Congress Goes Third World, Crooked, Crazed Hillary Joins In

Constitution, Democrats, Etiquette, GUNS, Hillary Clinton

Yes, the greatest deliberative body in the world, the U.S. House of Representatives, has gone the way of the anti-Trump, my-speech-or-no-speech rioters, the Black Lives Matter (Only) mobs, and the Occupy Wall Street encampments. Joined by Hillary Clinton on Twitter, Democrats are staging a sit-in on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, demanding their way on gun legislation or no way.

“This is what leadership looks like,” tweeted Hillary Clinton, about turning what was once-upon-a-time a deliberative organ into a tool of a mob.

Via CBS:

… Just days after four gun control measures failed to pass in the U.S. Senate, House Democrats are staging their own protest on the floor of the lower chamber over firearm safety legislation.
A group of roughly 60 legislators sat down cross-legged in the middle of the House floor Wednesday, pushing for gun control votes. Some remained standing on the floor.
The group included civil rights icon Rep, John Lewis, D-Georgia, Kentucky’s Rep. John Yarmuth, and Rep. Joe Courtney of Connecticut.
“We can no longer wait,” Lewis said. “We can no longer be patient. So today, we come to the well of the House to dramatize the need for action. Not next month, not next year, but now — today. Sometimes you have to do something out of the ordinary. Sometimes you have to make a way out of no way.”
“We have been too quiet for too long,” he added. “There comes a time when you have to say something. You have to make a little noise. You have to move your feet. This is the time.”
Members took turns speaker passionately at the podium, chanting “No bill, no break” after each speech.
Later, Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina led a prayer on the floor, with Democrats holding hands. …

No Wonder They Erupt: Muslims Taught America Is Racist, Islamophobic

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Multiculturalism, Racism, Terrorism

Mohammed A. Malik is certainly milking his situation for what it’s worth. How laudable that Malik, an acquaintance of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen, who worshiped at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, did his due diligence and reported Mateen to the FBI. (It’s not Malki’s fault the FBI is guilty of dereliction.)

Before Mateen, Malik also volunteered information about another member of his mosque, “Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha,” who “was 22 when he became the first American-born suicide bomber, driving a truck full of explosives into a government office in Syria.”

But then Malik goes and spoils it all by depicting his dutiful conduct as the norm in the cloistered Muslim community, by pretending his faith is without problems, and seconding the murderous Mateen’s view of America as racist and hateful:

Omar did have a dark outlook on life. Partly, he was upset at what he saw as racism in the United States – against Muslims and others. When he worked as a security guard at the St. Lucie County Courthouse, he told me visitors often made nasty or bigoted remarks to him about Islam. He overheard people saying ugly things about African Americans, too. Since Sept. 11, I’ve thought the only way to answer Islamophobia was to be polite and kind; the best way to counter all the negativity people were seeing on TV about Islam was by showing them the opposite. I urged Omar to volunteer and help people in need – Muslim or otherwise (charity is a pillar of Islam). He agreed, but was always very worked up about this injustice.

Why do you suppose second-generation Muslims are more bitter and twisted than the first generation to arrive in the US, a land of milk-and-honey compared to the crap countries whence they come?

I have a good idea. They are acculturated to militant multiculturalism and identity politics by a liberal establishment.

Liberal Pollsters & Media Collude To Skew Polls

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, Media, Pseudoscience

As I told a despondent pal and the spouse, not for a minute did I believe polls that depicted a flight to Hillary Clinton’s camp in the wake of Orlando. The opposite. Lying liberal pollsters and their media enablers were just doing what they always do: oversampling Democrats and liberal voting blocs. This Sierra Rayne at American Thinker confirms. “Corrected Gravis poll has Trump well out in front of Clinton at national level”:

After an onslaught of highly liberal biased polls against Donald Trump during the past week, it was refreshing to see an only modestly biased poll – in relative terms – released on Saturday by Gravis.

In its biased form, the poll shows Trump only 2% behind Hillary Clinton in the head-to-head matchup, far below the ridiculously large Clinton leads of up to 12% that Bloomberg and other leftist media outlets have been oozing of late.

But once we correct for biases in this Gravis poll, Trump is undoubtedly now well out in front of Clinton.

In the poll’s demographics, 40% of respondents said they were Democrats compared to just 33% who were Republicans. This 7% Democrat advantage is almost assuredly about 6% above where it should be – meaning Clinton’s narrow 2% lead should likely be upward of at least a 4% deficit behind Trump.

Further evidence of liberal bias in the poll comes from questions about Tea Party support, abortion, religious affiliation, and education.

Just 11% of those surveyed said they were members of the Tea Party. This value should be about 17%, suggesting – as with the party affiliation – about a 6% liberal bias.

The poll also shows a 17% advantage to pro-choice over pro-life, well above the known 6% spread in favor of pro-choice. This signifies a major liberal bias in the demographics, as the pro-choice side has not had an advantage larger than 10% since the 1990s.

When it comes to religious affiliation, the poll oversampled Muslims (2% versus 1%) and Catholics (25% versus less than 21%) and looks to have massively undersampled Evangelicals (10% versus 25%), resulting in more liberal bias. Evangelicals will vote dominantly for Trump, whereas Muslims and many Catholics are likely to lean toward Clinton.

A full 50% of the poll’s respondents had a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 34% in reality, introducing more liberal bias.

Based on the full range of liberal biases present, a reasonable estimate of Trump’s actual lead over Clinton is in the range of at least 5% once the polling data is corrected.

MORE (Warning: sticky site).

Corey Lewandowski’s A Class Act; What About Those Who Got Him Fired?!

Donald Trump, Elections, Family, Relatives, Republicans

Corey Lewandowski is a class act. His loyalty to Donald Trump and his admiration for the candidate are unmistakable and admirable in the face of a cruel sacking. Yet, the rumor goes, Trump heeded the Pink Brigade within his campaign (his daughter and her houseboy), and fired this man, who has the generally hostile Dana Bash, leftist reporter from CNN, eating out of his hand. (This feat takes talent Trump doesn’t have.) Ivanka is a decorative lovely girl, but she’s no Corey. She doesn’t have his core beliefs. When she speaks, you get the impression she’s more liberal than she lets on.

Ivanka, moreover, is consumed with the shallowness of brand. Via Politico:

… Lewandowski was someone who had to go because he was identified with the early, primary-season version of Trump that, according to recent polls that show Hillary Clinton with a widening lead, is not likely to be enough to get him into the White House. According to POLITICO, “Ivanka Trump, especially, was said to be concerned about the effect of Lewandowski on the Trump family brand.”

The dismissal of Lewandowski is a blemish on someone who prides himself for his loyalty. Yet Trump loyalists refuse to say it, because they’re turning into blind followers.

Another bad omen: Establishment Republicans, masters of branding, rebranding and bullshit, are thrilled about the ousting of Lewandowski.

As is Megyn Kelly and her protege Michelle Fields, tartlet and false accuser. Both were overjoyed, feeling vindicated, presumably.


For months, tension had been building within the Trump campaign and small circle of advisers. Simultaneously, a quiet campaign to convince the New York billionaire to cut Lewandowski loose was gaining traction.
The breaking point: Lewandowski had gone one step too far by targeting Trump’s family.
The relationship between Lewandowski and Jared Kushner, the husband of Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, grew increasingly strained.
Fired Trump campaign manager: ‘No regrets’
Rumors that Lewandowski had attempted to plant negative stories in the press as part of a broader strategy to “take Jared down” sealed Lewandowski’s fate, sources said.
Multiple sources told CNN that Ivanka Trump and Kushner were central to Donald Trump’s ultimate decision to fire Lewandowski.