Monthly Archives: November 2018

Watch Randi Kaye Generate Fake News For CNN

Elections, Ethics, Journalism, Media

Here is the SHAMEFUL Randi Kaye of CNN. She is not asking her subjects open-ended question, as a journalist should.

INSTEAD, Kaye’s questions suggest the right answers her subjects must furnish. And when the subjects reply, Kaye has chosen to do a partial voice-over, rather than allow the viewers to  hear their opinions unvarnished.

Disgraceful. The very embodiment of generating Fake News.

Tucker Attack: Where’s Law and Order? Sanctity of Private Property?

Free Speech, Law, Private Property

The home of Fox New personality Tucker Carlson comes under attack and his family is threatened. YET police make no arrests and, on the show, a guest, Victor Davis Hanson, intones ponderously that the solution lies in … bringing back … civics lessons to schools already root-and-branch rotten.

Other Talkers, Tucker included, waffle about rights to speech and to protest vs. some or other watered down thing that private property owners are allowed.

Property rights? The duty of the law to protect person and property? The idea that bashing a person’s front door is an assault?

Not a word about those. What the f-ck is wrong with people? Why don’t they get the idea of rights?

How far has this society and its “thinkers” strayed from understanding the fundamental and uniquely Western foundation of law and order? The sanctity of private property.

Again, even Tucker waters down what was done to him.

NEW COLUMN: Slate’s Resident Idiot Slanders Jewish Woman — Me

Argument, Judaism & Jews, Justice, Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN IS “Slate’s Resident Idiot Slanders Jewish Woman — Me.” It’s currently on and the Unz Review.

An excerpt:

When Slate magazine went after President Trump’s former speech writer, Darren Beattie, it chose to libel this writer, as well.

That’s a bully’s calculus: If you can, why not ruin the reputation of another individual, just for good measure?

Ruining reputations by labeling and libeling unpopular others is all in a day’s work for the bully, who has nothing in his authorial quiver but ad hominem attack.

The individual who penned an unsourced hit piece on me is Slate magazine’s designated “chief news blogger.”

A hit piece is “a published article or post aiming to sway public opinion by presenting false or biased information in a way that appears objective and truthful.”

Our intrepid journalist does not even feign objectivity.

Indeed, nothing screams Fake News like a “newsman” engaging in sloppy slander.

Incidentally, double-barreled surnames are largely a feminist affection. “Mathis-Lilley” happens to be male. Or, rather, an excuse for a man. Real men don’t bully, berate and bitch baselessly.

That’s what my many dogged, anti-Semitic, unmanly readers do. (Yes, I’m a Jewish, independent writer, the daughter of a scholarly, penniless rabbi. Bullies invariably target the weakest.)

The Mathis-Lilley article was published on August 20, this year, in the section called “The Slatest.” (Slate does cutesy and corny quite well.)

Mathis-Lilley lies throughout the piece, starting with the title:

“White House Speechwriter Appeared on Panel With Author Who Compared Black South Africans to Cannibals.”

It didn’t happen. No such comparisons were made. Cannibalism serves merely as metaphor in my book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.”

The origin of the title is expressly and unambiguously explained in the Introduction. “It is inspired by Ayn Rand’s wise counsel against prostrating civilization to savagery.” (p. 8)

The exact Rand quote is citation No. 15 in “Into the cannibal’s Pot.” It comes courtesy of “Robert Mayhew (ed.), Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q&A (New York, 2005).”

Unlike Mathis-Lilley’s unsourced material in Slate, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” is topped and tailed with hard evidence, and sports over 800 endnotes.

Based on the evidence presented, readers come to see “that South Africans had been tossed into the metaphorical cannibal’s pot.” (p. 9)

These are facts, not slander. Slander is Slate’s purview. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Slate’s Resident Idiot Slanders Jewish Woman — Me,” is currently on and the Unz Review.

‘Just Sit Down’: POTUS Stands Up For Civility, Firmly Accosts Out-of-Control Jim Acosta

Democrats, Donald Trump, Etiquette, Journalism

“CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them,” Trump said. “You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

Trump added that the way [Jim] Acosta had treated Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was “awful.”

The president then moved to address the next questioner

(NBC News)

Trump had acted as magnificently before.

I had previously commented on “Trump’s firm, forthright, masterful control” in similar situations, observing that when Trump takes control of the media scrum, he is doing something much more fundamental.

As I pointed out in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative destruction Deconstructed,” and before it:

As this writer sees it, Trump was doing something much more modest and more valuable.

Common rules of procedure are as traditionally Anglo-American as they come. Instinctively did an ethnic agitator seek to sack a common American custom. As reflexively, Donald Trump moved to restore a timeless, civilizing practice.

READ: “Megyn, Jorge and a Reaganesque Trump.

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