Israel seems to have a better class of illegal African migrant, soon to be deported, than America’s. On the news I heard a few of them speak fluent Hebrew. Hebrew is no easy language to learn. You have to be committed to your new destination to teach yourself this tough language. Impressive.
On the other hand, America’s Third World immigrants, for whom the welcome mat is always unfurled, seldom learn the language well. They also behave arrogantly, demandingly and in a way that makes normal folks hate them, not sympathize with their plight.
My theory: Setting standards for citizenship, being tough on law and order and making it brutal for interlopers to remain in your country uninvited creates a more dedicated, genial and patriotic immigrant. Someone who wants to please, to belong.
These signs are grammatical and well-written (image courtesy the Times of Israel):

The sign below warns against littering. On our Washington-State trails, we beg the masses of migrants traipsing through to “please smile” and “share the trail with others, critters too.” We dare not lay down our rules.
Americans are liberal pussies; they beg trespassers to look upon them kindly. Israeli authorities appear to tell trespassers how to behave, unless they want to be tossed out.
Courtesy of VOANews.

The Chinese also value their homeland …
UPDATED (4/6/018): Importing monstrous norms and values:
“Mother Hanane Mouhib Cut Off Her 7-Year-Old Son’s Head With A Kitchen Knife, Police Say.” In New York.