Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek?

Feminism, Gender, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Sex, The West

In this column, “Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek?,” we revisit the curious case of the Norwegian politician, Karsten Nordal Hauken, “who … was raped by a Somalian asylum seeker.” Hauken has since come up with a penetrating observation about the ordeal: He might not have been raped after all, but simply subjected to “a cultural difference.”

A Norwegian male was raped by a Somali asylum seeker. The last term—Somali asylum seeker—is something of a contradiction like the first (Norwegian man). The asylum-seeker honorific is given to practically anyone from the Dark Continent or the Middle-East who washes up on Continental Europe’s shores.

The politician, Karsten Nordal Hauken, who says he’s heterosexual, went public with the details of his awful ordeal. “I was raped by a Somalian asylum seeker,” he wrote in a Norwegian newspaper. “My life fell into ruin.”

But it was Nordal Hauken, not his assailant, who proceeded to assault sensibilities with a confession that rivals the crime for reprehensibility. Hyperbole? I don’t think so.

As Hauken, a self-described left-wing feminist, tells it, he has been wracked by guilt because one night of passion has caused his Somali assailant to be returned to sender. After resting up in a Norwegian prison, the rapist is said to have been deported to Somalia. (I can find no evidence of said rapist’s whereabouts. Maybe he’s en route to the US?) Hauken laments being overcome by “a strong feeling of guilt and responsibility. I was the reason that he would not be in Norway anymore … .”

Read the rest. “Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek?” is on The Daily Caller.

Trump Won by Articulating Principles, Not Policy. This Guides POTUS’ Cabinet Picks

Democrats, Donald Trump, Education, Media, Political Philosophy

I’m no fan of the voucher fetish, having likened it, in 2002, to tweaking the educational Gulag. Free-market schooling throughout—primary, secondary and tertiary levels—is the only solution to our centrally planned miseducation.

But when Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schumer says President Trump’s pick to lead Education, Betsy DeVos, is the least familiar with education policy, Schumer is making the same case against DeVos EVERYONE (including Fox News, you forgetful Fox News fans) made against the POTUS.

President Donald Trump, like candidate Trump, won by articulating principles over policy.


UPDATED (2/7): BRAVO: A US Marine Who Puts Americans FIRST

Homeland Security, Islam, Middle East, Military, Nationhood, Neoconservatism

A neoconservative wish-come-true is for the Empire’s Army to be loyal to the satellite states (Iraq, etc.) and the mission; not to Americans first. These, unfortunately, can no longer be conflated. They should be, but are not, one and the same thing.

This remarkable US Marine, however, is unwilling to think as he is trained to think by a military brass that increasingly flouts its limited, constitutional obligations. Here’s a Marine whose fidelity isn’t to Empire, but to America First, to his fellow Americans. This Marine has certainly not been afflicted with a Lawrence of Arabia complex. Bravo.


“Beware The Values Cudgel.”
“Lawrence Of Arabia: Lionized Liar”
“Your Government’s Jihadi Protection Program”:

… the military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government. Like government, it must be kept small. Conservatives can’t coherently preach against the evils of big government, while excluding the military mammoth.

UPDATE (2/7):

Not every public official is as faithful:



Beware The Values Cudgel

Conservatism, Government, IMMIGRATION, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Islam, Liberty, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Politics

“Beware The Values Cudgel” is the current column, now on The Daily Caller (founded by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson). An Excerpt:

… When you hear an appeal to “permanent values”—”the values that make our country great,” to quote Hillary Clinton—know you are dealing with world-class crooks. These crooks want to swindle you out of the freedom to think and believe as you wish. For in the classical conservative and libertarian traditions, values are private things, to be left to civil society—the individual, family and church—to practice and police.

The American government is charged purely with upholding the law, no more. Why so? Because government has police and military powers with which to enforce its “values.” A free people dare not entrust such an omnipotent entity with policing values, at home or abroad, because values enforced are dogma.

When incontestable majorities call on government to curb Islamic and other in-migration because this imperils American lives, President Trump’s unswerving opponents—the Obama, Clinton, Ryan, McCain, Graham, Schumer and media mafia—will invariably intone, “That’s not who we are.”

When you hear that manipulative mantra, tell them to shut up, mind their own business, and stick to their constitutional mandate to protect the people, not police their minds.

Remember that through an appeal to values, the State aggrandizes itself.

A limited government, serving an ostensibly free people, must thus never enforce values. …

… Read the rest. “Beware The Values Cudgel” is now on The Daily Caller.

If you’d like to feature the Mercer Column (criminally underexposed in paleolibertarian and paleoconservative quarters), in your magazine, paper or pixels, contact me at My gratitude to the wonderful, intellectually honest publishers who’ve taken the leap.