‘South Africa’s Bloody Freedom’

Africa,Conservatism,Constitution,Crime,Journalism,Media,Political Correctness,Race,South-Africa


There is none so complex and politically charged an issue as the new South Africa. Cosseted American journalists, for the most, can’t and won’t deal with it honestly. Barbara Simpson, WND colleague and beloved KSFO talk-show host, is not a member of the pack. In reviewing “Into the Cannibal’s Pot – Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” Barbara castigates “a world media” that are “complicit in the massive, politically correct cover-up of the gradual destruction of that country.”

In her WND column, “South Africa’s Bloody Freedom,” this grand lady reaches beyond the remit of the Mandela-worshiping masses, among whom are the insular, petty, provincial penmen of the American conservative press (pulp and pixels).

I was especially interested in her book because I’ve been to South Africa twice, not as a tourist, but spending time with people who live there, talking with them, seeing how they live, reading local newspapers and seeing it, not through rose-colored glasses, but as it is. It led me to pursue the horrors of Zimbabwe as well. The pattern is clear and almost identical.
Unfortunately, the blindness of our country continues, most recently with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg traveling in Africa.

6 thoughts on “‘South Africa’s Bloody Freedom’

  1. Dennis

    The BABE IN THE BUNKER has been around a long time and she has developed perspectives based upon her experiences and research. Ginsburg – whether it is true blindness to facts or a blindness of ideology – says what she says because to do otherwise would be to admit that individuals allow government to exist and not the other way around.

    She would become expendable, unneeded, powerless, obsolete, and as insignificant as a discarded cigarette butt on the highway.

    Some day, I hope the peoples of the world will have access to the factual, unvarnished truths that exist and then, perhaps, mankind can move forward towards a higher plane, or, am I just wasting my time thinking about these issues???

  2. james huggins

    I have been reading Ms Simpson’s work for a long time on WND and have always found her to be excellent at all times. It’s interesting that she actually has an opinion on the subject that is based on fact rather than politically correct dogma. Interesting and refreshing. “Cannibal’s Pot” should be required reading for every person who is the least bit interested in truth and logic. As far as Justice Ginsberg is concerned I think her comments on the constitution should disqualify her from being on the Supreme Court.

  3. Roger Chaillet

    “Why did your parents leave South Africa?”

    “Because they saw the handwriting on the wall.”

    These words were told to me by an attractive young woman in the spring of 1978. I had met her as a university student here in Texas. Most interesting of all? She had been born in Rhodesia, and her family had moved from there to South Africa and then to the U.S. in the mid-70s.

    As for Supreme Court justices schlepping around the Third World, what are we to make of Supreme Court Justice being robbed at the point of a machete on the island of Nevis? http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/13/us/justice-breyer-robbed/index.html No mention of the perp’s identity, but it’s not hard to determine by the demographics of the island. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevis

    Suggestion for Barbara Simpson: field trip to the Caribbean. Plenty of fodder down there good for a year’s worth of columsn.

  4. Frank Brady

    Ilana, it would be instructive for many to see hard statistics documenting the extraordinary decline that South Africa, once the jewel of the continent, has experienced since the ascent of the Mandela gang. Economic and crime indicators would be most helpful.

  5. David

    Afrikaners are beginning to form groups, such as the AWB, to protect themselves from a out of control society, that preys not only on Europeans but on native blacks.
    Orania is one solution that many Afrikaners are seeking to grow to preserve for themselves. After the brutal murder of AWB leader , Eugene Terre’Blanche, many whites are rethinking how best to protect themselves. Zimbabwe is a sad sad future that awaits South Africa if action is not taken soon

  6. james huggins

    I wonder how close the future of the United States is going to resemble South Africa and Zimbabwe.

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