Category Archives: Taxation

UPDATED (2/11): Trumpeting The Hardcore Libertarian Take On Jan. 6 Capitol Incident

Democracy, Donald Trump, libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism, Propaganda, Republicans, Taxation, The State

It bears repetition, hence the repetition in this week’s column, “Trumpeting the Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Jan. 6 Capitol Incident“—an incident, riot, certainly not an insurrection—which has intensified the real insurrection, ongoing against MAGA America:


…It’s no secret that rock-ribbed libertarians—as opposed to the lite, fluffy establishment libertarian—view the State, certainly in its current iteration, as a criminal enterprise. For it operates with force and without the consent of the governed.

If you are tempted to argue this theoretical point, think only of the meaning of the 2020 election:

Upwards of 81 million people, or 51.3 percent of those who voted, not of the people, get to impose their will on more than 74 million, or 46.8 percent of the voters, as well as on the millions who didn’t vote.

Moreover, the winner in an election is certainly not the fictitious entity referred to as “The People,” but rather the representatives of the majority. And while it seems obvious that the minority in a democracy is openly thwarted, the question is, do the elected representatives at least carry out the will of the majority?

The answer is No! In reality, the majority, too, has little say in the business of governance – they’ve merely elected politicians who have been awarded carte blanche to do as they please.

Carte blanche because we are no longer a republic in which central authorities have only limited and clearly delineated powers. Certainly, all the people in the commonwealth are compelled to do as the Permanent State and the new, incoming state dictate.

No! Government governs without the consent of the governed, for the most, and with the backing of often-brutal police powers. …

MORE on WND, The Unz Review, or The Quarterly Review.

UPDATE (2/11):

Jan. 6 shows the difference between the paleoconservative (Pat Buchanan) and the paleolibertarian (me): Buchanan: “Of all the riots in 2020 and 2021, [Jan. 6] was the unforgivable one.” Me: Destroying private property is way worse than harming the state.

UPDATED (1/22): NEW COLUMN Offers A Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Storming Of The Capitol Building

Free Speech, Government, libertarianism, Liberty, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Private Property, Taxation, The State

NEW COLUMN, “About Those Citadels of Statism (I Mean, Democracy),” examines the attack on the Capitol Building from the perspective of the “rock-ribbed libertarian—as opposed to the lite, establishment libertarian.”

For now, you can read it on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

An excerpt:

… A certain kind of libertarian, the good kind, distinguishes clearly between those who, like BLM, would trash, loot and level private property—the livelihoods and businesses of private citizens—and between those who would storm the plush seats of state power and corruption.

For the State is an entity that, by definition, forsakes the legitimate defense of the lives, liberty and property of its citizens. The State’s standard operating procedure is to fleece us without flinching, all the better to fatten its members and, reflexively, to increase their sphere of influence.

Libertarians who live by the axiom of non-aggression will always prefer the man who proceeds against the State, governed as it is by force, to the man who destroys private property, rooted as that institution is in peaceful, just, voluntary transactions.

There, I’ve said it!

It’s no secret that rock-ribbed libertarians—as opposed to the lite, establishment libertarian—view the State, certainly in its current iteration, as a criminal enterprise. For it operates with force and without the consent of the governed. …

… Truth be told, to the non-statist libertarian, those “citadels of democracy” mean very little that is good.

Our country is not to be equated with our Capitol. …

… READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN, “About Those Citadels of Statism (I Mean, Democracy), is on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

Readers agree:


Again Miss Mercer, solid and on target! Well stated! I am becoming a fan of your ability to see reality for what it truly is.


“this column is just so good and on the money, that I have nothing to add. This alone, ‘In contrast, the ragtag men and women of the MAGA movement stormed only the seat of power and corruption that is the State,’ is worth the price of admission.”

Uncle Ed

That was like a splash of cold water in my face. Thanks, I needed that.


This is perhaps the BEST column I’ve ever read in a long time.

The bolsheviks’ reaction to the riot at the capital It reminds me of a line from the musical “1776”,

“A rebellion is always legal in the first person, such as “our rebellion.” It is only in the third person – “their rebellion” – that it becomes illegal.”

*Image courtesy The Mirror


If Mass Migration Is So Magic, Why Is The World On Fire?

Democracy, Globalism, IMMIGRATION, Lebanon, Multiculturalism, Politics, Taxation, Welfare

“The simplest way to make the world richer,” lectures Robert Guest of the open-borders Economist magazine, “is to allow more people to move. Yet the politics of migration has never been more toxic,” he laments.

While extolling endless migration to the West, in the same, November 16th-22nd issue, the magazine depicts a world beset by unrest:

“It is hard to keep up with the protest movements under way around the world. … only the global unrest of the late 1960s was similar in scope.”

The writers point to a movements that “seem strikingly unconnected and spontaneous.”

The Economist, moreover, agrees that it is almost impossible to impose “a pattern on these seemingly random events”—in Lebanon, a tax on WhatsApp; in Hong Kong, “proposed laws allowing the extradition of criminal suspects to China”; in Britain, Brexit, in affluent Chile a sense of inequality.

Inching slowly toward stating the truth, it is eventually conceded that the global unrest is affecting “well-functioning democracies” as well.

In fact, “a related phenomenon [in the unrest equation] is the weakening of the bargain at the heart of Western-style democracy—that losers, who may represent a majority of the popular vote, will accept rule by the winners until the next election. The millions on the streets do not accept the patience that trade-off demands.”

A weakening of the bargain at the heart of Western-style democracy” why? Because flooding western democracies with foreign people has created societies that share no bonds other than the quest to extract as much as possible from the political process.

* Image courtesy The Economist, Polaris/eyevine.

OBAMA: ‘Migrant’ Kids ‘Who Do Not Have Proper Claims Will Be Repatriated’

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Kids, Taxation

So glad my main 2020 election issues are being addressed, and that campaign promises are being fulfilled so splendidly. These are two snacks a day for illegal migrant children (whom Obama instructed to go home.) Plus recreation, education and other stuff to the tune $4.5 billion.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek when I say these are tax dollars well-spent. After all, Americans pay taxes so that their government may look after The World.

Listen to what Barack Obama had to say about putting in place deterrents against kids sent here illegally, as well as returning THEM TO SENDER when they do come here uninvited.

“Obama: Migrant children without claims will be sent home.”