Category Archives: Affirmative Action

Conjugate the Verb To Lie (As In ‘Lie Down’ And Not ‘Lay an Egg’)!

Affirmative Action, America, Conservatism, Culture, Education, English, Gender, Paleoconservatism

Forgive this English patriotism. In dumbed-down America, it would, no doubt, be derided as elitist. By extension, meritocracy and an emphasis on canon and curriculum are considered elitist — and even petty.

After all, the aim is for societal  institutions to look properly diverse. And, if this sort of diversity is to be achieved—our institutions must reflect diverse standards as well. There is no getting away from it.

The now-acceptable lack of proficiency with English grammar means that there is more crap (a good, honest adjective in this context) grammar to report, this time from an “editor” at Chronicles magazine, a conservative magazine of culture.

SHE “writes” (as she sins indulgently and promiscuously in using the Imperial “I” 1000 times, in what is a cardinal sin in writing):

“You probably expect me to now explain how awful COVID was, how I LAID around in bed.”

Past tense of “lie” down is LAY.  It’s, “…how I lay around…”

Our laid-up  “editor,” who happens to write at the 8th-grade level at Chronicles Magazine, would have been correct to write that “the chicken laid an egg.” In so writing, she would be conjugating the verb to “lay,” as in “lay tile” or “lay the table” for dinner, too.

How deep runs the institutional rot—and how disgraceful it is—that people who call themselves “editors”; market themselves as such–are bestowed with the honorific; get paid to titivate the works of their betters–are, themselves, incapable of conjugating English verbs.

RELATED: “The Dissident Right Has An Idiocracy Problem” By Juvenal Early

Once Upon A Time: Intellectual Debate Before Institutional Rot

Affirmative Action, America, Britain, Education, Gender, Intelligence

Brilliant British men and women, unlike their American counterparts, think it is “better to be paid with honor than with money.”–Gore Vidal.

In this clip, Frank Delaney talks to Enoch Powell and Gore Vidal, on BBC2, in December 19, 1982. A real treat. Agree or disagree with their banter, these are deep thinkers, adept at the conversational joust; at the art of repartee. When have we last heard this kind of quality conversation?

If only such brilliance were possible now on the national stage in either country. It’s not—purged by decades of anti-male, MeToo, affirmative action and other therapeutic and dumbing-down initiatives and policy sweeps.

In short: institutional rot.



  • Image of British politicians Margaret Thatcher and Enoch Powell at the Conservative Party Conference, Brighton, UK, 16th October 1965. (Photo by Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

UPDATE II (11/5): California Collapsing Under The Weight Of Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action, America, COVID-19, Energy, Free Markets, Intelligence

When it is reported that “among the hundreds of people who handled the blackouts from Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s emergency operations center, only a handful had any training in the disaster response playbook that California has used for a generation”—you know this is a nice way of saying:

Affirmative action.

The Associated Press found that, “The utility entered 2019 planning to ‘de-energize’ its aging electric grid during autumn windstorms, so that downed lines couldn’t spark a blaze. Yet among the hundreds of people who handled the blackouts from PG&E’s emergency operations center, only a handful had any training in the disaster response playbook that California has used for a generation, The Associated Press found.”

The emergency personnel managing the blackouts for the nation’s largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric Company,  delivers  third-world quality service to California.

From “When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down”:

When the best-person-for-the-job ethos gives way to racial and gender window-dressing and to the enforcement of politically pleasing perspectives; things start to fall apart.
A spanking new bridge collapses, new trains on maiden trips derail, Navy ships keep colliding, police and FBI failure and bad faith become endemic, and the protocols put in place by a government ‘for the people’ protect offending public servants who’ve acted against the people.

You can be sure that the same fate awaits the task of contact tracing vis-a-vis COVID. It is a highly skilled endeavor, detective work, if you will. The South Koreans, for example, to it to perfection.

Contact-tracing, however, will be used as a job-creation opportunity for the government. Instead of merit-based appointments, state and federal authorities will make politically advantageous appointments .

AP News Wild Fire Hub.

UPDATE I (11/1):
Exactly. Even Tucker, commiserating with fleeing Californians, failed to mention that they pollute every other locality at which they arrive. Idaho, apparently, is getting toxic. How low IQ can you get? Escape a place due to x, y, z; replicate x, y, z in new home.

UPDATE II (11/05): Prop 16 in California may just fail, but, somehow, I think they’ll find a way to retain That Sinking Feeling.

NEW COLUMN: ‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?

Affirmative Action, America, Argument, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, South-Africa

THE NEW COLUMN is “Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish?” It was featured first on It is also on WND.COM, the Unz Review and American Renaissance.

On Sunday, you can read it on the great American Greatness.

The column is first in a series of three. Excerpt:

The “systemic racism” refrain is a meaningless abstraction.

Operationalize the nebulous abstraction that is “systemic racism,” or get out of my face!

To concretize a variable, it must be cast in empirical, measurable terms–the opaque “racism” abstraction being one variable (to use statistical nomenclature).

Until you have meticulously applied research methodology to statistically operationalize this inchoate thing called “racism”—systemic or other—it remains nothing but thought crime:

Impolite and impolitic thoughts, spoken, written or preached.

Thought crimes are nobody’s business in a free society. (By logical extension, America is not a free society.)

The law already mandates that people of all races be treated equally under its protection. The law, then, is not the problem, logic is. In particular, the logical error of reasoning backward.

“Backward reasoning, expounded by mystery author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle through his famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes,” writes Dr. Thomas Young, “applies with reasonable certainty when only one plausible explanation for the … evidence exists.”

Systemic racism is most certainly not “the only plausible explanation” for the lag in the fortunes of African-Americans, although, as it stands, systemic racism is inferred solely from one single fact: In aggregate, African-Americans trail behind whites in assorted academic and socio-economic indices and achievements.

This logical error is the central tenet of preferential treatment—affirmative action, and assorted quotas and set-aside edicts and policies.

According to diversity doxology, justice is achieved only when racial and ethnic groups are reflected in academia and in the professions in proportion to their presence in the larger population. On indices of economic well-being, the same egalitarian outcomes are expected.

Equalizing individual and inter-group outcomes, however, is an impossibility, considering that it is axiomatically and self-evidently true to say that such differences have existed since the dawn of time. …

… THE REST: “Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish?“, on, WND.COM, the Unz Review and American Renaissance.

On Sunday, you can read it on the great American Greatness.

American Greatness, where I do verbal swordplay for civilization, is the best, cutting edge, paleoconservative webzine. Julie Ponzi, its skilled, bold editor, harnesses and enhances the best talent our side has for the battle of ideas ahead.

Busiest Comments Section is on American Renaissance.

UPDATED (8/7/020):

Readers reached are worth everything.