My ‘Fearless Lion Before The Enemy’ Artistic License

Hebrew Testament, Judaism & Jews

Yes I paraphrased Proverbs in “Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Saying, ‘Si Se Puede.’”

I wrote, “The biblical proverb worked: Act like a fearless lion before an adversary, and the adversary will retreat.

It was Proverbs 28.1, I was taking considerable artistic license with it, mainly because I did not wish to call Mexico an enemy.

I should have been more explicit, but you get the gist.

UPDATED: Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Trade, Welfare

“Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

FOLLOWING Donald J. Trump’s sublime immigration address, critics—essentially all Big, Crooked Media—charged that Trump’s Arizona speech represented a sharp departure from the tone he took earlier that day, with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. A reversal, if you will.

Nonsense. With President Nieto, Donald Trump was at once patriotic, forceful and diplomatic.

In close to two decades of analyzing American politics, I’ve yet to hear an American leader address his Mexican counterpart as forcefully as Mr. Trump addressed President Nieto. Trump came across as a man-of-the world, to whom interfacing with foreign dignitaries was second nature.

It’s always been the case that Americans in power collude with Mexicans in power to bully and manipulate a powerless American People into accepting the unacceptable: The imperative to welcome torrents of unskilled illegal aliens, at an incalculable cost to the safety of America’s communities, the solvency of its public institutions, and the sustainability of the environment.

Strolling through the ancient Mayan and Toltec ruins with President Vincente Fox, in 2006, George W. Bush was not talking-up American interests. He was plotting amnesty with an unholy trinity comprised of John McCain, Ted Kennedy and Arlen Specter. Sly Fox was the silent partner.

Most memorably, Bush, who would wrestle a crocodile for a criminal alien, went on to indict and viciously prosecute two brave border-patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. For shooting a drug dealer in the derriere—in the process of defending their countrymen—Bush unleashed his bloodhound, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, on the two patrolmen and jailed them.

So what a pleasant surprise it was for this long-time political observer to witness a Mexican president, clearly cowed by The Donald, make no mention of America’s bogus obligation to take in Mexico’s tired, poor, huddled masses yearning for U.S. welfare.

If President Nieto harbored the urge to make manipulative appeals to American “permanent values,” so as to lighten his political load—there was no evidence of it. It’s fair to infer that on that occasion, a show of unparalleled strength and patriotism—Mr. Trump’s—extinguished the bad habit. The biblical proverb worked:

Act like a fearless lion before an adversary, and the adversary will retreat.

… Read the rest. “Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’” is the current column, now on

UPDATE (9/3): About Comments to “Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede’” on Unz Review:

Read them. Some are pretty disgusting. No matter. I usually ignore them, but sometimes you have to whack a worm or two. No problem. Anti-Semitism, small-man syndrome, and the impulse to belittle me qua woman—this has been part of the territory for 16 years. It’s all in a day’s work. (Written in 2006, “How Sexist Are Libertarian Men?” documents this.

I appreciate Dr. Ralph Raico’s valiant defense. You won’t get that from most other libertarians. (But again, Who cares? And can smental midget muster a gallant or intellectually honest impulse worth hearing?)

Since The Unz Review Comments are not working, I’m posting a reply here to Ralph Raico’s comment, in which, among other things, he too expresses amazement “that some readers have inserted Israel into the discussion of Ilana’s excellent article.”

Dear Ralph Raico,

Whenever readers at the Unz Review see my name, like zombies tied to a psychiatric chaise longue they blurt out, “Israel, Zionist,” and worse. It’s not their fault. The Jews made them congenitally stupid.

Published by the Illuminati, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” recounts how Trump was “subjected to loud booing when he told a ?Jewish-Republican crowd he couldn’t be bought. If anything, Trump’s promise to be a ‘neutral guy’ in attempting to broker an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement [had] given ‘hawkish candidates room to pounce,'” during the primaries.

Best regards,

Pigment-Burden News Updates

Race, Racism

So what have our eternally aggrieved brothers been up to? And will I finally learn to spell the name from the crappy Colin of the San Francisco 49ers? (Not now. The Next time he acts out):

On the other hand, I can spell The Good Colin’s Irish name:

Gotta ban Robert E. Lee’s battle flag:

White Lives Don’t Matter:

Trump’s Sublime (‘Hitlerian,’ In Liberal Speak) Immigration Address

Crime, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Logic, Reason

A libertarian exhortation:

Trump on the Right to Choose:

Seriously? You want gov. to go back to basics?

All that vibrancy is costly:

Leftist logical fallacies:

Angel Moms are w/Trump; Michael Brown’s mom is with Hillary:

NumbersUSA does a good job:

Or, as I write in “The Trump Revolution”: “This is the historic majority’s last heave-ho”:

It’s so simple, isn’t it? At least it should be:

Immigration should benefit Americans? WTF!!!

And I, as an immigrant, know, too:

You mean to say under Trump, 9/11 Saudi students would have been expelled? Isn’t that contrary to our values?

Hope you know who lives among you:

No Syrians or Libyans welcome, well, because they could just go Jihad on us. Read about the callous calculus of averages your leaders hope you’ll buy into:

Criminals to be rounded up (even if this makes millionairess Rachel Maddow sad?):

Cities to become sanctuaries for the law-abiding:

Israelis do it best:

The Wall By Donald Trump:

Don’t forget The Visit, a prelude to the speech: