The Neoconservative & Left-Libertarian Positions: Liberty Is Universal

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Liberty, Neoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism

Judge Andrew Napolitano, courted by libertarians on the Right, articulates the essence of left-libertarianism, left-liberalism and neoconservatism. (The “What if?” style of writing is hard to stomach, too.)

What if liberty really is attached to humanity? What if all rational people yearn for personal freedom? What if the government — in order to stay in power — has detached liberty from humanity and made it a gift of the state instead of a gift of God? What if government knows that by restricting and then expanding liberty, it can command loyalty?

Essentially, liberty has no cultural or historical or religious dimension; it’s a universal quest. Inside every Afghani or Yemeni is a Jeffersonian waiting to break free. Blame governments, not the people, for barbarism in certain parts of the world (which is what I call a form of social determinism, “the state made me do it”).

Napolitano’s position is not paleolibertarianism, but it’s a position inherent in left-libertarianism, left-liberalism and neoconservatism.

The Truth About Trump’s ‘Nasty Woman’ Debate Quip

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

“What a nasty woman”: That was Donald Trump interspersing a Hillary Clinton harangue with a quip, at the conclusion of the third presidential debate in Las Vegas.

The Crooked Media ran with it. There was Trump again, they ranted, being mean to a woman. Never did the media mention that Trump was retaliating to one of Clinton’s nasty little digs.

Clinton: Well, Chris, I am record as saying we need to put more money into Social Security Trust fund. That’s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up as will Donald’s assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is —

Trump: Such a nasty woman.

The fact that Trump defends himself against Hillary’s underhanded, bitchy digs is a good thing. Even more pathetic than the same media’s onslaught against his reputation was the specter of Mitt Romney beaming beatifically at his enemies. The Republican base wanted to see Romney hit back, not prostrate himself to the media.

Buchanan On Trump Challenging The Golden Calf Of Democracy

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Political Philosophy, Republicans

“An Establishment in Panic” by Pat Buchanan:

… It may rule and run the country, and may rig the system through mass immigration and a mammoth welfare state so that Middle America is never again able to elect one of its own. But that establishment, disconnected from the people it rules, senses, rightly, that it is unloved and even detested.

Having fixed the future, the establishment finds half of the country looking upon it with the same sullen contempt that our Founding Fathers came to look upon the overlords Parliament sent to rule them.

Establishment panic is traceable to another fear: Its ideology, its political religion, is seen by growing millions as a golden calf, a 20th-century god that has failed.

Trump is “talking down our democracy,” said a shocked Clinton.

After having expunged Christianity from our public life and public square, our establishment installed “democracy” as the new deity …

Read the rest of Pat Buchanan’s must read on Trump’s challenge to the Golden Calf of democracy.

Roundup Of The Third Presidential Debate

Constitution, Debt, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

Good retort from Trump on trade: “I disagreed with Ronald Reagan.”

I’m being honest. Trump won the 2nd debate, not the 3rd.

Spending more doesn’t increase the deb. LOL.

Crappy Chris Wallace’s questions:

Hillary doesn’t know her ass from Aleppo:

Why didn’t Trump blurt out that Clinton Foundation rigged an election in Haiti?

Trump’s locution:

Motormouth Clinton even manages to make business look bad compared to a government job:

She killed jobs, never created em. Why didn’t he say it?


Nukes: Another missed opportunity:

If I were preparing Trump to one-two punch Hillary on her Putin prattle, I’d have told him to say, “Now there’s a conspiracy theory.”



Gun rights:

Clinton should have been nailed strongly on the Constitution as a living document.