To Pee Or Not To Pee is Not the Question

America,Foreign Policy,Islam,Just War,Middle East,Neoconservatism


“To Pee Or Not To Pee is Not the Question” is my new weekly column, now up on RT (the reason for the late posting was explained here). Here is an excerpt:

“It’s okay to kill ’em, but it’s not okay to pee on them once they’re dead.

This sums up the piss-poor discussion over the LiveLeak clips of “four United States Marines urinating on three dead Taliban fighters.” According the New York Times, the videos, “posted on public video-sharing Web sites including YouTube, began ricocheting around international news Web sites on Wednesday,” January 11.

The urinators “are members of the Third Battalion, Second Marines, which completed a tour of Afghanistan this fall before returning to its base at Camp Lejeune, N.C.” They kicked off the wee odyssey in the northern part of Helmand Province.

Quick to distinguish themselves were the pro-pee pundits. For a ghastly moment, I was back in 2002, watching the anchorwomen of Fox News countdown to obliterating Iraq. How like watching bitches in heat that experience was!

The force of the to-pee-or-not-to-pee position is just up Beavis and Butthead’s philosophical alley. The repartee of the two animated MTV characters, the products of Mike Judge’s genius (think “Idiocracy”), would go something like this:

Butthead: “Beavis, check this out. What’s better; to have a dude waste you or whiz on you, uh huh huh?” (Sound effects are here.)

Beavis: “Yeah, yeah, I’ll take the whiz, Butthead, gimme the whiz, yeah, yeah.” (More grunting.)

As the Daily Mail noted, the dead Afghans may have been civilians or insurgents, we simply do not know. Whichever is the case, they would have, I wager, welcomed the kind of options even Beavis and Butthead are capable of entertaining.

For the truth about the people we are pissing on and pissing off in Afghanistan is quite simple. America’s indisputably brave soldiers have been ordered to, at once, woo and war against a primitive Pashtun population. These Pashtuns disdain the central government we desperately want them to obey. So it goes: We help local groups believed to be patriotic, but, at the same time, end up establishing an authoritarian protectorate they despise. …

The complete column is “To Pee Or Not To Pee is Not the Question”. Read it on RT. Do “Like” it on Facebook and Retweet it to Twitter.

5 thoughts on “To Pee Or Not To Pee is Not the Question

  1. james huggins

    The Marines were dumb to do what they did, but so what? I wonder what the Taliban would do with dead Marines or especially live Marine prisoners. As I said, so what?

  2. Tom Kratman


    The problem with this is that it falls into the category of doing your enemy a small injury. We got nothing useful from it. They got a little propaganda, locally, internationally, and here, while their equivalent of Recruiting Command got a minor shot in the arm. Who comes out ahead on that exchange? They do. Short version: even if only a little, the Marines hurt us, and helped them. Thus, it’s not quite a “so what?” issue.

  3. Ray McClendon

    Memo to Erudites:

    “Urine a lot of trouble mister!”

    Can’t BELIEVE you missed that one Ilana.

    (mischievous grin)

    Pee.S…. just finished the chapter on Mugabe, Mbeke, and Mandela K.I.S.S.I.N.G. in your EXCELLENT book, Into The Cannibal’s Pot. Liberals do love their ‘white’ meat don’t they?

    Are there ANY real ‘journal’-ists left in America beside yourself and the Mises Institute?

    [Thanks, my long-time friend, Parson McClendon. Since you like “The Cannibal,” please contribute your always-valuable impressions in the form of a short review on Amazon.–IM]

  4. james huggins

    I guess I am looking at it from the view point of the grunts in the field. You are right, of course, which is why I said the Marines were dumb to do what they did but it’s our fault we put them in the position where they have to lay there lives on the line daily and also behave like they were members of Miss Manners etiquette class. Our people are put there by us and forced to wallow in third world crap while dealing with a ruthless, aggresive, 6th century enemy. Our troops are required to dip in the finger bowl of niceness before even shouting boo at the enemy. I understand why our guys get a little crazy and they certainly get the benefit of the doubt from me.

  5. John Danforth

    So we promote an irrational hatred and fear of these primitive people, send our troops to occupy an area and subjugate the inhabitants, then act shocked over an act like this? These men are simply reflecting the effectiveness of their indoctrination. If it were a real war against an aggressor, this is what you would WANT.

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