NEW COLUMN: Self-Ownership & The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock

Conservatism, COVID-19, Critique, Democracy, Democrats, Government, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Private Property, Republicans

NEW COLUMN is “Self-Ownership & The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock.” It’s currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American and American Greatness.


It matters not that the few “Republican governors crusading against vaccine mandates are [allegedly] facing significantly lower approval ratings on their handling of the coronavirus pandemic than their counterparts,” as Politico purports. (Don’t believe Politico!)

What matters is that governors like Texas’ Greg Abbott, who “flat-out banned vaccine requirements, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, followed up by vowing to sue the Biden administration.”

These two governors are unique in upholding natural, inalienable, individual rights—the right of self ownership, bodily dominion; the stuff mocked by President Joe Biden, wearing a ghoulish grin.

The Biden reference is to a recent, highly contrived CNN townhall, during which “moderator Anderson Cooper noted that as many as one in three emergency responders in some major cities are refusing to comply with city vaccine mandates.”

“I’m wondering where you stand on that,” inquired Cooper. “Should police officers, first responders be mandated to get vaccines? And if not, should they be mandated to stay at home, let go?”

“Yes, and yes,” replied the president.

Disinterred for the day, Biden went on to mock the quaint notion of bodily autonomy with a demented quip, “I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID. I mean, come on, freedom.”

Bodily autonomy, self-determination and self-ownership: Were our representatives to frame the vexation of vaccine mandates in the correct language of natural rights—we’d get the right answers, more likely to be followed by rights-upholding legislation.

But are Republican representatives doing so? Are our representatives who art in D.C. doing anything but wait in Tucker Carlson’s green room?

When it comes to Covid-19, only the following arguments are permissible as an objection to the Covid vaccine mandate. “Exemptions from employer-mandated coronavirus vaccines [are] in [these] three general areas“:

* natural immunity
* religious objection
* medical objection …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Self-Ownership & The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock.” It’s currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American and American Greatness.

UPDATE II (11/16/021): Republican Argument Against COVID Mandates Indirectly Capitulates To Coercion

Argument, Business, COVID-19, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Natural Law, Paleolibertarianism, Private Property, Republicans

It matters not that the few “Republican governors crusading against vaccine mandates are [allegedly] facing significantly lower approval ratings on their handling of the coronavirus pandemic than their counterparts,” as purported by Politico. (I don’t believe Politico.)

What matters is that governors like Texas’ Greg Abbott, who “flat-out banned vaccine requirements, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed up by vowing to sue the Biden administration.” These two are upholding, natural, inalienable, individual rights—the right of self ownership, bodily dominion, the stuff mocked by Joe Biden thus:

During the event, moderator Anderson Cooper asked Biden his thoughts about reports of emergency responders in different cities refusing to comply with city vaccine mandates. Cooper asked Biden whether he thought such workers should be fired, encouraged to stay home or be allowed to keep their jobs.

Were our representatives to frame the issue of vaccine mandates in the correct language of natural rights, namely bodily autonomy, self-determination—we’d get the right answers, more likely to be followed by rights-upholding legislation.

But are Republican representatives doing so? Are our representatives who art in DC doing anything but wait in Tucker Carlson’s green room?

When it comes to Covid-19, only the following arguments are permissible as an objection to the Covid vaccine mandate. “Exemptions from employer-mandated coronavirus vaccines [are] in [these] three general areas“:

*natural immunity
*religious objection
*medical objection.

And one hears support for outcome-based coercion because it  works; rights-violations work. This latter argument is a scandal:

Leana Wen, an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University, said she approves of the administration’s push for employer-based mandates because “frankly nothing else was working.”

As an objection to the Covid vaccine, nowhere is a rights-based argument or an argument based on the right to question the safety of the vaccine being advanced by the idiots who represent us. “Exemptions from employer-mandated coronavirus vaccines are in three general areas” only.

Self-ownership is nowhere mentioned.

UPDATE I (10/26/021): Josh Hawley to the rescue (from Fox News’ green room).

Harmeet Dhillon Dishes on Republicans and Business:

UPDATE II (11/16/021):

Thank Trump for being the first GOP president in recent memory to do his bloody job and appoint justices who uphold the Bill Of Rights:

Judge Kurt Engelhardt issues stay on mandates. At play, “liberty of individuals to make intensely personal decisions.”

Hon. Kurt Damian Engelhardt, Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, New Orleans, Louisiana and Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan, standing between The People and the effing Brandon Administration.

‘Democrats Are The Real Racists’: An Original, 2013 Mercer Meme

Argument, Communism, Democrats, Ethics, Ilana Mercer,, Morality, Old Right, Race

In my experience over two decades, our side, the Right, often flouts the traditional, honor system of citing sources and crediting originators. Especially when it comes to marginalized, utterly-independent originators: Who’s gonna defend Mercer if I borrow those shiny ideas of hers?

Well, as the great sage Rabbi Hillel said,

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
And if not now, then when?

There are ways less elegant to express how I feel about weak men without honor or a backbone. But do yourself a favor: Don’t mess with me. I’m done with those who do.

In any event, this tendency was documented in painful, but necessary, detail in “The Moral Writer’s First Commandment: Cite Your Sources!“, and in “Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually.”

When every other American commentator was kibitzing about Critical Race Theory as Marxism—including the voluble writers on Darren Beattie’s site, Revolver News—yours truly, as is her wont, had dug in her heels since 2019, insisting that CRT was ALL anti-whiteness, and nothing more, not Marxism. But the anti-whiteness of American politics has been a theme that has informed my work  since 2011.

In the latter post, I chronicle Darren Beattie’s contempt-oozing snark of a tweet about myself—this woman, as he put it—daring to assert that she was an originator of the anti-white impetus of Critical race Theory; that I was indeed first to this take on Critical Race Theory as unadulterated anti-whiteness, and that any other claims were lies.

But in our immoral politics and anti-intellectual life, Beattie, a popular young cub (who worked for Trump) trumps an unaffiliated, tenured paleolibertarian thinker and theorist with little influence. (That’s why I will no longer vote for these envenomed, disrespectful assholes. When all is said and done, they don’t give a damn about us little guys and gals.)

2. “Democrats Are The Real Racists” is a meme that originated in Mercer and is now popular across the Internet.

In “GOP Tit-For-Tat Twits,” (08.02.13 @ 10:52 pm) I wrote:

But Republicans are as dazed and confused as the rival gang, reducing wrong-doing to these PC “isms,” and partaking in the silly tit-for-tat: “No, you’re a sexist, I’m not. No, Democrats are racists; we’re the party of Lincoln.” Blah-blah. Pathetic.

The meme or idea was further fleshed out in a column, “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist” (May 16, 2014):

Why have serious libertarians succumbed to a tit-for-tat spat? Are libertarians as dazed and confused as Republicans? The latter have certainly dignified the rival gang’s Stalinist show-trial tactics, with more holier-than-thou racial one-upmanship: “Democrats are the real racists; Republicans are the party of Lincoln, the liberator of blacks. We’re against abortion and welfare because we love blacks. … Blah, blah, blah.”


The Moral Writer’s First Commandment: Cite Your Sources!

Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually

“GOP Tit-For-Tat Twits”

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist


NEW COLUMN UPDATED (10/28/021): For The West To Survive, Christians Must Toughen Up

Christianity, COVID-19, Critical Race Theory, Globalism, History, Individual Rights, Political Correctness, The West

NEW COLUMN is “For The West To Survive, Christians Must Toughen Up.” It is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American, and


The West is collapsing under the weight of authoritarian governments. These “representatives” are rapidly robbing the individual citizen of bodily autonomy, of freedom of movement, and of the ability to work, play and partake in society.

Under martial law, Australia and New Zealand have, in the course of the Covid pandemic, practically reverted to penal-colony status.

Working in tandem as a criminal syndicate, Canadian and American state and corporate entities have colluded to corner the individual, and compel him to offer up his life-blood to the Covid spike protein. That is if their Subject wants to … eat.

Covid vaccine mandates and passports. Lockdowns and quarantines. And racial subjugation to The Other, in the form of a Critical Race Theory that festoons state and civil society: Why have we rolled over? Is this white guilt? And does historical Christianity play a role?

Edward Gibbon would probably say yes.

Gibbon was the genius who wrote, in 1776, the 12 volumes that comprise “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” wherein he saddled nascent Christianity with the downfall of the Roman Empire, no less. (I read the 1943 version, which was “condensed for modern reading.”)

By so surmising, Gibbon brought upon himself the wrath of “bishops, deans and dons”—not to mention that of the great Dr. Samuel Johnson’s biographer, James Boswell. Boswell called Gibbon an “infidel wasp” for “the chapter in which he argued that the fall of Rome was hastened by the rise of Christianity.”

And indeed, Gibbon seems to point toward Christianity’s self-immolating, progressive, pathologically inclusive nature, remarking on the courting by early Christians of “criminals and women.” (Not my words.) …

… READ THE REST: NEW COLUMN, “For The West To Revive, Christians Must Toughen Up,” is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, The New American and

UPDATE (10/28/021): Anything else heroic and muscular from the de facto Christian establishment since the crusades, Sean? It seems that preaching that The Other is always better than white Christians—certainly more exotic—is now a Christian catechism.

NEW COLUMN: For The West To Survive, Christians Must Toughen Up