Monthly Archives: December 2012

Could Her Subjects Be Making Kate Middleton Sick?

Britain, Business, Natural Law, Private Property, Taxation

Great American enterprises like Amazon, Starbucks and Google have braved Britain’s (UK, England, whatever is the politically correct term for that nation of shopkeepers) punitive labor laws and onerous regulations; invested capital in that place—only to have British ingrates complain bitterly.

What is the “tax shaming” public protesting, NOW?

These businesses have found creative ways of keeping more of what is rightfully theirs: their private property, their profits. It is just and good that property remain privately owned. Efficiency is secondary to the issue of natural justice. Still, more private property in the hands of its owners means greater prosperity for all.

When Brit Mike Buckhurst wails that he feels “very passionate about this because at one point in my life I was a top rate tax payer and I paid my tax in full,” he is expressing envy, nothing else—envy that The Other Guy is keeping more of what belongs to him, when he is not.

A good person would be glad about any private property that remains with those who rightfully own it.

(Btw, in loserville—where the US is headed—you are in the “higher” tax bracket when you earn £34,371!)

Yes, British protesters, with their unbounded enthusiasm for state power, prefer that their omnivorous state own what belongs to Amazon, Starbucks and Google.

Tax havens are just that: havens. Laws regulating how people use their rightful capital are unjust laws. The official line always omits, moreover, that wealth in the hands of its rightful owners enriches all sectors of the population more than funds in the sticky paws of officials. Keeping more of one’s income is not “harmful” to the rightful owners of capital, or to the beneficiaries of its investment, which include any and all bar the taxman.

The junta of high-tax governments is always leaning on jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and the Isle of Man. If the junta has its way, not only will there be no place left to run to, but by eliminating what tax havens offer, these governments will have eliminated tax competition, and with it the imperative to downsize their fiefdoms.

MORE @ “The War on Tax Havens.”

Could her British subjects be making the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton) sick? They sure make me sick.

Walk Like An Egyptian

Barack Obama, Constitution, Democracy, Democrats, Government, Liberty, Media, Middle East, Propaganda, Republicans, The State

“This just in: The Secret Service backed by the District of Columbia Police Department is battling thousands of protesters outside President Barack Obama’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ‘palace,’ prompting the socialist ‘leader to leave the building. Officers fired teargas at up to 10,000 demonstrators angered by Obama’s November … decree that expanded his powers. ‘The people want the downfall of the regime,’ the demonstrators chant. ‘Our marches are against tyranny and the constitutional … decree, and we won’t retract our position until our demands are met.'”

The excerpt was from “Walk Like an Egyptian,” the current column. Read more about “the competing realities presented” by an apoplectic press with “a stars-and-stripes bias,” and my hope that Americans act more like Egyptians.

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UPDATED: Sarin On Syria? (Boobus Americanus Rides Again)

Iraq, Just War, Media, Middle East, War, WMD

A sudden flood of assertions by our media asses that President Bashar Assad is about to poison “his people” with the Sarin nerve agent sounds as credible as Colin Powell’s WMD multimedia presentation to the UN, to justify the invasion of Iraq.

You are wont to read, for example, that “A senior U.S. official told Fox News” that Syrian forces were loading bombs with “components of sarin gas.”

No names, no specifics.

Sarin on Syria is probably the Obama Administration’s casus belli for a ground invasion.

DEBKAfile’s anonymous military sources, via RT, report that, “The USS Eisenhower, an American aircraft carrier that holds eight fighter bomber squadrons and 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast yesterday in the midst of a heavy storm, indicating US preparation for a potential ground intervention. …[The] Terminal High Altitude Air Defense [THAD] system and … the AEGIS system, which counters missiles that can reach outside the atmosphere,” are allegedly “aboard the USS Eisenhower.”

UPDATE (Dec. 7): When a ruse to get Americans to go along with war works, use it again, and again, and again. WMD got the US “safely” into Iraq. “Safely,” because, aside from a marginalized few (this one, for example), Boobus Americanus asked very few questions, and still cares not a whit about the legitimacy of maiming and killing hundreds of thousands Iraqis and Americans, and bankrupting our country.

The “blustery and bellicose bodybuilder luridly bulked up on steroids” may be set to ride again.

“There are no confirmed reports that Damascus is preparing to use chemical weapons in the ongoing Syrian conflict,” confirms the UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

And a reminder for members of the booboisie: Endless are the reasons to dismantle the U.N., but stalling one of the US’s wars of aggressive is not one of them. (Read “U.S.: GLOBAL GOVERNOR?” before joining the thread on Facebook.)