Support Steve King. America Is A Western Civilization

America, Britain, History, Nationhood, Political Correctness, The West

It was not the monarchy of Buganda or tsarists Russia that inspired and sired America’s Founding Fathers, to create the freest, most prosperous country on earth. It was England, home of the Magna Carta, John Locke and the British Enlightenment. The American Founders were equipped with a particular faith, Christianity, and a specific set of ideas concerning the nature of human beings, their natural rights, in particular, their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and, yes, PRIVATE PROPERTY. These ideas were unique to Western Europe.

For suggesting as much, Steve King is being labeled and maligned (which Trump Nation should not tolerate). Via Time:

Geert Wilders “understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

In an interview Monday on CNN, King said he stood by his remarks. King said, “I meant exactly what I said,” and noted that he delivers the same message to countries in Europe.

“We need to get our birth rates up or Europe will be entirely transformed within a half a century or a little more,” King said.

Paul Ryan:

UPDATE V (6/7/017): Fox News Fluff

Ann Coulter, Conservatism, Critique, Gender, Intelligence, Media, Neoconservatism, Republicans

UPDATE V: (6/7/017):

Thank goodness for periodic outbreaks of so-called sexual harassment at Fox News. It thinned the herd a bit. Some fems left. But now, instead of terrible Tamara Holder, former friend to the Sean Hannity TV show, the eardrums and intelligence are assaulted by the likes of Jessica Tarlov. It wouldn’t matter that Tarlov’s voice sounds like it was squeezed from the nether regions of her anatomy, if she had something to say.

Enough of the 23-year-olds who know nothing. Do hard time as journalists in a war zone, say for 10 years—like Iona Craig—then come back to tell us a thing or two.

Being lectured to by silly fresh-faced Millennials ought to insult adults. Don’t call yourself a cultural conservative if you unleash kids to lecture adults. Commies were big on putting kids in control of the adults and thus inverting the natural social order.

Tucker Carlson turns in outstanding journalistic performances nightly, on Fox News. Topping today’s segment was Ann Coulter, who should have her own show. (But won’t, unless she knocks off 20 IQ points to pacify other egos in the anchors’ chairs.)

But if Tucker starts featuring cretins like Austan Goolsbee and Geraldo Rivera, we’ll switch off. These are Sean Hannity’s regulars, and they’re insufferable. [UPDATE 6/7/017: Tucker UNLEASHED Krystal Ball on the unsuspecting public. A Democrat brainless tart.) And it has nothing to do with their liberalism. It didn’t matter that the late intellectual Christopher Hitchens was a liberal. He was brilliant.

Hannity is crossing over into the light—becoming increasingly libertarian and anti-statism. We love him for it. But at the same time, the popular anchor still insists on featuring a dizzying array of dumb bimbos on his show.

UPDATE I (3/15):

FoxNews’ AWOL on the heroic Julian Assange.

UPDATE II (4/5): No compunction about bringing immorality and mindlessness back. Boobs before brains: On con-servative media, it always ends up that way, on Sean Hannity’s show, too. Michelle Fields is back. A primer.

UPDATE III (4/7/017): Martha Maccallum’s Fox News show is a do-over of Megyn Kelly’s:

UPDATE IV (4/28):

The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State’

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Intelligence, The State

“The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State'” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

President Trump has credibly accused Obama of wire-tapping the Trump Tower phones during the 2016 campaign.
Whether the tapping of Trump Tower phones can be traced to Obama; whether it’s true or false—consider the counter-accusations floated by President Donald Trump about Barack Obama as part of a strategy.

The president is in survival mode. He’s backed into a corner and is fighting back with brio, counter-punching at the Machine intent on unseating him. The Donald is destabilizing the destabilizers.

The opinion makers were incensed. “He had no evidence when he smeared his predecessor. Just contemplate the recklessness—the sheer indifference to truth,” yelped the New York Times. “The administration can’t substantiate the wire-tapping claim,” screeched the MSNBC collective. On CNN it’s been incontinent outrage, every hour of each day, since president Trump shot across the bow at Obama.

Marching in lockstep, media have ruled that Trump’s wire-tapping taunt is unworthy of investigation. At the same time, the RussiaGate conspiracy with which media are hobbling the Trump presidency, and for which no credible proof exists—that’s beyond reproach as a news story.

Fake News’ fantastical idée fixe is that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin to rob their “beloved” Hillary Clinton of her presidential birthright. To them, that’s what you’d call a perfectly legitimate and logical line of inquiry!


Pursuing an investigation of the Trump Administration on the grounds that it’s deeply corrupt is like accusing a newborn baby of stealing a sibling’s toys. Trump’s policy making “past” is a few weeks old; Trump’s political record a few months old. Donald Trump is a political newborn.

In the language of law, President Trump has no political criminal record. (Come to think of it, El Chapo has a cleaner criminal record than the last two American presidents. El-C had menaced and murdered fewer people than 43 or 44.)

If anything, the counterclaim against Obama is much more intuitive. Obama has a long, checkered political past, having passed the “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act of 2008. This legislation retroactively legalized the Bush administration’s illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, first revealed by The New York Times in 2005, and indemnified the telecommunications companies for their cooperation in these acts.” (The assessment excerpted is courtesy of Bill Moyers, considered an august force on the Left.) …

… READ THE REST. “The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State'” is now on

Black Man Makes Anti-Semitic Threats Over Breakup With #Whitegirl

Affirmative Action, Anti-Semitism, Education, Judaism & Jews, Race, Racism

A lot of the recent anti-semitism came from a black man, enraged over a breakup.

Thankfully he, Juan Thompson, didn’t call her “bitch.” While making “at least eight of the hoax bomb threats against Jewish American institutions,” Thompson of Missouri (who had worked for The Intercept, no less), tweeted out missives like this one:

“Know any good lawyers? Need to stop this nasty/racist #whitegirl I dated who sent a bomb threat in my name & wants me to be raped in jail.”

Inciting racial hatred against whites is just par for the course, reflexive (imbibed in schools, with the aid of soviet-style doctrinal teachers and teaching aids. “Systemic racism” is one).

As Into The Cannibal’s Pot documents in detail, honky is not the repository of the white hot hate that kills. Colin Flaherty’s “White Girl Bleed A Lot” does the same.

Having implicated Donald Trump in creating atmospheric conditions conducive to anti-semitism, the repugnant Anti-Defamation League has remained unapologetic:

Evan Bernstein, the New York regional director at the Anti-Defamation League, said that Jewish “communities are hurting”.
“There are many more JCC bomb threats that have not been solved,” Mr Bernstein told journalists on Friday.
“We hope all law enforcement will continue to be diligent.”

You don’t represent this Jew!