Media Really Are Deplorable

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Technology

Hillary’s surrogate’s sex tape exists.

Et tu, Fox News?! Always, and of course.

The never-interesting Ana Navarro.

Media members attack Melania for wearing … white.

The porno journo Megyn Kelly:

You can stop ’em, Mr. Trump:

Pre- or post-debate, the media are hard to abide:

The search engines are in on skewing the data:

Oh, the monolith of left-liberal mindlessness. Not even comedians stray from the party-line. I miss Jay Leno.

Circling the wagons around Hillary:

Now our speech and the Internet to be controlled by media  tools:

NEW COLUMN: When America Becomes South Africa

America, Democracy, Elections, Race, South-Africa

THE NEW COLUMN is “When America Becomes South Africa.” Excerpt:

… If African-Americans didn’t get out and vote for Hillary Clinton, they would be dissing him and his legacy. So warned President Barack Obama, in a speech at the Black Caucus Foundation in Washington DC, on September 17.

The woman whose election promises portend a war on whites, Walmart and the wealthy has nothing to fear. Obama’s political cant notwithstanding, there isn’t much of a chance blacks will side overwhelmingly with Hillary’s rival.

Like never before, the 2016 election has been characterized by “a muscular mobilization of a race-based community, coercive control of territory and appeals by powerful charismatic leaders.”

What do I mean by “coercive control of territory”? Consider what would transpire if Donald Trump were to campaign “big-league” in Birmingham (Alabama), Charlotte (North Carolina), or South Los Angeles. Riots would erupt. (Incidentally, the thing where private property is invaded and looted is not called a protest.)

As sure as night follows day, the American democracy is destined to resemble that of South Africa, where a ruling majority party is permanently entrenched, and where voting is characterized by what has become Barack Obama’s signature tactic, a “muscular mobilization of the race-based community.”

The last, twice-repeated reference is out of “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South-Africa.” In 2011, the book used the tragic example of post-apartheid South Africa to forewarn Americans of the effects of a shift in their country’s founding political dispensation, a shift being achieved stateside through immigration central-planning.

America’s political class has been tinkering with the country’s historical demographic composition for decades. The consequence of the mass importation of poor, Third World immigrants is that America, like South Africa, is headed to dominant-party status, in which a permanent majority intractably hostile to the minority consolidates power, and in which voting along racial lines is the rule.

It used to be that the Democratic Party was this nascent majority’s political organ, offering a platform of preferential policies for a voting bloc whose “interests are viewed through the prism of racial affiliations.” Obama’s Dreams from America are for a country in which the historic majority is destined to become a marginalized minority, consigned to the status of spectator in the political bleachers. Ditto Clinton’s dreams. But, as election year 2016 has shown, the Republican Party is vying for a similar mantle.

… Read the rest.

Turkish, Washington-State Mass Murderer Had Been Voting Illegally

IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Law, The State

The New York Times does not say “murder” or “alleged murder,” or even “confessed murderer,” but the first-degree murder of five, north of Seattle—a murder by-Muslim-permanent-resident Arcan Cetin—is, in elite speak, nothing but a “fatal shooting.” How open-ended.

ICE, however, goes one better. This murderer’s records are protected by ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Arcan Cetin voted, reports Lars Larson. But nobody at ICE is allowed to tell a good citizen like broadcaster Lars Larson if Cetin voted legally or not. Larson had done the legwork and came up sans confirmation. ICE was diligent in protecting the voting record of Cetin.

Naturally, permanent residents are not permitted to vote. Cetin voted.

In this country, traitor elites put laws in place to protect the treacherous.

The Great Educational Giveaway By Brainiac Sanders & Cretin Clinton

Democrats, Education, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Socialism, Welfare

No wonder socialism breaks down social bonds. I already hate all families who plan to avail themselves of the education plan of sickening moochers and economic ignoramuses Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

See, if Clinton gets in, a family earning $90K will force other Americans, many of them not nearly as wealthy as they, to sponsor their brats as follows:

Families with income up to $125,000 will pay no tuition at in-state four-year public colleges and universities. And from the beginning, every student from a family making $85,000 a year or less will be able to go to an in-state four-year public college or university without paying tuition. All community colleges will offer free tuition.

And who on earth does Brainiac Bernie and Cretin Clinton think will pay for their great educational giveaway?

There is no free lunch. Just because Sanders can’s see all the small businesses and struggling retirees who’ll go belly-up because of his generosity with funds NOT HIS; it doesn’t mean the process of destruction is not underway. We’re Greece.

Sanders said he and Clinton will promote a “pretty radical proposal” to provide free public college tuition for working families, and discuss Clinton’s “significant proposal” to reduce student debt.

“I think that a lot of the younger people who are concerned about the cost of college, concerned about climate change, concerned about women’s rights, they’re going to come on board Secretary Clinton’s campaign,” Sanders said Tuesday on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily.