Glenn Beck was once informative and edgy. No longer. These days the Fox News Talker is mostly tedious, windy, preachy and plain spaced-out. “Spooky Dude” is a sobriquet Beck uses to describe his latest personal nemesis, George Soros, about whom he intones for hours on end, aided by the usual indecipherable charts. Beck is one spooked-out dude.
Beck is too boring and marshals too few facts to persuade me of anything he says these days. However, no matter the number of fatuities Beck disgorges in one session, one thing is clear: he is not an anti-Semite. Beck is no hater; he’s a nice guy. He has just become so fat-headed that he believes his own hype. A muddle-headed man who has deluded himself about being a philosopher king will ad lib himself into trouble.
Our man from La Mancha is aping Bill O’Reilly. BO’s show revolves around BO and his encounters. The mental midgets of The View will pick a fight with BO, and BO will devote the week to discussing the implications for the nation of his squabble with some bitches. Their body language he’ll dissect (“analyze” is his term for wanking on-air with junk science), his body odor his expert will break down; he’ll invite guests on to praise him and damn the dames, and vise versa, on and on.
But even BO picks up on more news items, these days, than does Beck, whose hour is bereft of any information. Beck, once a humble man, has adopted Bill O’Reilly’s braggadocio broadcasting. (Warning, Glen: that’s un-Godly!)
So now the Jewish, liberal establishment is having a go at Beck for rambling incoherent about Soros.
This is what happens when one let’s the ego take over, as Glen has done. It all began when Glen discovered that Soros had donated money to combat the Beck tidal wave. Thereon-in Beck was like a man possessed; high on his own importance for drawing Soros’ attentions. The dybbuk did not pay dividends.
On November 12, Simon Greer, president and CEO of Jewish Funds for Justice, went on Countown [sic] with Keith Olbermann to discuss Glenn Beck evoking anti-Semitic sterotypes [sic] to attack a prominent Jewish philanthropist and Holocuast [sic] survivor. In his three-day “Puppet Master” series, Mr. Beck accused Geroge [sic] Soros of “helping send the Jews to the death camps” when he was 13 years old. There has been an overwhelming response condemning Mr. Beck’s grotesque falsehoods from Abe Foxman calling it “horrific” to Elan Steinberg calling it “monstrous.”
If you’re interested (I’m not) read more about the developments on this badly spelt website.
EGO TV has taken a predictable tumble. I don’t agree with a word he says, but Simon Greer seems a sincere, refined man. This is more than one can say of Countdown Keith, into whose trap Talker Beck stepped.