Mark Zuckerberg Vows To Provide A Safe Space For Persecuted Muslims

Europe, Free Speech, Homeland Security, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Private Property, Regulation

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted this quote, presumably to Facebook: “If you’re a Muslim in this community, as the leader of Facebook, I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will fight to protect your rights and create a peaceful and safe environment for you.”

Writing in The Austrian, Jeff Deist exposed more of “creep” Zuckerberg’s notorious George-Soros type machinations:

“… head Facebook creep Zuckerberg recently was overheard at a UN summit telling Angela Merkel that he would get to work on suppressing Facebook comments by Germans who have the audacity to object to the government’s handling of migrants.”

The fact that Facebook is Zuckerberg’s—it’s private property—doesn’t make the owner’s impetus less sickening.

No Wonder The Pols Think Businessman Trump’s Crazy; He Understands Scarcity

Business, Economy, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Republicans, Terrorism

Yes, it’s scarcity—the thing politicians are incapable of grasping—that’s at work in Donald Trump’s thinking. “No Wonder The Pols Think Businessman Trump’s Crazy; He Understands Scarcity,” now on The Unz Review, argues that Donald J. Trump’s Muslim moratorium is rooted in an aversion, so natural to a business man, to squandering scarce resources, money or manpower.

“… Good businessmen are programmed differently than politicians. As a tremendously gifted entrepreneur, Trump is averse to squandering scarce resources, money or manpower.

By contrast, politicians do not understand the natural economic reality of scarcity. They control the production of money for their promiscuous purposes, and they exert power over millions of interchangeable people in their territorial jurisdiction.

To a politician, 14 lives in 322 million is a small price to pay for “our freedoms.” Trump’s political rivals look at the price exacted by a Muslim like Syed Farook and his bride in the aggregate. Fourteen dead is not a steep price to pay for unfettered immigration from Islamic countries, peddled politically as “our values,” “our tolerance,” “our greatness.” This callous calculus is second nature to politicians like Lindsey Graham or Darth Vader Cheney. …

Not to Trump. “This must stop. We can’t have this,” he roared.

See, statistics are funny things. Insignificant probabilities, in this case an attack on each one of us, are immaterial unless they happen to YOU or ME. It is this calculus that politicians peddle. They rely on the fact that we’ll adopt their sloganeering because each one of us is unlikely to die by Muslim.

But to do nothing stateside, as Trump’s rivals imply, is to accept that lives lost are, in the grand scheme, insignificant.

The opposite is true for Trump. Taking losses offends his sensibilities. Trump, the consummate businessman, abhors and is angered by the preventable squandering of scarce assets: American lives. (Yes, Trump is an America Firster.) The death of a few Americans pains Mr. Trump, something that cannot be said about Obama, Hillary, Bernie or any of the insider GOPers.

How can you tell? The politicians – Rubio, Ryan – offer up platitudes; political niceties to excite the asses in the anchor’s chair. They propose nothing to stop the slaughter, stateside. Instead, they demand a leap of faith – that you believe dropping “daisy cutters” on Muslims in the Middle East (only on the bad ones, naturally) will reduce the danger to Americans at home.

The instincts of private enterprise and politics – never the twain shall meet. Private-enterprise driven considerations are aimed at conserving, not squandering, scarce resources. If it loses an asset, the Trump Organization hurts.

Read the rest. “No Wonder The Pols Think Businessman Trump’s Crazy; He Understands Scarcity” is now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

The Opportunity Costs* Associated With Consumption Of Toxic Commentary

Economy, Intelligence, Journalism, Liberty, Media

QUESTION: “Why are insightful commentators and thinker whose observations have predictive power generally barred from the national discourse, while the usual foolish, false prophets are called back for encores?”

ANSWER: “The opportunity costs associated with consumption of toxic punditry are low or non-existent. Having their worldview affirmed, even affirmed in a parallel universe, is worth a lot to news consumers, who are keener to avoid the pains of cognitive dissonance than to get the real deal.”

I plagiarized myself above. “PUNDITS, HEAL THYSELVES!” (2004) is still correct after all these years.

However, the shift is coming. The cost of following the bimbos and their TV beaus and anchor, left and right, is rising. Advice: Look at their legs, don’t listen to their words.

Opportunity cost (a concept your kids teacher likely doesn’t know): “The benefit that is sacrificed by choosing one course of action rather than the next best alternative.”

The Week’s Trump-Dominated Tweets (December 5 To 9)

Ilana Mercer, Islam, Jihad, Media, Politics, Terrorism, The State