methods are effective because politically incorrect. You have to be effective. Otherwise you’re just decoration (like Ivanka in the White House. Sorry, but that situation is WRONG. We’d say the same if Hillary was POTUS and Chelsea got a White House office.)

Perp (allegedly):

Patriot (without a doubt):

UPDATE (3/24):

Of course Theresa May is “unafraid.”

Cut out the Churchillian act, Pier Morgan:

Tommy Robinson, now there’s a hero.

Sadiq Khan should be afraid but he’s brazen, striking fear in Londoners. 

The Big Lies: