Category Archives: Celebrity

UPDATE II (5/10): Bill Cosby: The Matriarchy Is Merciless, And It Has Thoroughly Feminized & Twisted US Law


This is where the #MeToo movement has led. A revenge prosecution, based on hearsay evidence, from women who act and sound demented, and facts that can’t possibly meet the rules of evidence (the ones we once abided), or be corroborated for the purposes of a just prosecution, in accordance with the legal standards of Western law (of blessed memory).

These women demand Bill Cosby, a near-blind octogenarian, be jailed for what remains of his life.

This type of woman, to the cheers of so-called conservatives, had seen to it that a groper of gymnasts  (a disgusting man, for sure)—girls abandoned by their ambitious, greedy parents—was sentenced to 175 years behind bars, more than serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

That’s the law feminized.

The jury in Bill Cosby’s retrial found the TV icon guilty of all three counts of aggravated indecent assault on Thursday for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in a Philadelphia suburb in 2004.
The 80-year-old comedian faces up to 10 years in prison on each count, but would likely serve them concurrently.
The verdict came a year after Cosby’s previous trial ended in a mistrial, as a different panel of jurors said they were deadlocked and could not unanimously agree on a verdict. This jury began deliberating Wednesday around 11 a.m., and worked for more than 14 hours over two days to reach the verdict.


UPDATE: Tom Masereau is USUALLY an amazing champion for justice. His strategy: was it at fault?

UPDATE II (5/10): Decent logic and law. Finally.

Bill Gates Advocates Higher Taxes, While Famoulsy Using His Charitable Foundation As A Tax Haven Of Sorts


What a so-and-so! Bill Gates, like Messrs. Buffett, Zuckerberg and Musk, shovel their “fortunes into a charitable foundation,” which “has the happy side-effect of reducing tax bills, too—meaning that billionaires’ schemes can leave poorer taxpayers to fill in the gaps in public spending.”—The Economist, “Billionaires and the Falcon Heavy.”

“He’s learned the art of virtue-signaling hypocrisy from his bridge buddy,” mocks investor Clifford Asness.

Microsoft founder and billionaire … Gates says he should pay more in taxes and that the government should require other superwealthy people like him to contribute “significantly higher” amounts.
“I need to pay higher taxes,” Gates, who is worth over $90 billion, said in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday.
“I’ve paid more taxes, over $10 billion, than anyone else, but the government should require the people in my position to pay significantly higher taxes,” he said.

“Billionaire Bill Gates says he should pay ‘significantly higher’ taxes.”

The Malevolent Matriarchy Is Gunning For John Kelly


NEW COLUMN, “The Malevolent Matriarchy Is Gunning For John Kelly,” is now on WND.COM. Yes, the “Kushner-Cohn Democrats” who ousted Bannon are now after the chief of staff. 

An excerpt:

What would Joan Rivers (allegedly) say about Rob Porter?

Until her untimely death, the iconic comedienne was a personality that had somehow lived on into our post-personality era.

Until his #MeToo ex-wives began baying for his blood, Mr. Porter, as good as dead politically, was President Trump’s White House staff secretary.

If the irreverent Rivers were alive today, she’d most certainly joke about Porter, the man upon whom America’s deranged matriarchy has descended:

“They should rehire Rob Porter. He is now the most vetted man in the world.”

“No wonder Porter didn’t punch his new paramour, Hope Hicks. Did you see what a knockout she is?”

In the true sense of the word, a personality is an individual with an originality and a distinctness of character and thought—a definition that precludes every member of the joyless matriarchy hammering away at the foundations of a civilized, Anglo-American society: the notion that a man defamed in the court of public opinion has the right to defend himself and confront his accusers; that there are often at least two sides to a story, and that relationships are complex and reciprocal, irreducible to the rigid, one-sided scripts enforced by certain vicious and vindictive womenfolk.

Or, “peoplefolk,” as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would say. Included among America’s malevolent matriarchy are legions of domesticated menfolk. But the liliths, especially, faces contorted, are those screeching at us from the television daily. They want White House Chief of Staff John Kelly gone. For he is alleged to have covered for Porter, calling him “a man of true integrity.” Now Porter’s wives swear he is a potential O. J. Simpson.

Kelly is a retired United States Marine Corps general. His son, First Lieutenant Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan, in 2010. While President Barack Obama had not called Gen. Kelly to offer condolences, President Trump did phone the parents of four young men lost under his leadership, in Niger, in October of 2017.

For his inarticulate but well-meaning effort, the president came under vicious attack from Frederica Wilson, congresswoman for life, it would seem, from South Florida. A Maxine Waters with a cowboy hat.

“All hat and no cattle,” quipped Sarah Huckabee Sanders, deliciously. The White House’s press secretary walked away unscathed. But a “good old white boy” like Kelly dare not assign a black matriarch like Wilson to “the long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise.” …

… READ THE REST. “The Malevolent Matriarchy Is Gunning For John Kelly” is now on WND.COM.   

Henry Kissinger Speaks: For Once, Media Didn’t Ask A Tele-Tart To Comment On North Korea


It’s hard to know whether the retarded reporters of the Daily Mail quoted Henry Kissinger inaccurately, or whether Kissinger was confused, in his comments about North Korea. The who “played a dominant role in U.S. foreign policy in the late 1960s and 1970s, [and] won the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in negotiating an end to American involvement in Vietnam,” is in his 90s.

I suspect the former. In any event, Kissinger mumbled a lot, but said eventually that “he was against forcing a military confrontation, but at the same time was in favor of putting pressure on Pyongyang.”

Fox News’ “experts” on foreign policy usually constitute a birgade of bimbos such as the barf-making Marie Harf, a hand-me-down from Obama, and a stupid, stupid girl called Jessica Tarlov. (The missing link: Meghan McCain, who’s been poached by television more liberal than Fox News.)

So it’s nice to hear, occasionally, from someone who knows a little something—even if we libertarians are not mad about Kissinger. A learned Methuselah who’s seen a thing or two is so much more enlightening than the tele-tarts.

‘Then we’re living in a new world, in which technically competent countries with adequate command structures are possessing nuclear weapons in an area where there are considerable national disagreements.
‘This … would drive a rethinking of the entire U.S. nuclear deterrent posture’ Kissinger said, as the current strategy assumes only one potential nuclear threat.


A Feature of Fox News’ Fathead Anchors: