Category Archives: China

The Power Trump Has To Wield Against The World Order And For America


Does Size Matter?
Even if they club together, for example, it is hard for other countries to match China’s clout in Asia. And there is no real substitute for America’s overall influence and power. The country spends more on defence than the next seven countries combined, produces 23% of global GDP (measured at market exchange rates) and has the world’s dominant currency. Still [some are hoping] that a joint effort can make a difference while Mr Trump is president. “A group of midsized and wealthy democracies could join forces and protect the rules-based world order.”

See “Saving The World Order: Picking Up The Pieces,” The Economist, August 4.

UPDATE (7/30): What-Aboutism: A Pale, Weak Defense Of Trump’s Pro-American Tactics With Putin


Limited government has a constitutional obligation to secure the peace by defending and protecting its constituents—not the world. Duly, and since my values are not yours and vice versa, a limited government doesn’t enforce “our values.” 

POTUS is doing just that with Mr. Putin.

Hence this Breitbart article amounts to a bit of “What Aboutism.”

In “The President’s Controversial Policy Toward Russia: The Good Guys Risk Losing If the Bad Guys Are United — Part One,” the author seems to galvanize FDR and Churchill to argue—what exactly?—that Putin is a Stalin, with whom we have to make strategic common cause?

No idea.

What Aboutism should be added to the list of logical fallacies. It is not a substantive argument to say, “Oh, lookie, FDR did it too, Churchill did it too. You like them. Why not Trump?”

The other “argument” here is that China is worse than Russia, the premise being that we should do battle with the former but not the latter. In other words, the American government, a paragon of perfection, has enemies more worthy than Russia.

It might be that Synophobia is more justified than Russophobia, but the point remains that an American president should pursue not war, but peace and prosperity, albeit through mighty strength. Those are pursued through diplomacy.

UPDATE (7/30):

POTUS & Pompeo Make Great Strides On North Korea, Are Rewarded With Double Negative Headlines


June 1, President Trump was impressive on North Korea, sharing a significant development with the media. He would “be meeting with Kim Jong-Un in the coming weeks as we seek to denuclearize the North Korean area and the entire Korean peninsula.”

“I think it is a getting-to-know-you meeting-plus. And that can be a very positive thing,” said the president.

POTUS and Mike Pompeo, U.S. secretary of state, had just met with Kim Yong Chol, a high-ranking North Korean, in talks to salvage the summit.

At the same time, the president indicated that he viewed China and South Korea as neighbors who should do the dominant policing of North Korea.

In addition to non-stop sneering during “programming,” the headline President Trump received from CNN today was a double negative, something along the lines of:

“North Korea Summit No Longer Cancelled.”

Why not run a positive headline?

“North Korea Summit is On.”


UPDATED (4/6/018): Israel’s African Migrants Are Nicer Than Ours. Do Harsh Policies Breed A Meeker, Nicer Migrant?


Israel seems to have a better class of illegal African migrant, soon to be deported, than America’s. On the news I heard a few of them speak fluent Hebrew. Hebrew is no easy language to learn. You have to be committed to your new destination to teach yourself this tough language. Impressive.

On the other hand, America’s Third World immigrants, for whom the welcome mat is always unfurled, seldom learn the language well.  They also behave arrogantly, demandingly and in a way that makes normal folks hate them, not sympathize with their plight.

My theory: Setting standards for citizenship, being tough on law and order and making it brutal for interlopers to remain in your country uninvited creates a more dedicated, genial and patriotic immigrant. Someone who wants to please, to belong.

These signs are grammatical and well-written (image courtesy the Times of Israel):

The sign below warns against littering. On our Washington-State trails, we beg the masses of migrants traipsing through to “please smile” and “share the trail with others, critters too.” We dare not lay down our rules.

Americans are liberal pussies; they beg trespassers to look upon them kindly. Israeli authorities appear to tell trespassers how to behave, unless they want to be tossed out.

Courtesy of VOANews.

African migrants wait in line for the opening of the Population and Immigration Authority office in Bnei Brak, Israel, Feb. 4, 2018.

The Chinese also value their homeland …

UPDATED (4/6/018): Importing monstrous norms and values:

Mother Hanane Mouhib Cut Off Her 7-Year-Old Son’s Head With A Kitchen Knife, Police Say.” In New York.