Europeans Abolished Slavery; Africans/Muslims Still Practice It (+ Personal Note)

Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa, The West

“Europeans Abolished Slavery; Africans/Muslims Still Practice It” is the current column, now on FrontPage Magazine.

The column was adapted from the book Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011).

Among the column’s observations:

More than engendering a cult of apology, the Atlantic slave trade has been instrumental in the effort to control and define the past as an ‘aspect of current politics,’ not least in shaping the historical treatment of the Civil War, the South, and the American Founding Fathers. … ritual apologies are empty ploys, which ‘all too often conform to fatuous arguments about ‘closure,’ resolution, and being unable to move on until we acknowledge the past.’ In reality, this bowing-and-scraping, by obsequious Anglo-Americans, to their black political overlords, entails the opposite of all these, and, instead, involves the reiteration and institutionalization of racial grievance. …

It’s good to hear commentators, these days, echoing The Cannibal, which was ahead of its time.

At the time, bar the good people who provided advance praise for it, none would review The Cannibal, or interview its author about it.

As its most astute reviewer, Jack Kerwick, noted, while Into The Cannibal’s Pot is analytical (as the work done here generally is), it was highly personal. The book was excruciating to write.

In any event, it’s satisfying to hear that The Cannibal has been deployed by immigration attorneys (the good ones), in making their case for white South African asylum-seekers.

Other than The Unz Review and, FrontPage Magazine is, indubitably, now cutting-edge courage on matters Muslim and racial. (The “rest” don’t publish this column, as a matter of policy, so probably don’t rate a mention.)

Incidentally, the column linked to (“Emasculated West Primed For Muscular, Muslim Takeover”) was adapted from the latest book, The Trump Revolution. Why wait years to engage with its observations?

READ “Europeans Abolished Slavery; Africans/Muslims Still Practice It.”

Iran: Conservatives Don’t Get That Obama Lies And Steals For His LEGACY

Barack Obama, Conservatism, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, Iran

Providing material support for a state sponsor of terrorism, incentivizing hostage-taking, aiding and abetting Hezbollah: These are some of the angles conservatives have come up with in mustering outrage over the revelation that, as WSJ has reported, “The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.”

I support negotiating for the lives of compatriots imperiled by the US government’s policies. (See “AFTER THEIR HEADS ROLL, AMERICA’S DEAD REMAIN FACELESS,” written for, in 2004.)

Obama, however, likely had to bribe the Iranians to release the American prisoners because they harbor no particular good will toward him. He signed the Iran nuclear deal without considering American interests. However, for his legacy to stand, as the president who marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal” (Obama as quoted in my new book), he has to portray the Iranians as having been swayed by his diplomacy. For his legacy, Obama has to paint a picture of himself a president who managed to restore comity between America and her Arab adversaries. To that end, Obama has lied and stolen to pacify the Iranians behind the scenes and to make them appear genial toward the US.

The same thinking went into Hillary’s refusal to beef up security in Benghazi. This from a 2012 column, “Standing Armies Commandeered by Cowards,” on the subject:

In the fullness of time, I believe, it will transpire that the woman who cracks the whip at Foggy Bottom had decided to leave the U.S. embassy in Libya undefended.The open community center Hillary was running there was meant to signal that the war on Libya, Hillary’s special project, was a success. (Recall, Libya was “a war of the womb,” a product of the romantic minds of three women who fantasized about an Arab awakening. This estrogen-driven paternalism on steroids began, as in Greek mythology, with the Gorgon sisters. Medusa’s posse included Samantha Power, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. They helped Hillary devise the casus belli for the war.)

MAD Media In Throes Of Death, We Hope

Donald Trump, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Republicans

On a tip from their Republican friends, CNN liberals have been running away with speculations that Donald Trump will quit, drop out of the race. CNN’s man with a chalkboard pointer was scouring the Banana Republican’s rule book for a “rule” to invoke to void the people’s choice. In “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” I describe this as “wish-fulfillment,” and deconstruct the dynamics of this ongoing media frothy with predictive precision:

The … sprawling political apparatus that makes up the D.C. Comitatus [is] now writhing like a fire breathing mythical monster in the throes of death.—ilana

2 Immutable Libertarian Truths About Gold Stars & Creating Value For Society

Business, Donald Trump, Free Markets, Government, libertarianism, Military, The State, War

Shall I play the litmus-test game of, “Are you a libertarian”? OK. I don’t believe you can call yourself a libertarian and disagree with these two statements I tweeted out:

1) The obscenity of the Gold Star designation, given for the “privilege” of dying for Uncle Sam. You are not awarded for bravery, where your obligation is toward your brothers-in-arms, for whom most men in the military are prepared to die; your family is awarded with a special status for simply dying, for getting killed.

2) Donald Trump has created more value for many more fellow Americans than any one man dying in the service of The State. (He just doesn’t know how to express himself. Neither do his “surrogates.”) Are we back to conflating The State’s wars with the Common Good? Wars destroy wealth and life; they don’t enhance them. America hasn’t fought a Just War for a long long time. (Read “Just War for Dummies.”)